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About Trashhead

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    United States
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    Skyrim or attempting to learn to make mods
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  1. Yup. Still watching it. Not played in a long while with ESO coming out but still watching thread. :)
  2. Says files are currently hidden. =\
  3. Very nice. Reminds me of something from immersive armors.
  4. Not sure. Combat monks. Robes with a bit of armor maybe? Actually, this guy did a decent job of it. Me being an armor guy I like seeing metal on things classified as armor so it's a decent start! http://theskyrimblog.ning.com/group/character-building/forum/topics/character-build-the-monk-yismir-dragon-of-the-north?xg_source=activity
  5. So, I was actually thinking. Skyre makes unarmed combat kinda possible, ever thought of something like a Monks armor?
  6. I've noticed that alot of the modders use symbols and the like on their armors and that always makes them a big hit. Also some tend to like dirtier armor, while others like shiny armor. I like shiny armor shows the blood better. :D
  7. Currently working on something similar to that but it has quite a bit of clipping issues and some parts of the armor are not showing up right. By this week there should be 3 or 4 more armors ready for publishing Looking forward to seeing them! I've already been watching the thread. :D And I don't mind giving ideas. Lol. I'll post em as I think of them. :D
  8. Posted this awhile ago when I tried to get into modding. Lol. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/814220-weaponsarmormodthanks/ There's like 2 examples there. http://imgur.com/ZvkDeg3 And another. You could even make another bigger version of the Witch Hunter and Lost Blade armors you have already. :)
  9. Honestly I've always been a heavy armor kinda guy. Nice and bulky are my loves for armor. But it's also gotta look decent. Seems most mods here do light and medium armor. If you're looking to make heavy armor as well I could always help try pitching ideas I had long ago when I tried to self teach myself how to make an armor mod. Lol. Sooo gave up on that when I had to reinstall windows. >.< But those armors look good either way! :)
  10. Hmm. Legend of the Eagles nest seems... Small and short. DwarvenHaven doesn't really say much about its self. Lol. Looks neat though don't get me wrong. First one you mentioned is better I think so far.
  11. You sir, are awesome. Those ideas would be amazing. Lol.
  12. Nchuzzrezar is a good one IMO. That one is basically exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks alot! If anyone has anymore do tell/share. :)
  13. Hello! This forum here is exactly what I was looking for. Lol. I was wondering if any of you nice peeps have heard of a mod that lets you clear out ruins, then slowly start building it up into say a fort or something. I like the ones they have now. Building your own home and all. But I like seeing something old and ruined turned into something awesome. Like an abandoned castle you pay to have repaired, build walls, repair buildings so blacksmith and the like can be hired. Asking alot I know, but it is passion. xD
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