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nice, thanks for the info about update v1.9 going beta daventry. imho, current unmodded skyrim leveling system turns longterm gameplay unchallenging/overpowered/pointless after your player character/companions reach level 50 or more; so, looks like Bethesda's attempting to do something using somekind of global 'legendary difficulty/skills/perks' reset tweak, bravo. Wish they fixed many of those quest issues earlier, glad they're getting around to it. Looking forward to this patch and probably a fresh install of Skyrim.
thank you Thandal, sorry for making a mess lol.
very nicely done boujou/cinema 4d animation motion tracking touio, thanks for sharing your work. these skyrim themed character meshes/textures look great with la rinconada sevilla as background lol. you must have had to do a lot of conversion work to get these looking right, wow. i've only rendered 3d composited text to frames using boujou and various adobe stuff, never tried animation yet. all you need now is a good script/actors to shoot your own scifi movie! thanks again. :thumbsup:
sometime ago i checked out a few clever skyrim alchemy app websites folks put together just to see if i could discover or stumble upon anykind of clue or reasoning or logic behind the actual ingredients in the jars; maybe, somekind of undocumented potion or effect or key to a hidden quest or summoning the apocalypse.. didn't have much luck lol, not a good enuf alchemist, paying for skipping potions learning curve with player.additem cheating. http://skyrim-alchemy.com/ http://rp.eliteskills.com/skyrim.html http://skyrim.warlore.org/ http://skyrim.melian.cc/?cmd=cmdSkyrimAlchemyWizard going to try translating what's on the jar lids with dragon language, might give a description of a location in skyrim. by the way theseducer235, i apologize for hijacking your thread and going offtopic with all this bug hunt jar nonsense, back on topic, who/what/why/when/where is this 'Weynon'? Other popular theories (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/114910-Skyrim-Fans-Uncover-Insectoid-Conspiracy): Someone noticed the connection between the five cities Morthal, Whiterun, Winterhold, Dawnstar, and Windhelm, and realized they formed a Pentagon. He also noticed three dragon "sanctuaries" or whatever you may call them, Mzinchaleft, and the Tower Stone formed a smaller pentagon within it, making a transmutation circle. In the general area of the middle of the circle, there is a shrine to Talos with a circle of stones around it. His theory was that if you placed the bugs on their respective cities (see post for relation between bugs and cities), committed genocide in those cities, kill the dragons at the dragon areas and the one that Mzinchaleft leads to, activate the tower stone, and wait for the "Promised Day". The second one expands upon the Weynon stones. The guy figured out that the Thalmor are trying to erase mankind from existence, and the things that are stopping them are the eight towers: Crystal Tower Red Tower Tree-sap Orchalc Khajiit all of which were destroyed or deactivated. The most significant and only remaining one are the Brass Tower and Snow-Throat, or the Throat of the World. The Brass Tower was cast out of time. The tower may have a spiritual connection with Numidium, the brass god, and the disappearance of the tower and therefore Numidium may tie in with the disappearance of the Dwemer. Snow Throat is the only active one. Each of these towers have stones which bind them to Nirn, and the theorist concluded that the Weynon Stones bound Snow Throat. This is why the Thalmor have been waging war on Skyrim; so they can destroy Snow Throat or the Weynon Stones, either way destroying the last tower and wiping mankind from existence.
