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Nexus Mods Profile

About TheHobbits

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  1. Well that is one step closer. Thanks. Now I just need to find out how to make a custom model.
  2. Hey there, I would like a custom companion, but no one would ever make it for me, so I guess I will have to learn how to make it on my own. I open the creation kit and... wut? Let me tell you what I hope to make. I want to create a new companion follower that is a suit of power armour, but has a machine gun turret for a head. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-metEvTPEX9Z3m5uE6GCAImdbQTdzkVWDPB2BkTGigopttSWkj20Ajp-6 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTL5bdyU6KIyNNS82GvwiQlOCR2GankvqEiuDAzon44wOHpGSTODyvpjoY5Ag So what would I need to do to make a companion like this? To have a custom model power armour that has a turret for a head. Anyone willing to help out?
  3. I have a request to work with someone who can mod a custom model companion. I wish I could learn, but unfortunately the creation kit does my head in. Some background. My friend and I have an inside joke of MIKE the turret. That one turret that always lives in our main settlement. It always gets the kill and always comes out on top. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlN-F-dtzSnVJ-ICulx2DYbFxtu3SXe62IDUqB2fizu-ahjTkr58YjkaOuWg "I, am MIKE." "A pleasure to meet you Mike." "I, am MIKE." "Umm do you say anything other than..." "I, AM MIKE! MIIIIIKE" (as it begins to fire rapidly into the air.) Now a simple task of attaching it to replace the head of this spare suit of power armour. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-metEvTPEX9Z3m5uE6GCAImdbQTdzkVWDPB2BkTGigopttSWkj20Ajp-6 Please, is there anyone interested in working with me, or even walking me through, this to make this turret headed power armour as a companion?
  4. This is a plea, a cry out, to any modder! I am colour blind and need to change the colour of my HUD and menu. When I first started I set it to an awesome colour that I can see perfectly and the game is awesome. But here comes the funny part. In the 577 hours I have clocked into this game I have never, NEVER, used power armour past the one in Concord. The colour it locks all HUD and menus to (what I assume is some kind of neon yellow green?) is painful and very difficult for me to read. Its not like a "Oh I'd prefer a different colour", no. Its more like "I can barley read the map and my eyes are in constant pain. I'll just not use it." I'm missing out and I really want to do a PA play-through. Please, PLEASE is there a modder out there that can help me out in creating an altered PA HUD colour?
  5. With all the modifications available for the energy weapon one part gets left out. The Capacitors. Just listen to these names:Boosted photon agitatorGamma wave emitterOvercharged capacitorBeta wave tunerThey all sound really fancy and interesting, but no change is made visually. What if someone was able to make the capacitor modifications on the plasma or laser weapons look different. Maybe and extra fusion cell for the Overcharged capacitor. The Gamma wave emitter could have some coils and stuff from the gamma gun. Boosted photon agitator could have some extra part or something. I dont know. I wish I could make mods myself. The GECK would be good too.
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