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About Jleone

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    United Kingdom
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    Fallout new vegas, Fallout 3, Left 4 dead 1&2, Resident evil 5,Team Fortress 2 and Alien Swarm :)
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  1. i knew this was going to happen! :'( my life is over, you will forever be in my heart a never dying flame, ill always look up to you and follow all the advice my big brother gave me :'( you will never be forgotten, may you rest in peace :'(
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ssanderson12345


      Sorry Jessie :( I...know how you feel...stay strong for me and everyone else yes? Don't do anything stupid like me..
    3. AliasTheory


      Sorry to hear that. You have my apologies.
    4. Jleone


      ill get over it in time but for now i not be online as much but can i ask you to set off any firework in your choice in memory of my brother, thankyou all
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