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Nexus Mods Profile

About Beccy

  1. Hi, to be breif i have 120 mods, 160 active plugins in NMM, so isolating this problem isn't going to be easy, especially seen as i've recently installed windows 10, and had to re-install all of my mods through NMM. so isolating which mod has actually caused the issue could be lengthy, Hopefully however, someone will have seen/heard or experienced this problem before and can help me isolate it faster, basically my character is automatically collecting anything in range without any keypresses from myself, (Basically any plants, or hanging food, or even items lying around. Anything that wouldn't be considered "Stolen" is collected.) I don't have auto harvest installed which is pretty much the only mod that shows up when i google. and i've tried disabling the obivious options, like Convenient horses which has a similar feature when mounted, Automatic follower looting, which has followers perform the task (Despite my not having any followers currently) and a few of the dynamic items and storage mods that i use, (Arods and Dynamic things) Would really appreciate any help isolating the issue in order to fix!
  2. Hey folks, i'm trying to find an old player home i used a long time ago, that would really suit my current playthrough. but i can't find it anywhere. It was a cave-home near the Pelagia farm outside of Whiterun. I can't for the life of me think of the name of the home, (which is probably why i can't find it!) I remember it was part of (possibly the winner of) a house-mod contest somewhere, thats how i found it. But i can't even find the contest page now, it was basically a large open cavern with different ''platforms'' used for different things, like Kitchen, Storage, Blacksmith, Alchemy, Bed, all connected via bridges, i remember a lot of running water there too, really would appreciate some help finding this mod! Thanks in advance for any help that can be offered! Beccy
  3. Keep me updated Xander, if i don't respond here message me, and good luck with your book tracking mod! keep me updated on that one too :D i have book related acheivements i need to complete! And thanks again Shomru, Xander + Ishara for your help and suggestions. Beccy
  4. None that i saw, i was looking. Also, i just had a reply from Ogerboss (Requiem Author) Saying he's no idea how his mod could overide or interfere with the GetCombatTarget function, though the function isn't greatly documented on the CK Wiki Its possible its interfering in a way he's unaware of. He did however point out that for akTarget to function properly the CK aspects of the spell need to be adjusted to Target/Projectile rather than Self - However i think this is going to stop the spell from working because all the other effects of the spell are basically on Self, From what i gather (With my limited brain!) The spell looks for a target, moves you to their position then slows time and knocks down neaby targets, the target of the spell is never the 'epicenter' just the source of the location for your players movement. unless i'm wrong. Beccy *Edit* Oh! and get to bed! :P I've waited 2 weeks to get this far with a fix, you've done more than enough already. Mush, Sleep.
  5. Wish i could report it working so you could sleep easier, but this too has hit a brick wall, the script compiled fine, sadly it has the same effect ingame, the buff runs for 5s but nothing i do will make it have any effect on hostile, or non-hostile actors. Beccy
  6. <3 Xander, Thank you for all your help so far, sweet dreams!
  7. do i still need the EndEvent at the bottom of this? because i'm getting this : Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "vRiftEffectScript"... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\vRiftEffectScript.psc(30,9): function variable target already defined in the containing script C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\vRiftEffectScript.psc(60,0): mismatched input 'EndIf' expecting ENDFUNCTION C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\vRiftEffectScript.psc(62,0): script event oncrosshairrefchange already defined in the same state No output generated for vRiftEffectScript, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on vRiftEffectScript
  8. Hmmm new code same effect, 5s buff but it doesn't trigger over the actors i highlighted, both hostile and non-aggressive like last time :(
  9. Hmmm no joy, the spells goes off, i get a 5s buff from the spell called "Phoenix Strike" but nothing else happens, i don't 'charge' at the target or anything. Tried casting it (looking off first, then moving the cursor / crosshairs over the target) first on a civilian, then when it didn't work, aggro'd a guard and tried it on them and still nothing.
  10. That one compiled perfectly, testing now.
  11. Still not compiling properly, smaller error this time though, Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "vRiftEffectScript"... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\vRiftEffectScript.psc(52,1): type mismatch while assigning to a actor (cast missing or types unrelated) No output generated for vRiftEffectScript, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on vRiftEffectScript When i tested with the last compiled effort it still tried to teleport me to 0,0,0 :S
  12. Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "vRiftEffectScript"... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\vRiftEffectScript.psc(18,1): RegisterForCrosshairRef is not a function or does not exist C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\vRiftEffectScript.psc(52,1): type mismatch while assigning to a actor (cast missing or types unrelated) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\vRiftEffectScript.psc(53,1): UnregisterForCrosshairRef is not a function or does not exist No output generated for vRiftEffectScript, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. :S Should i compile it anyway?
  13. Haha thank you for your patience and hard work here Xander, you really don't know how much this means to me, i'll test your new suggestion right now and hope for the best ^^
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