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Posts posted by WolfHavenXIII

  1. Has its limits, but glowtastic might help achieve some of the desired effect. Has multiple effects to choose from and they are activated like spells. Each spell lasts about three days so with regular reapplication it might do. Only does full body though. In theory you could maybe find a way to attach the effect to an equip item for a more permanent effect.





    There are some other mods with equipable auras/effects but I've never tried them. It's certainly a cool idea though. I'd be down for some fire hands or shadow hands if someone were to do this.


    Thanks for the glowtastic link checking it out now. Also fire hands would be awesome too, just imagining walking around with blue fire hands now lol.

  2. Short version: Requesting a mod that will allow your character to have electricity around their hands at all times. Either in the form of invisible gloves or some way else.


    Long version: While playing The path of the anti mage mod here I fell in love with having my hands covered in energy all the time.

    Then I wondered why there wasn't a mod out that would allow mage characters to have an element of their choosing to surround their hands at all time or even slightly emit from their body or eyes at all times.

    So for example an electric mage would just have sparks constantly being emitted from their body. Another nice touch would be if your character left scorched or frozen footprints when they walked, maybe after they used their powers.

    Anyway, the only thing I'm really looking for is having purple or blue electricity / energy around my characters hands at all times. Thanks in advance :thumbsup:




  3. Short version: Requesting a mod that will allow your character to have electricity around their hands at all times. Either in the form of invisible gloves or some way else.

    Long version: While playing The path of the anti mage mod here I fell in love with having my hands covered in energy all the time.
    Then I wondered why there wasn't a mod out that would allow mage characters to have an element of their choosing to surround their hands at all time or even slightly emit from their body or eyes at all times.

    So for example an electric mage would just have sparks constantly being emitted from their body. Another nice touch would be if your character left scorched or frozen footprints when they walked, maybe after they used their powers.

    Anyway, the only thing I'm really looking for is having purple or blue electricity / energy around my characters hands at all times. Thanks in advance :thumbsup:

    Also a SSE version would be appreciated!


  4. Came back to FO4 after a break. Updated the game, FSE, and all my mods. Started a new game everything was running fine until I tried to console in a legendary... crash... tried to pick up the first magazine... crash. I even tried disabling all my mods same thing. Thinking maybe it was a bad save tried another save... same thing. No idea what to do. Maybe completely delete FO4 and do a clean install?

  5. Not really a request more of a question since I know next to nothing about modding.

    How plausible would it be to create a mod that mixes vocation skills. For example an assassin having the sword skills of a mystic knight?



    Have you tried the power armour chest mod that gives you stealth when you crouch and slowly drains AP? Not a mod mod.. its a actual in-game mod for power armour that requires level 3 armourer and level 3 science perks to make.


    I would really like a piece of clothing that does the same thing though.. as I am not always in PA. Maybe a wedding ring that does it? Should be really easy to make that.


    Didn't know about that since I don't really use power armor either lol, but yeah a piece of clothing / ring that did that would be awesome.

  7. tl;dr - A stealth boy or item with the same effect that either has infinite uses with a cool down, runs on fusion cores, or slowly drains AP.


    I play a stealth character in Fallout 4 so obviously my character is going to use a stealth boy, right? The problem is that they are 1 time use... which makes no sense whatsoever. I mean think about it, I want be invisible to my enemies often, but that would mean I'd have to carry more than one of these car battery / gamecube sized devices that can only make me invisible once and not even for a long time... why couldn't they just make one that runs on fusion cores? You know the things that can power an entire suit of armor and are almost the same size of soda cans.


    The only workaround for this right now would be to install the mod that makes the stealth boys weight 0 and then just console like 1000 of them into your inventory which sounds ridiculous :tongue:

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