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About jfmherokiller

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  1. Unreal Mod Unlocker added support for TheOuterWorlds ( see git commit here https://github.com/IllusorySoftware/UnrealModUnlocker-Public/commit/c20939c13d6311fe788a0c02dca47627a87db7bf ) This basicly means Packing your mod is technically optional now as long as you use the unlocker.
  2. thanks ill check it out seems like a possibly better ui then darnui
  3. first up this would function like the search function in skyui, the function seen here but it would be reworked to work with the pipboy ui. entry point into the search would probably be through this dialog this is chosen since im not sure if we can make use of the f key. from what i can tell this would be implemented in PipBoy_MapPage.swf possibly inside of the MapHolder class. (based off code seen here ) for the actual search part it would probably function like one of these wherein the up and down arrows "rotate in the letters a-z0-9 and the left and right arrows would change the input "place". This is because I am not sure if its possible to pull up a spot to type into. In order to filter the markers it would possibly be a for loop that would do a case insensitive string contains lookup.
  4. I figured out a way todo it RE::TESForm* StringToForm(const std::string& formHex) { const RE::FormID Playerform = std::strtoul(formHex.c_str(), nullptr, 16); const auto RefTesting2 = RE::TESForm::LookupByID(Playerform); return RefTesting2; } template <typename T> T* StringToForm(const std::string& formHex) { const RE::FormID Playerform = std::strtoul(formHex.c_str(), nullptr, 16); const auto RefTesting2 = RE::TESForm::LookupByID<T>(Playerform); return RefTesting2; } also both the lookup function and the well table of references exist.
  5. I am working on a version of callglobalfunction for skyrimse and while i could figure out how to handle the base types like int,string,float. I don't know how to convert `0000014` to say `Actor`. for the base for the skse64 plugin i am making use of this library. https://github.com/Ryan-rsm-McKenzie/CommonLibSSE My current thought process is to use this function https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/stol to convert the ref to an int and figure out if there exists a kind of keyval store or array that the game populates. My current code is here https://github.com/jfmherokiller/QuickjsSKSE64Plugin its more meant to implement a javascript modding environment so i might split off the callglobalfunction part to a separate plugin.
  6. it might be easier to code a shader for skyrim then it would be to figure out how to call into ENB from paparus.
  7. I will also say that I did attempt to create a kind of js to paparus transpiler frontend early on but i threw it out because It needed extensive patches to the base executable and other dlls. I tried to use a version of antlr3 close to the original and succeeded to generate a lexer and parser but I was unable to figure out how to best connect the needed parts of the original. By original parts i mean the "scriptObjectType", "scriptPropertyType", "scriptscope", "ScriptVariableType" types.
  8. Has anyone thought of or attempted to modify the compiler using tools such as harmony? I have been trying to setup a thing myself here https://github.com/jfmherokiller/PaparusCompilerSetupIdea The basic idea is to possibly add support for transpiling other languages to papyrus or even adding additional optimization steps.
  9. I am surprised you can trace the object I thought attempting to trace it would either be an empty output or CTD.
  10. I will also say the reason I wanted the list was so i could see what functions are available for the console because I wanted to possibly make a version of this mod for fallout 4 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/70801 so far im only focusing on console history.
  11. Thanks, I was also able to find this https://github.com/reg2k/fo4-vertibird-jump/blob/master/src/VertibirdJump.cpp and ive been trying to well use it as a conceptual framework to look at the disassembled code. I know its probably not whats directly used but i like to believe if they did something that made sense that would be it. (eg check string of path agenst a list).
  12. I was wondering if anyone had a list of the functions that are exposed to the scaleform/flash side of the game. Through alot of google-foo (and some looking in ghidra) I so far found that the system seems to work via functions/properties of the object ("BGSCodeObj" also seems to exist as "_arg_1") which is exposed to the class "BGSExternalInterface". It also seems that the functions which are exposed depends on possibly the path of the swf. What I am essentially looking for is something along the lines of this: Interface/games/* executeCommandLooksmenuPipboyInventory sortItems
  13. i just read this and legitimately cried since i used filefront alot back in the day for modding purposes
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