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Posts posted by crazydave

  1. So, I've been working on these meshes in blender. I have my nif scripts, niflib, python, nifscope, and all the other software i need. But the thing is I can't remember how to set up the logic on the collision mesh :wallbash: . I think Mr.Silca used to have a great tutorial on the Nexus, but i can't find it anywhere :confused: If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
  2. What I think would be cool is, instead of Arena being fights to the death, they become fights to very low health. That way, we could have a sort of League of Fighters where we can travel the land, visiting different cites and fighting for the league title. That way, the title would be something that can be won or lost and defended.


    It could be multiplayer, as well as singleplayer. What do you guys think?


    An Evil campaign should also be made a priority.


    Its funny you should mention that, since thats how TES Arena (the first one) was originally intended to be. It might be kind of fun to travel to different arenas all over Tamriel, but for the sake of our computers, the player might need to be restricted to the cities, or mabey even just the Arenas.

  3. Hey, I'm not actually sure if someone has created this, but I believe I once saw a Fire Atronach Race mod? As in, one that allows you to play as a Fire Atronach (Obviously). I might be thinking of the one for Morrowind, but I thought I saw one for Oblivion too.

    I dont think ive ever seen an atronach race, but mabey you are thinking of this, playable Flame Atronach armor.

  4. Again, you amaze me with your wit and wisdom mustardman 8) . I think while this is a very hotted debate, we must not lose control of ourselves. Keep it passionate, keep it intense, but PLEASE! keep it polite. Many of us believe oblivion was too vanilla while many of us don't mind it. I think the main point we should ask ourselves is what the consequences of the dumbing down of oblivion are going to be. does it signal in a new trend on how companies are going to build games. was it as Bethesda intended or did they rush it. Yes I admit asking for a petition was moronic on my part but it is a shame to see oblivion go the way it did. Seeing how my opinions clashed with others I think we should minimalize our frustration on oblivion and what it could of done and rather we should now ask ourselves what vanilla oblivion implies to the future of gaming. where are we going?

    I dont think there is any thing to be worried about. Although Oblivion isn't the terrible game everyone clams that it is, I will admit it just wasn't up to par. But that shouldnt be seen as a sign of things to come. Nintendo (The last of a long line of companies that actually care what you think) pushed the release of LOZ:Twighlight Princess back by almost a year because they wanted to ensure that it was flawless. So I guess the question is how long are you willing to wait for that perfect game?

  5. >:( >:( >:( >:( I have had it. What Bethesda has done has sicken me to the core. I say all who agree with I and everyone on this post that we should commit ourselves to write a petition to Bethesda. tell your friends, family, whomever agrees with you to join the petition. Any who Agree with me say I

    Umm, A petion to do what exactly? To do a better job next time? As much as I love the idea of getting up in arms for a cause, I really dont see a just reason. So you think they made a horrabel game. Name one software that hasen't. The only person you should be mad at is yourself for buying it, but on the bright side, you will know better next time.

  6. Has anyone brought up the lack of toilets or people who seem to be providers of food? Wait... Best not to think about that one too much, maybe there's a reason why Bravil specializes in illusion.


    Or, how Alyied ruins which have been sealed for centuries still manage to have unspoiled potions, food, and recently written books. Even within Pale Pass i've somehow managed to get a guidebook for Chorrol, despite the fact that the whole area has been unexplored in the contemporary era.



    Well if we really compare it to medevil ish times, weren't toilets just a hole? Granted I don't see those either, but I wouldn't expect to find porcelain.


    Have you guys been to Crucible? Call me crazy, but im pretty sure those aren't puddles of water all over the place ;)

  7. Sword ownership rights have been under heavy fire since they were determined to be the leading cause of death during the Siege of Acre in the third crusade.


    WTF o_O ! These people do realize that was over eight hundred years ago, dont they. And besides, can you actually imagine some kid trying to hide a long sword in his back pack?

  8. I loved the look of steel, but at high levels it just wasn't effective enough. And thieves don't really need anything beyond leather. That really doesn't work at level 30 under this system.


    Thats a good point, They made everything else in Oblivion more realistic (buildings, plants, ect) but they still went with those tacky armors... What were they thinking?



    Another thing that buged me was that every day was exactly the same as the last. There should be some random nonquest related events. Like for example, You walk in to your favorite store and find out they are having a sale and everything is 50% off. Or you walk in to town and one of the gaurds tells you there is a dangerious (unleveled) murderer on the lose. So you will never know whats going to happen tomorrow.

