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Everything posted by Johnay

  1. Hey everybody! Johnny here, and I need some help making my race mod as perfect as I can make it. I am basing it off those of Archon blood-descent in the Fable universe (AKA the protagonists and their relatives. I've been doing a pretty good job so far, and I can happily say that I am pleased with my work, however there are some things that I cannot completely figure out. I will post a video below to show what I have so far. As you can see in the video, I am using 2 spells from Fable: Berserk and Physical Shield. I plan on making it so I cannot be staggered while using both spells, and I plan on changing some things visually, but the one thing I cannot figure out how to do is increase my player's size when using the Berserk spell. What comes to my mind is editing using the console and the "setscale" commands. Does anyone have any help for this specific problem? Thanks! PS: I didn't create the Fable armour or weapon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3jXhcfDb8E
  2. Humpty Bumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Bumpty had a big maul. Humpty Bumpty fell off the wall and had a big bawl.
  3. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope.
  4. Hello all, My name is Johnny, and I've been having some overwhelming problems with the creation kit, and I simply do not know what I'm doing wrong. Currently, I am at a stage in the Race building process where I have already created a bunch of custom eye colours for my race, turned them into HeadParts, and am now ready to put them in my race. I've already tried dragging and dropping them onto the HeadPart tab in the Face Data section of the Race window, but they simply will not register when I save it, and test in-game. Another problem I am having is importing someone Else's already made Bald Hairstyle (already asked if I could use it) into my hair selection, as I want it to be the only option. If someone could please offer some advice, I would be very grateful! Thanks!
  5. Hey so basically, I made this video today, and I think it turned out f***ing hilarious! I would love some feedback from you, the Skyrim fanbase, so tell me what you think! Force push mods for the win.
  6. Hello world, I am making a race and I really need to be able to make a purely bald hairstyle to use in the Creation Kit. I need it to be for them only, and no other hairstyles are needed. I don't know that much about making .DDS, .NIF or .TRI files, and I assume I need to do that for this to work. Can anyone help me by shedding some light on how to do this? This is what my race looks like currently: LINK He is currently using the bald texture of this mod: LINK but I don't want to simply steal his textures. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Basically, this thread's purpose is to showcase my Fallout: New Vegas fan-art, that I plan to be updating every week. :) These are my current submissions, and I hope you enjoy them. (Sorry about the intensely small video sizes, I will fix that problem for my next videos, I assure you. :D) 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qijz3KNIX6E 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJI2GyYblPE
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