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Posts posted by Jleone

  1. i have an idea for an experienced modder, a vault at the edge of the map, the people inside are the main chactors from FO3 pluus any u want surviving, with a few missions set inside the vault with a decision to let them make a successful civilisation in the mojavie or let them perish as a faction takes over their vault from digging and breaking in through a soft spot, would be much apprechiated thankyou <3
  2. Name: Jessica Leone

    Gender: female



    Combat Style: long / med range/ melee combat with a blue katana

    Specialties: computer hacking, hawk eye shot, melee combat techniques

    Weaknesses: short range weapons like the shotgun etc

    Likes: a nice place to rest, friendly people and killing evil people

    Dislikes: deathclaws they are just meann

    Wants: to restore the mojavie to its former glory and put a stop to the strip

    Fears: spiders, nightkin

    Friendly Factions: NCR, brotherhood, goodsprings

    Enemy Factions: khans, legion

    Companions: her twin sister :) ( i do have a real twin ) together they will rule the mojavie

    Love interest?: boone

    Parents: deceased, killed by a khan attack

    Early life: after horribly watching their parents get butchered the twins decide to train themselfes to survive

    Teen years: they was the two most respected assassins in the world, they took down their target with precision and grace

    How did he/she become a courier?: because a courier has to be sneaky and well armed the twins were employed by mr.house by a special letter given by a ED.E robot, he trusted the twins to deliver because of their reputation and killer aim

  3. there are too many useless perks use think they'd step up a bit from F03 and have perks for enhanced accuracy ( if there isnt one already ) a usefull perk would be to give you ranks for npc's so you get respect in the mojavie
  4. If there was ever a zombie apocolipse in the mojavie you have to stay on your feet, the question is that if the zombie apocolipse started when u finished the goodsprings quests, what would you do and where would you go? no answer is a stupid answer have fuuuun :) <3
  5. if there ever was a nuclear war i would get all the guns and ammunition i can find, hold up some survivors from close towns and make a defence base out of a warehouse, i then would first scavenge food and water for the time being while growing my own food and with my water purification could leave us living for a while longer


    after all that is out of the way i would have different squads of people to send out for survivors, food and water, DIY materials but mainly for supplies


    when the warehouse has grew i would use several Brahman ( spelt wrong but o well ) like a caravan delivering supplies to other fortifications to keep them living if we are allied, after i got all the ammunition and weapons i need i would send loads of people to look for survivors around the country, letting them set up their own fortification thus having a greater advantage on saving mankind.


    i would continue all this and try to build back civilisations all over the country to bring back the world, so thats my story, whats yours ;) <3<3

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