  9. How some creatures, like ogres, actually are waiting for you in dungeons or caves but can't fit through the doors/corridors that would lead out. How did they get in there in the first place?

    Maybe they get in there when they are young, and just eat and eat and eat 'till they can't fit through the door.

    Or mabey they used TCL... man I hate when ogres cheat.

  10. In the "Female EyeCandy Body Replacer Underwear" mod screenshots [found here] could somebody please point me to mods or save files that give those faces?

    Those are probably faces he made for his charicter, you might have better luck if you PM him about them.

  11. Here is a hoping that the Bethesda will take all the top mods and and work them in the next oblivion update... Patches,content,Ai upgrades,combat tweeks, HUD tweeks, darkness tweeks, dual wield combat.... The whole damn lot! Its free.... The mods belong to Bethesda anyway so why not take them and polish them so it all fits in.. So much great weapon/armour/story that they wont need to make themselves .


    For starter they only own the plugin file, all custom textures, meshes, and animations belong to thier creator. Secondly if bethsofts next move was to take all the great mods you can get for free, stick them together, and make us pay for them, the modding community would more than likely revolt. If Bethesda ever gets that lazy, I think people would stop buying thier games, I know I would.

  12. What would I do if I was a chief dev at Bethsoft...Fire the publisher? No, really - games like this should be modular. You buy the game and it's "game world" is like the size of Vivec - in Oblivion's case - some sort of Imperial City with the sewers and the imperial isle.

    Most serious gamers would probable tear through that in a single night. Not to mention that they would charge you another twenty bucks(mabey more) for every expansion, so youd probly end up paying close to one or two hundred dollars for something the size of vanilla Oblivion. A modular game does sound like a good idea, but the best way to do that is probably through mods.

  13. let me start by saying Oblivion was my first TES game. So I didnt really have so many high expectations of it. Oblivion by its self is not a bad game. But after finding the forums and hearing good things about morrowind, I decided to pick it up. I can see now why so many people are disappointed by TES4. They set the bar way to high with Morrowind. As I said in a previos post, Bethsoft probably has the resources to make a game that will blow us all out of the water, but it would take way to long to develop. Unfortunatly they sacraficed playability for graphics, and thats a decision that we have to live with.
  14. But there aren't really enough music packs to make it worth a new category. Just search for 'music'.

    Actually I got 70 results for music, witch is more than some of the other catagoriees like the Official Plugins section witch only has 21 files.


    BTW why is there an Official plugin section. The only offical file in there is the outdated 1.1 patch.

  15. I think that if Tes V were online it wouldnt have many of the features Oblivion has now.

    And why is that? Why, if TES V were online, would it have to have less features? Is there some law somewhere saying that if a game is online it can't be as good as if it weren't?

    Yes there is, its called moderation. Im sure that Bethsoft has the resources to make TES V have a near unlimited playable area, with thousands of new role playing activites, multiplayer capibilities, and graphics that put Oblivion to shame. But do you have any idea how long it would take to do anything nearly as awsome as that... probably three times longer than anyone is willing to wait. Not to mention that it would require a monster computer to use any of it.

  16. Well, I tried using OBMM to move it to the bottom of the load order, then I went and unchecked any mods I thought might conflict with it. Neither worked, and she still gives me only rumors. Quite vexing. Any thoughts on the exact mod that might cause the conflict? Any console commands I can use to work around?

    Any further help would be great.


    quote from the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages

    Enter: setstage ND03 20. This will move you to the next stage of the quest and give you the quest update. If it doesn't add the quest marker, just go directly west and you'll come to a grove surrounded by trees. Stand here and wait for the quest update.
  17. Actually, my speculation is that after the events of TES IV, the provinces will rebel. If TES V doesn't take place on Akavir, it will likely deal with that war...maybe Tosh Raka will take that opportunity to invade Tamriel...hmm...


    Are you sure about that rebelion. I can think of dozens of real life historical events, where a tyranical dictator has risen from such chaos, and been able to focous the agression of the people on forign states. Nothing unifies a nation like war. It is posible( and also a better plot than yours) that in TES V we may see an evil empire viciously attacking some of the other nations of Nirn, mabey the player will have to fight to repell these invaders and protect thier country. Bethesda probly wont do either of our ideas, but thats thier loss.

  18. The most Important part of any game is the setting. So far every TES game has had a setting in Tamriel, and I dont know about you guys but Tamriel is starting to get a little old to me. I want to travil to a distant contenent that has never been seen. I want new and unique weapons. I want new abilitys. I want new role playing opertunitys. and most importantly, I want a better story line.
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