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Everything posted by jloz94

  1. Hello. Have you put much thought into the damage resistance mechanics in Fallout 4? I'm curious if you're interested in fiddling with resistance mechanics because, as far as I'm concerned, they're probably the biggest factor in (lack of) game balance issues, it'd be pretty essential if you want to overhaul gunplay. It's been catching on in the Fo76 subreddit recently with people complaining that you simply can't reconcile balancing weapons by dps (low base damage heavy weapons) with the damage resistance formula and it disproportionately affecting low base damage attacks. I've just been looking to tweak resistance mechanics myself and thought you might be interested. The wiki page on damage resistance shows the damage reduction through resistance formula as: Damage multiplier = ((Weapon damage/Damage resistance) * 0.15) ^ 0.365 The end result is that armor disproportionately affects low damage but high attack speed weapons. The problem is enemies in fallout 4 all gain damage and energy resist with levelled variants. Higher level enemy variants have way higher resistances than lower level variants that may be visually identical, and these resistances go really high really fast. There's not really any logic behind it, and enemies quickly go into the hundreds in resistances. A shirtless super mutant warlord will take FAR less damage due to inherent resistance given as an actor value than a basic low level super mutant in full armor. This is why the minigun in fallout 4 is obsolete by as early as level 20 - taking a ridiculous amount of ammo to kill even just small bugs due to them having even mediocore damage resistance but seemed really good when you get it on the roof of the Concord museum (killing enemies with no armor) and it has a high dps on paper. As far as I'm concerned damage sponges are just as much caused by resistance inflation as they are by health inflation towards the late-game. I'm convined the devs didn't balance weapons against resistances and that's what a lot of people have been complaining about on Fallout 76 forums recently. The LMG (MG42) in Fo76 has a low base damage but it shreds things in early zones but is useless in late-game just because of resistance inflation, not its overall dps. If you were planning to overhaul all sorts of mechanics you may want to look into this one because it drives me and a lot of other people nuts, even if they haven't realised it yet. There's also no way to affect enemy energy resistance through perks. The penetrating legendary weapon effect and weapon perks use the perk entry point function to mod enemy damage resistance - this doesn't work on energy damage which is considered a sub-type of spell damage. Those damage multiplier mods that offer 'realism' by multiplying damage taken and dealt by 5 times or so just end up making a game where you insta-kill humans below level 25 by hitting them once in the leg with a pistol - but late-game enemies are still damage sponges because inflating damage resistance is making them take 10% damage from any weapon with an automatic receiver, and that's before considering their health. If you go into the creation kit and click 'gameplay' on the toolbar then go into settings, you can access values that determine how resistance works. Again the resistance formula is: Damage multiplier = ((Weapon damage/Damage resistance) * X)^Y Where X is fPhysicalDamageFactor and is 0.15 by default Where Y is fPhysicalArmorDmgReductionExp and is 0.365 by default If you search for 'damagefactor' and 'dmgreductionexp' you'll see these values as well as others for different damage types like energy. I'm currently playing with them both set to 0.2 and it feels more reasonable, only a player in power armor can really shrug off small bullets. Also if you search for 'maxdamagereduction' you'll find the cap for damage reduction from resistances, by default it is 0.99 or 99% damage reduction. Skyrim was 0.8 and Fo3 was 0.85 max reduction from armor I believe. I think the player also benefits from the hidden 'Playerperk' perk which multiplies enemy damage resistance by 0.85. I'm currently fiddling with these values to make my own anti-sponge mod that doesn't result in one-shotting any early-game enemy. Please consider revisiting resistance mechanics or enemy resistance values or something because I think it suffocates gunplay. But if you're balancing gun damage according to caliber I guess it wouldn't be as much of an issue and could even start making sense...
  2. Hello I couldn't help but notice your 'planned mod features' box mentions you'd like to have weapon skill perks affect recoil values and that you'd like suggestions on how it could be done. I recently uploaded a mod that makes power armor remove recoil, sway, and (optionally) accuracy decrease from firing (crosshair widening) when the player is in power armor. I used scripts to attach or remove objectmods to weapons when they where equipped, on condition that the player was in power armor and the weapon was a gun. I also uploaded the script I used as a modder's resource if you'd like to take a look. I've attached a txt file to this post containing an annotated and clean version of the script I used. I'll admit that I was new to modding and scripting before I did this so it may be a bit sub-optimal. But I spent a lot of time getting over weird 'features' and proofing it against stuff that could go wrong. The mod is called Power Armor Gun Handling and Heavy Heavy Weapons I made a I was thinking about making a mod to make perks affect aim models of guns myself a while ago, using scripts to apply objectmods. The thing is you can only affect aim model values with ADD, MUL+ADD, and SET operators which limits you. The mod I made uses SET to set recoil min and max values to 0, set aimstability so high scopes can't reduce it below 1, hence removing sway, and setting aim cone increase per shot to 0. But if you wanted to make perks affect recoil values you may have to limit the power of objectmods you can craft at the bench or very carefully calculate exact values. For example: You make a stock objectmod made at a bench that reduces recoil by 50% by using the MUL+ADD operator with a float value of -0.5 on aimmodelrecoilmindegreespershot or aimmodelmaxdegreespershot But then the player has rank 5 of rifleman that reduces recoil by 50% by using the MUL+ADD operator with a float value of -0.5 on aimmodelrecoilmindegreespershot or aimmodelmaxdegreespershot The end result is a weapon that has 0 recoil, and you can actually make the weapon recoil downwards if you go below 0. The problem is some guns can have -75% reduction and some only 25% reduction. If you want to use ADD or SET operators you may have to very carefully calculate exact values which would be a ridiculous hassle and maybe make a different set of rules for each individual gun. So I'd suggest you set yourself a rule for bench-crafted objectmods such as stocks or muzzle brakes to never make recoil values go below 0.5. I.e. stock and muzzle do MUL+ADD -0.25 each. The way I planned to make a mod wherein perks affect aim model values was to have each perk give a hidden actorvalue, which is already done for some perks in the vanilla game. So rank 1 gives the perk actor value of 1 and rank 5 gives the actor value of 5 etc. You could then have a script listening for the onequip event which checks if it was a pistol, rifle, heavy, or automatic equipped then checks for the perk-added actorvalues. Once the actor value is found it could apply an objectmod specific to that perk. For example if rank 3 is detected it attaches an objectmod that applies MUL+ADD -0.3 on the weapon's recoil values etc. Then you could also add a consistency checker. Each objectmod also gives the player a hidden actor value. The script could check if the perk actor value equals the objectmod actor value. If it does then nothing is to be done. If not, then the weapon needs to be updated and modded to have the objectmod appropriate for the perk rank. I'm pretty sure NPCs don't use recoil or stability values in their accuracy calculation so it should be safe from a player dropping it to an NPC to give them a modded gun. It shouldn't conflict with ammo-switching or under-barrel attachment switching as they probably use hotkeys to attach an objectmod and the player will do that after the OnEquip script has finished apply the perk-appropriate objectmod. Sorry for the text wall, hope this helps. Edit: butchered links soz
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