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Everything posted by Joepk0201

  1. I am playing story mode, I should've clarified that earlier. Alright, so there's no reason to modify anything related to enclaves in that case? The amount of infestations can probably be fixed by just increasing the amount of outposts I have then I guess. I'm guessing that increasing the 'RespawnDelayMax' and decreasing 'RespawnDelayDecayInterval' will reduce the amount of hordes that can reasonably be on the map while I'm playing?
  2. Okay, thanks for the info. Is there a way of checking the danger level on the map? I clear every horde and infestation I come across but every time I start the game again every random survivor enclave disappears again even though I helped them with all their missions. In zombies.xml what variables would I need to change under the subgroups infestation and horde to decrease the amount of them that spawn or increase the amount of time it takes to spawn new ones? I'm guessing that the density subgroup concerns the amount of zombies allowed per cell/location.
  3. Sorry that I'm only responding two days later but I've been testing the mods to see if they work well but as far as I can tell my mods are working perfectly so thanks for the help. If I wanted to modify these settings a bit further I'll probably need to start a new game right? Edit: Another question. I just started the game again and a neighbouring enclave collapsed because one of the characters died and another disappeared. That seemed pretty random because there was nothing to threaten them nearby. I saw a variable called 'PauseWhenOffline' in rtsevent.xml, can I edit that to true to stop those events from happening or would that break parts of the game?
  4. I used the SoD Tools to extract the game's files but I don't know what files I have to change to get the effects I'd like. I'm trying to lower the amount of zombies that spawn, the amount of time it takes for a mission opportunity to disappear, the size of safe zones and if possible the amount of time it takes for temporary safe zones to disappear. I've found two zombies.xml files in gametokens with density, e.g., Residential.Density but I don't know if they're the ones I want to change and which of the two files I need to change. I found a few missions.xml files that had OpportunityTimeout in them but I don't know which xml file I need to change and if I can change all OpportunityTimeout variables or if some of them need to be unchanged. I haven't found anything for the size of safe zones or the amount of time it takes for temporary safe zones to disappear so far.
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