I have a request to work with someone who can mod a custom model companion. I wish I could learn, but unfortunately the creation kit does my head in. Some background. My friend and I have an inside joke of MIKE the turret. That one turret that always lives in our main settlement. It always gets the kill and always comes out on top. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlN-F-dtzSnVJ-ICulx2DYbFxtu3SXe62IDUqB2fizu-ahjTkr58YjkaOuWg "I, am MIKE." "A pleasure to meet you Mike." "I, am MIKE." "Umm do you say anything other than..." "I, AM MIKE! MIIIIIKE" (as it begins to fire rapidly into the air.) Now a simple task of attaching it to replace the head of this spare suit of power armour. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-metEvTPEX9Z3m5uE6GCAImdbQTdzkVWDPB2BkTGigopttSWkj20Ajp-6 Please, is there anyone interested in working with me, or even walking me through, this to make this turret headed power armour as a companion?