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Posts posted by Glion

  1. Well, I decided to do a clean install, as in, delete ALL mods I had, and clean all scripts from them, etc etc, because I was piling up with files from mods I dont use anymore, like Levelers Tower for example...After that, re-install the mods I want and some new ones...As you can imagine, my saves will NOT enjoy such a change, and fully aware of that, I decided to do a fresh start....A "IMMERSIVE" fresh start....I set the skills my character will use, etc etc.....But the problem is...I cant decide on a race....


    So, what I want are oppinions.....


    The character will be a "jack of all trades" sort off... He'll start off as a hunter near Helgen (Alternate Start mod ftw)....He cant use magic on his own yet, but as a way of learning, he uses scrolls of all kinds... He will use light armor...One Handed AXES, Shields until I decide he can use spells on his own, and Archery....Oh, and I am using SkyRe XD


    So, what RACE do you guys think would fit this kind of Character the most? I played ALL 10 races over the years, so I'm not weirded out by any of them :P


    I've had just one bug that forced me to reload an autosave and that bug didn't come back. My guess is that all these people complaining about the DLC are experiencing mod compatibility issues, which I honestly think should be expected if you have dozens of overhauls and "fixes" installed that haven't been updated for the new DLC.

    This seemed to be the case for me at least. I'm currently not using any of the major overhaul mods and I didn't experience anything other than Bethesda's minor staple issues (moving mannequins in the player home, etc). The only thing that did happen, which detracted from my overall experience, was during the boss fight in the end when


    Miraak's dragons seemed much too easy to kill for some reason. Since I use an old version of Deadly Dragons that I have modified quite a bit myself, I wouldn't be quick to blame Bethesda for it, though.


    Regarding that spoiler, that is not a bug...you are not even suposed to atatck the Dragons..Miraak is killing them to heal himself

  3. I dont know about a race, but having one nearby the great events of the main quests (Battling Alduin in the Throat of the world for example) would be kinda cool...As long as they were adapted to fit the lore by wearing more lore friendly looking clothes...


    Come to think of it, The Psijics are kinda like them in the College quests....

  4. I did that, because I think she is essential otherwise....I had slashed her till her health dropped to zero, she said (at a perfect timing too) "The heartstone protects me" or something like that...I got close and then I saw the "activator" and BAM! The "rip heart" stuff from the patch files that was uncovered months ago flashed in my head and I realised what was going to happen....

    But more to the point, that kill-cam is forced, you MUST kill her like that

  5. Well, first things first...Even though it doesnt show up, you can go talk to Isran after meeting Serana....And he will tell you to "play along" to see what is up....Second, after the MQ, you can ask her to get cured, PROVIDED you made a certain question and chose the right after-question at a certain point....And third, well, Serana isnt all bad, I mean, I keep her a vampire in case I ever want to turn, but she is one of the most worked on characters of the game...How can you hate her?

  6. Well, I myself didnt have any crashes gameplay related....just one so far because of Microsof Visual C++ or something like that....Normal absorption, I cant say, only killed 1 dragon so far, and Miraak stole the soul....Word learning, normal.....I dont know, maybe the people running the Unofficial Patches are the ones having more troubles....I have no Unnoficial patch and never had problems like the ones the patches fix
  7. 6th exploit of the day! Got a full set of Nordic Carved Armor! Thank you Mr. Reaver....I'm a light armor user myself, but I'll make sure Lydia or Vilja will get it when I get back to Skyrim....
  8. 3rd Exploit of the Day! Got my first black book: Winds of Change, and my first black book power, Companion's Insight

    4th Exploit of the Day! Killed Zahkriisos!

    1st BUG of the Day! Zahkriisos killed himself somehow....

    5th Exploit of the Day! Got the First Word of Dragon Aspect! Mul, which means Strenght!

  9. 2 hours in Dragonborn, and I have not left Raven Rock yet...


    1st Exploit of the Day! Light Sthalrim Gauntlets in a chest! Take that!

    2nd Exploit of the Day! Sthalrim Arrows in another chest!


    1st wish! Someone make a one handed version of the Bloodskal Blade....

  10. Oh, I still remember my first playthrough... A young breton hero, that joined the Stormcloaks just for vengeance for the soldier/general that tried to kill him....


    But then I learned of Ulfrics "Asset" status to the Thalmor! THE HORROR!


    But back on topic, race COULD be a influence on such choices, for example:


    An Orc probably would fit best for the Empire, since many work as blacksmiths for the Empire anyway....Imperials are plain obvious....

    But a Dunmer or an Altmer...Or even a Redguard? Plenty of reason to hate the Empire, but on the Elves case, the stormcloaks wouldnt greet them with open arms...


    But of course that would depend on the characters background...How was he raised? Where? Any hardships caused by X or Y factions growing up? Etc, Etc


    And to answer, Khajiit do not join the war, Khajiit sell weapons and armor to both sides and profit from the war (ºuº)

  11. I've been hearing a lot about Bethesda trademarking "Redguard" as "downloadble computer game software offered via internet and wireless devices"....Some say its the name for the next dlc, even though Dragonborn barely made its apearance a month ago...Some say it will be a re-make of the old Elder Scrolls Adventures:Redguard from 1998....And some even say that it may be the title for the very next game!


    A re-make of Redguard may be plausible... a new game so soon, not so much, but possible still...


    But for a dlc, the idea comes simply from the city Dragonstar, next to Skyrims border, and lore-stated that "has been a site of conflict between the nations of Skyrim and Hammerfell"...


    What are your thoughts on this? The trademark was filed back in March of 2011 and was just recently extended in August last year. Validity of the trademark expires next month. If Zenimax once against extends the date then we’re probably looking at more content.

  12. Do you guys have any kind of "rituals" in game? For example, in my current playthrough, every time I kill a named dragon (Mirmulnir, Saloknir) I craft a dragonbone weapon (or shield) named after it! How about you? Any habbits you do all the time in game?
  13. I was arround Darkwater crossing, inspecting the site where suposedly we were caught with the stormcloaks, when Sondas Drenim showed up...I talked to him, got his quest, and then when I was leaving he said "I keep hearing stories about Morrowind. Sounds like a wretched place".. Is it just me, or was this a hint by bethesda that we are not going to Morrowind any time soon?
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