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Posts posted by Warrior84

  1. In response to post #24732389. #24756224, #24756449, #24757139 are all replies on the same post.

    rad666a wrote:
    Philshizzle wrote: Agreed!
    MrGrymReaper wrote: @all - While being civil we need to come together stronger than ever in order to heal. While learning from the past.

    In addition to moving on.
    MrGrymReaper wrote: @all - Not forgetting that we are a family of modders as well as a "Community" with its home on the Nexus (as well for some of us other places as well - though not the workshop for me).

    We need to come to care for other members here and try to encourage or provide a reason for reciprocation of the feeling.

    Also my previous post made on 15:24, 28 Apr 2015 which gives the reasons why didn't support paid mods. I'm not an entitled brat as some may call me but thinking of the tight budget at the moment while out of work (not through my own choice).

    If this had stayed like it was before then all of this wouldn't have happened. We would still be a (mostly) happy community. We should stop fighting with each other and try to forget this.
  2. I don't understand why Bethesda and/or Valve had to do this at all really. They ALREADY benefit from modding. It is ONLY through these awesome mods the community has put together that Skyrim still thrives (Skyrim has been on the top 10 for ages now, can't say that about other games. They've quickly fallen off of that position).


    They already get increased sales through modding. And they've admitted themselves that modding has been beneficial for TES games. And sometimes they even take ideas from popular mods.


    Why, just why isn't this enough for them? Always trying to squeeze more money from consumers.





  3. In response to post #24615234. #24615334, #24618949, #24619709, #24621479, #24621814, #24621984, #24665704, #24669039, #24670104 are all replies on the same post.

    phantompally76 wrote:
    freedom613 wrote: Kudos for ya! (You didn't upset me by the way...)
    phantompally76 wrote: Sigh.

    No sooner had I logged out that I got half a dozen text messages letting me know "SKYUI IS GOING PAYWALL ERMAGERD!!!!" effectively forcing every single one of us to buy into this horsecrap moving forward.

    Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable.
    Arendella wrote: Excuse me as I vomit GG SkyUI GG
    Pops53 wrote: I won't be moving forward and buying ANYTHING. I'll put Skyrim down for the long cold sleep before I do it. Millions for defense, not ONE penny for tribute!

    evildeadhead wrote: We still got Fallout woohoo. So this is what Bethesda has to look forward to in it's first E3 this is gonna be interesting from here on out.
    phantompally76 wrote: Moving forward, I won't be purchasing any more Bethesda products. Not even ESVI.

    A line has to be drawn.


    And there it is.
    mercurydustin wrote: i been part of modding for a heck of a long time baulders gate was the first game I ever modded I helped playtest an unofficial expansion, I have always loved the hard work and effort that many have put into the modding community this whole thing has me upset there hasn't been a game released since the end of the 90s that dosent need mods I have been really disappointed with 99.9% of games most are unfunctional or complete waste of money without mods I consoled myself when buying incomplete games that at lest the modders will make this playable, but really that shouldn't have been the awnser we are all to blame for buying games from devolper and publishers that honestly don't give a rats behind if they make something functional or enjoyable, I remember buying games as a kid and them being useable out of he box over 100s of hours long, mods would add to replay not be nessary to function. I agree I think its time to dust of my old gamecube see if the nes is functioning and go back to classics there is plenty of old games I never finished back when making a story and an enjoyable experience was the goal of game makers this everything for profit and no real effort towards art and customer satisfaction is got me pretty upset
    Ianc1 wrote: Skyui is the same as 4.1 here on the nexus, only the crafting menu has been changed. no other changes to the mcm menu have been made. got this info from the mod maker on reddit.
    phantompally76 wrote: At some point (probably sooner rather than later), mod users will have to pay for the Steam version of SKYUI (remember, the version on nexus is never going to be updated again, and is effectively abandonware) in order to play any new mods created that are dependent upon the LATEST version of SKYUI.

    Am I getting through to you at all? Unless mod authors make a conscientious decision to base their mods' compatibility on the current, now-unsupported version of SKYUI on the nexus instead of the maintained and supported version on Steam (which I can almost certainly guarantee they won't make that decision), then every single one of us is going to HAVE to purchase SKYUI on Steam, no matter how we feel about the entire scam. Our freedom of choice in the matter is being taken away from us (aside from piracy, which I don't condone, or abandoning modding altogether), and so many of you are too stubborn to lift your head out of the sand for 10 seconds and open your damned eyes to see it.

    This is one of the best posts I have read concerning this matter, well done. Now looking back it his "prediction" post just one month before all this, it does makes you wonder.

    It is a good idea to take a break from all of this, take care.
  4. In response to post #24669944. #24670159, #24670729, #24670889, #24671169 are all replies on the same post.

    Riprock wrote:
    phantompally76 wrote: We have. Repeatedly. There's nothing more we can do on that front. Bethesda will not issue a statement on the matter.
    Riprock wrote: To begin, when I say "you" in my response I do not mean *you personally*. I mean the figurative *you*- meaning everybody reading.

    Your goal seems to be "try to make Bethesda respond to us". That should not be the goal.

    The goal should be making sure Bethesda hears you LOUD and CLEAR and with a definite message, not a bunch of complaints about communities and the ethos of modding. What Bethesda is doing- and it seems to be working, if you just say "we tried, they won't respond" - is to ignore you in the hopes of making you go away. To patiently wait until you get bored with telling them.

    Firstly, since this was announced the other day, seems like you're giving up really fast, and it seems the reason is because you didn't get instant gratification on the outcome.

    Secondly, even if I assume you've done this for ten years, you're telling me "there's nothing more we can do". Sure there is, the problem is that the desired outcome wasn't more than to make somebody respond. If you expect a 'statement' to be the end-game, you had no victory strategy in mind to begin with. All that amounts to is "Bethesda states that they understand we're unhappy". Frankly, big deal!