argh, someone connected the dots where bug jars were found in skyrim. i dunno, doesn't exactly create a perfect equilateral triangle; and, a majority of the lines intersecting at a point between whiterun and whiterun stables is probably a geometric coincidence due to whiterun's central location.. so, no definitive or intriguing illuminati/mason patterns or sinister devil worship geoglyphs my fellow elder scrolls conspirists lol. spent a few minutes connecting the 13 standing stones with lines, didn't notice anything interesting. http://i.imgur.com/iTrux.jpg
'Weynon' Stones landmark (+Blackreach pillar/star below) and 'Weynon' Priory (Oblivion) is suspected (theory) to be part of somekind of unsolved easter egg or red herring or puzzle or conspiracy or possible DLC or Thalmor plot or end-of-the-world mystery - - like the runes on the top lid/underside of the bug jars (Elder Futhark runic language? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elder_Furthark), more clues please Bethesda lol. http://i40.tinypic.com/b5fo00.jpg possible translation: The runes on the bee one translate to GIANT/THOR-HAIL-NEED The runes on the butterfly one translate to JOY-ICE-SORROW The runes on the dragonfly one translate to NEED-HORSE-LAKE. The runes on the moth one translate to DAY-NEED. The runes on the torchbug one translate to YEW TREE-HORSE-HAIL-NEED. scratch effect alpha channel looks like: DKT PIG MT ZW VWT (Weydon-Priors: Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge?).
You actually gave links to Sounds_of_Skyrim_-_The_Dungeons_1_2_1_Update-8601-1-21.zip, with the scripts. I installed it by accident then uninstalled and installed the version without the scripts. Lucky I didn't load the save with the scripts. So far everything works, using Dawnguard + Project Reality CoT and several other mods, save game size is about 7.30MB. geez sorry about that, i fixed the links in both posts.
r5r4y, lol, yes i agree with you, sounds of skyrim dungeons+wilds ambient sound effects were and still are a very welcome awesome addition to my skyrim game immersion, Georgiegril's right, its too quiet with out it. I am still running both of them with no issues, these are the earlier versions without PEX scripts and are included in your list of download links. Go ahead and install them, i doubt you'll have any trouble, there are only ESP and WAV files in them, only download these, stay away from any of the other stuff listed in your links. Sounds_of_Skyrim_-_The_Dungeons_Full_1_1-8601.zip - http://atomvirus.de/Dowloads/Skyrim2012/Sounds_of_Skyrim_-_The_Dungeons_Full_1_1-8601.zip Sounds_of_Skyrim_-_The_Wilds_1_0_1_Full_Version-10886.zip - http://atomvirus.de/Dowloads/Skyrim2012/Sounds_of_Skyrim_-_The_Wilds_1_0_1_Full_Version-10886.zip DO NOT install these (buggy PEX scripts): Sounds_of_Skyrim_-_Civilization_1_0_Full_Version-20193-1-0.zip (CONTAINS BAD PEX SCRIPTS). Sounds_of_Skyrim_-_The_Dungeons_1_2_1_Update-8601-1-21.zip (CONTAINS BAD PEX SCRIPTS). i apologize for the 'why take a chance' comment earlier, was just trying to look out for you for some reason lol. the modder 'Cliffworms' (who i appreciate and respect) did not actually say he was stopping work on the mod, read what he has to say yourself in this mod forum thread: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1375181-relwip-sounds-of-skyrim/page__st__60__p__21220914#entry21220914
so just wondering, if 80 'm$' points is worth approx $1.40 (guess) and they're charging the xbox folks 400 m$ points for Hearthfire; then, 400 รท 80 = 5 5 x 1.40 = $7 for the Hurtzfire DLC.. ok.
