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About orangedemi

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout New vegas, Fallout 3, World of tanks

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  1. I am sad to say that last week OrangeDemi (rebecca rainey) passed away she will be missed dearly
  2. this comment section is less empty now than it was
  3. Despite being Z5 was rather rude to me, im still working on the pistol, the animations are giving me a headache. might just have to see about doing a texture animation on the mag rather than making a piece spin.
  4. i daresay the OP is looking for a control scheme similar to older FPS games. so basically the A and D would turn the lower half of the character while the mouse would still control the upper portion of the character (the head in non combat mode and the full upper portion in combat mode) with Q and E mapped for strafing. sounds pretty script heavy, while i am familiar with the gamebyro engine, something that involves coding in OBSE is a bit out of my league :/
  5. hmm, well i plan to have the mag to hold 120-150. just need to figure out how to program in the stutter puase when its replacing a ammo spiral inmag. silencer is built in. so ideally thats leaves the sights, the IM, and stock
  6. mod work resuming, blender has stopped giving me the cold shoulder and i broke free from the call of tanks Edit: http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/253513_10151213511623659_1691423740_n.jpg pretty much ready for texturing once thats gone its time to decide what weapon mods it will get
  7. wait, when did eight come out? for that matter did the even realese seven? nine must have had its revenge. other than that, i have no idea im still using a winxp/mint hybrid
  8. where is any and all gothic lolita clothing? something like below is a plus http://www.mlo.me/upen/v/200910/Black-Shrug-White-Lace-Long-Sleeves-Lolita-Coat-16696-1.jpg
  9. Ok for starters head meshes and anything dealing with the head have to be all one piece one can not simply slap some ears on a head export it and comformulate it. their are two ways around this 1) have the game auto add them to the players intentory like the moonshadow race does with elven ears, or 2) actually go in and sculpt the ears on the head in blender (or your favorite 3d moddling program) as far as the body it concerned: the tail can be anchored to the upperbody if, if you dont know in new vegas the upper body.nif is the body with out the hands and head and most oblivion lower body nifs can be placed on the upper body with minor alterations. the tail cannot have any tail bones (ie bip tail01, bip tail02, etc) as the nv skeleton has no way of dealing with these bones in game. but it all boils down to using Nifskope and blender (or 3dsmax,etc) the fact is you'll do very little in geck besides linking the meshes to a new race in game, Example:
  10. Ya, actually going to start fiddling with them again today. I actually got New vegas working again (on linux suprisingly) so i should be able to start testing them out. if no one replies for awhile im just going to edit this post and dump new pics in. in other words fear not zepher, im still working on this.
  11. Might be possible to do a total conversion, it requires scripting, modeling, texutring from the ground up but its possible to do using only the engine and geck. if you go that route it would allow any mods for nv to be somewhat compatible. that being said i've debated doing something similar with the openmw engine but its is far from stable, if you need any help let me know, altho keep in mind im running linux till i get a new HD. (which limits what i can do/test)
  12. Lol M Team ASSEMBLE! anywho, not really interested mainly due to my comp being only slightly functional. but i do suggest putting together an idea to pull people in.
  13. thats what i figured, i mean look how streamlined it looks with the sights removed and the rail on it
  14. are they bad? i mean they are the basic 22smg sights, i was going to replace them with some more futuristic sights on a weaver rail
  15. thats the conclusion i came to but not sure of the context he is referring too..
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