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About Jleone

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    United Kingdom
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    Fallout new vegas, Fallout 3, Left 4 dead 1&2, Resident evil 5,Team Fortress 2 and Alien Swarm :)
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  1. youve been stranded in the mojavie miles from civilisation or any signs of human life, you only have 100 ammo and 5 supplies, whats the 5 items you would have and what would u do?:)<3
    1. RubikNight


      1. Wuz a Mojavie. 2. WHERE DO I GO....WHERE AM I/// 3. I'd have a gun that can use that ammo, more water, food, first aid, compass, tent
    2. frakle


      1. probably a pistol or something equally reliable

      2. water

      3. food

      4. first aid supplies

      5. more water

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