kingdark, i suspect the fundamental problem is with rogue scripts embedded into savegames by the last versions of the sounds of skyrim mods that contained PEX scripts which may have contained bugs and also further malfunctioned due to whatever unexpected changes Bethesda made to the Papyrus CK scripting language in the latest patches. In other words, the problem is probably not with the Skyrim install, its in the savegame. Not to sound negative/critical; but, the modder probably simply didn't feel like digging thru his programming; in addition to, figuring out what Bethesda did with Papyrus so he understandably pulled the mods and kindly asked everyone to uninstall. Unfortunately, by this time savegames were bloating and there was no guaranteed uninstall procedure or fix that i am aware of. Bloat issues became extreme if someone simply uninstalled the mod, which orphaned whatever rogue scripts were still baked into savegames; specifically, the PEX scripts that came with Civilization i think. Anyway, if i were trying to fix this problem i'd try this procedure which someone reported worked for them. Re-install Civilizations with the download provided by r5r4y, load the savegame, travel somewhere far from any 'civilization', make a savegame, exit, load, use this procedure (from Julle64): 1. Load a game with the SoS mods installed. 2. Disable all the sounds by using the console commands: Startquest SosConfigCivilization Startquest SosConfigThewilds Startquest SosConfigThedungeons 3. Then stopquest the mods by using the console commands: Stopquest SosConfigCivilization Stopquest SosConfigThewilds Stopquest SosConfigThedungeons 4. Save the game and quit to desktop 5. Deactivate the mods. 6. Remove the mods and the scripts. i have no idea if this procedure actually works; but, it looks good to me..
r5r4y, thanks for sharing these links to the older versions of the Sounds of Skyrim mod files. There were a few people without backups who unfortunately uninstalled Civilizations without trying whatever uninstall procedure fixes there are to create a clean gamesave and are now suffering bloat issues. Anyway, a copy of the Civilizations mod files for troubleshooting purposes might help if they're still looking.. In response to your question, these earlier versions of Dungeons (do not use the update) and Wilds (ok) do not contain PEX script files and are probably safe to use; but, why take a chance and install mods that have been retired by the modder who also advised everyone to uninstall the mods. thanks again for finding these, i would caution everyone to only use these for troubleshooting purposes since these are early versions and no longer fully supported by the modder as far as i know.
Mookeylama, hi, i don't know if placing fake script files just to get the gamesave to load actually works in CaptCShadow situation, he didn't respond back with confirmation or is having difficultly doing this tedious copy/rename procedure for some reason. Only thing we were trying to do is simply trick the savegame embedded Open Cities mod (earlier version) scripts to bypass any fatal errors (pex script files not found) and allow the savegame to finish loading; so, he could then attempt to completely unininstall the mod and create a clean savegame removing all traces of the Open Cities (earlier version) baked-in crap in it. Just to be clear, the issue CaptCShadow is having is he did not keep a backup copy of an earlier version of the Open Cities mod that he was running and the modder removed access to the earlier download versions from the mod page for some reason. Not realizing that Open Cities intrusively embeds dependent baked-in scripts into savegames, his gamesaves would not load after a fresh install of Skyrim and the current version of Open Cities is not compatible with older versions. In other words, earlier versions of Open Cities had scripts that do not exist in the current version of the mod; and as a result, he is getting fatal errors. Your situation is different from CaptCShadow's, at least you can load your savegame. You seem to be having fundamental issues or somekind with the mod or the game engine or possibly corrupted savegames. (are you using 'auto' save?) If i were you i would do what i could to completely remove this mod from my game if it is giving you trouble and/or find and use an earlier stable gamesave if necessaery. Are you running Skyrim patch version 1.6.89 or 1.7?
Having issue with proceeding the dawnguard storyline, plz Help
xlcr replied to zaselim's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
zaselim, this is just a longshot idea; but, you might want to consider using a BSA utility and extract all the loose folders/files from the dawnguard.bsa archive and carefully copy them to your skyrim install. Technically, doing this shouldn't make any difference other than the skyrim engine not having to search for game files in an archive all the time - - this is just something i did and i'm not experiencing issues with dawnguard running skyrim w/100+ mods. Wish there was a simple solution for the Harkon transform glitch you're getting, maybe a matter of you just replaying that scene until the scripting bypasses the object error or whatever the issue is maybe.. -
'gated community' lol, thanks for sharing nyxalinth.
Dburwebby, cool, glad you were able to recreate your original ini settings. geez, this is powerful ENB rendering post-processing mod you've got installed: TV ENB by Trillville - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11930 you may want to backup your enbseries.ini also lol. in the future for troubleshooting purposes, i think you can press F12 to toggle it off.