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Nexus Mods Profile

About Shomru

  1. Good luck Xander ^^ I've kind of given up for now, got too much work at the moment to really spend time on it.
  2. Yeah I couldn't really work it out either, I couldn't find any other part of the script or any other related spell that would cause the AoE Knock Back so the .getCobatTarget() was just what I guessed was happening but I could have missed something/be wrong.
  3. The script should be fine altering the spell to target/projectile, the Time Slow portion of the spell are cast on Caster rather than Target. I came pretty close to a work around by doing this, (using akTarget and adjusting how the spell behaved) however the second half of the script doesn't seem to work either. Event OnTranslationComplete() was stopping the Time Slow and Push away functions from working. I tried replacing it with OnEffectFinish, which although worked caused the effects to be slightly delayed. You would charge to the target and half a second or so later the time slow/Knock back would happen. In addition to this it removed the AoE knock down effect of the spell (only knocked down a single target), not totally sure why. Maybe because getCombatTarget() affects all the targets you're in combat with rather than just the one the spell was applied to. I did try adding an explosion effect to the Time Slow portion of the spell to try and create a knock back but it was causing issues with the Time Slow not working. Not sure if any of this info will be of use to anyone ^^. Hadn't even looked at the creation kit/papyrus until trying to help Beccy with this problem
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