    The bottom line is that you're now talking about business matters (like it or not) and you're trying to get your desired outcome by having a company make a business decision based on your emotional response.
    Souperintendent wrote: It's more Valve's fault than Bethesda's.
    Riprock wrote: Sure, but Valve is a provider. If Bethesda feels a provider doesn't have the right business model....

    Perhaps it is Zenimax's fault?
  5. In response to post #24640209. #24640274, #24640649, #24640694, #24640819, #24641869, #24641924 are all replies on the same post.

    Roguespear wrote:
    Amelli wrote: I bet you won't even get your money back to your bank either. It will sit in your steam wallet.
    Warrior84 wrote: This is true, sadly. Your "money"/credits is tied to steam wallet, you cannot send it to your bank account.
    Iceciro wrote: You would be correct; all the refund monies just goes right to your Steam Wallet.

    Once Valve has your money, they have your money forever.
    Amelli wrote: And if I read right, steam have already washed their hands of any responsibility concerning whether or not a mod is fit for release. Therefore the only warranty you have is from the mod author. And the small window in which you can request a refund if your not happy.
    Of course there will be many that will blindly subscribe without thinking about those aspects, checking reviews etc. There is no real protection for the buyers other then their own common sense and others warning them.
    WinsomeMinotaur wrote: This is why a Curated space makes sense, where mods that have been vetted and deemed worthy are the ones that have a price tag. That said, I assume you pay a dollar for a mod, and it's buggy, when the author releases bug fixes you are going to get the new version for free, the same way most software works.
    Amelli wrote: However if you unsubscribe do you have to re pay to re sub?

    No I do not think you need to, since you already own it. Just re-sub.
  6. As I understand it when you "sell" mods you only receive money to your steam wallet. If so, then this is worse than donations, in which you receive REAL money, and can decide to do whatever you want with it. With steam wallet money you can ONLY use it on steam, you cannot convert it to real currency. And when you do decide to buy a game with that money, it is Valve again who receives a cut from it, AGAIN.


    Only the big companies benefit from this, the modders only receive pocket change. So e.g if you sell something for $5 and then deduct 75% from it, how much money do you get? Barely anything.


    Why don't people get this?


    This whole thing is so wrong.


  7. @ramakgaming I second your opinion.


    Back during summer I had heaps of issues. Everything from html error pages, slow downloads and whatnot. But it all seems to have been fixed by itself. And back during summer it was impossible to download even a below 1 mega file! But now everything is lightning fast. I click download and if it's a small mod it's finished in under a second! A bigger mod maybe 5 seconds.


    Good job nexus!

  8. I think the rules here are pretty common sense and straight forward to me. I have no problem with these rules.

    And if you understand the rules and behave accordingly then there shouldn't be any problems. I also agree with what was said earlier in this thread, "What good are rules that don't get enforced?". Regulation is required to keep this free to use website running smoothly. If there weren't any rules and regulation then this website would disintegrate and explode.

  9. Yeah I had that problem as well. But I was told here that it was caused by the time zone differences. Like during different times different mirrors were available. Not sure how true that is, but maybe ther's something to do with it. But it still felt like it favoured US servers.

  10. Hello nexus. Is there a way to prevent me from being automatically signed out? I mean, when I'm writing a new post for example and then try to post it and then I discover I'm auto signed off. Yeah, I get annoyed by that. So is there a way to increase the time I'm logged in? I know there's "remember me" but I don't know if that will help. I don't use remember me in forums. Thank you for any help.

  11. While I do not have a solution I had a similar issue yesterday. I could not access the skyrim nexus website. But after a while the issue went away. I don't know what it was. You may have the similar problem I had. I just waited it out (for me it was only a moment). Okay I said I had no solution but maybe clearing your browser cache and cookies will help?

  12. About the new download system.. (if it's implemented again) you don't have to wait all the time for the download to start. If it doesn't start you can just close the download pop-up or refresh the browser. If it's taking an unusually long time just try again and that way it will also select another mirror. And if it's a mirror you don't want you can just refresh your browser again (or close the download pop-up). Don't know about others but that's what I did. I retried as many times until it started downloading.

  13. So it is down? I checked the nexusmods.com domain at www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com to see if nexus was down, but it shows it's down? I'm confused. :confused:


    EDIT: It's all working now. Don't know what it was. :tongue:

  14. Those who buy premium already get a "premium" badge. IMO I think that's enough. You can already see who's premium and who's not, and in comment sections the "premium" badge is also clearly visible. There is no need for more fancy stuff, that kind of stuff should be for staff only.

  15. While I am not a permium member myself I have noticed the download speeds are rather.. crappy, shall we say. But still even if I am not a premium member it shouldn't be that low, isn't download speed capped at 1024 kb/s, right? I don't seem to ever reach that cap, even though I should.


    Also the download speeds are extremely unstable and countinually fluctuate. It goes anywhere from 400 kb/s and then decreases to 200, 100 and finally 0 b/s, lol. And then after a while it starts downloading again with the same procedure, 400, 200 and 0. Do you guys also have a similar problem?

  16. That makes sense I suppose. I was awake late last night so I guess the European servers just weren't available. Today was a way better day. It found EU servers more often and even some US servers weren't that bad. I guess I should just stick to downoading in the afternoon and/or eavning, heh. Thank you for clearing it up how it works.


    Also, one last question: What has happened to the European mainland servers? Mirrors like Amstardam etc. (can't remember if there were others). It only seems to connect to the various London mirrors. I'm wondering if they exist anymore. As I said the mainland is closer to where I live than GB is.

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