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  1. Could a mod be made to change the Tiefling NPCs to be more like they used to be? They used to be less red with normal eyes and less prominent or no horns. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Tiefling#Gallery
  2. Tutorials for editing classes, turns, abilities, AI, etc. might be helpful. It is not very obvious what to edit to achieve an effect, at least not to me.
  3. The issue of party members starting events occurs for me quite often. They often do not have much dialogue that is different from a custom character, and the dialogue is not voiced. In addition, they tend to lack the dialogue effects that I would want them to have. A mod to make only the currently selected party member activate dialogue would likely improve the game, I think.
  4. Equipment or ability that when worn or used would teleport party members to the currently controlled party member if they are a certain distance away for a certain amount of time. Maybe a version with an ability that immediately teleports all party members to the currently controlled party member as well.
  5. 1. HUD element showing pawn health, stamina and weight. 2. Menu showing character affinities. 3. Pawns using items properly (not constantly using them for debilitations).
  6. Yeah. Deselecting it got rid of the green appearance. Creation Kit stuff, INI files and whatnot, are kept in the main Fallout 4 folder. They don't show up in Documents\My Games, because the CK isn't actually a game, it's a development environment. Lots of warning is normal. Like hundreds of them. Install F4 Creation Kit Fixes, it helps a lot. Oh, okay. Thanks for the link to that.
  7. So, I'm trying to get the Creation Kit for Fallout 4 working, but it doesn't load textures in the Render Window. Not only that, but when I open Fallout4.esm, it gives 471 warnings about not finding things. I've tried deleting everything and reinstalling, but it doesn't help. This is what I've done: Uninstall the Creation Kit, then uninstall Fallout 4 and delete the Fallout4 folder in Documents\My Games Install Fallout 4, then run Fallout 4 and set graphics to Medium in the Fallout 4 Launcher Start a new game, then save and exit Start Bethesda.net Launcher Install the Creation Kit in the main Fallout 4 folder, then run the Creation Kit Accept all of the requirements (I've tried letting it unpack and not unpack the file it asks about) Go to File-Data... Check the box next to Fallout4.esm, then click OK Go to Cell View, then duplicate CTEST Rename the duplicate, then delete all of the duplicate's objects Go to Object Window, then drag UtilSmRoomWall01 from Static-Interiors-Utility-SmRoom to the Render Window The wall in the Render Window is green If I double-click on the wall in the Object Window, it's textured there, but an error window appears saying: TEXTURES: TEXTURE ERROR : Unable to load file 'Data\Textures\DarkGray.dds'If I double-click on the wall in the Render Window, it opens the Reference Window, and it's textured in the Render Window until I close the Reference Window. What am I doing or not doing that's causing the warnings and texture problems? Also, the Fallout4 folder in Documents\My Games never has anything from the Creation Kit in it. Edit: Turning the lights on and deselecting the wall made it visible and removed the green appearance. I'm still seeing warnings and errors though.
  8. Thank you for the reply. That option does make the vanity camera move faster, but it still has the snapping problem that I mentioned. Turning the normal camera (the one that changes player direction) is smooth, but turning the vanity camera is odd, like it is pausing every second that the camera turns.
  9. For some reason, turning the vanity camera is really slow for me with a controller but not with a mouse. I tried changing these settings to these values: fXenonVertLookSpeed=8800.0000 fXenonHorizLookSpeed=8800.0000 fMouseSensitivity=0.0003While changing those made the vanity camera turn faster, it made the camera and the vanity camera not turn smoothly (like it was snapping to different positions), which made me nauseous. I put those settings back to default, and then I tried this mod and modified the values in it to "15" through the GECK: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36621 However that did not seem to do anything, and when I uninstalled the mod, the vanity camera was even more slow. Is there a way to get the vanity camera to turn smoothly and quickly?
  10. Thank you for the reply and information, but now I am even more confused. Are you saying that when I build the Bashed and Merged patches, I need to include all of the plugins in both patches? About disabling leveled lists, am I supposed to disable them by deleting the "Leveled x" categories in xEdit's Merged Patch? Also, the S.T.E.P. guide says to remove the "Leveled Item" category, but I am not sure if that means the "Leveled Item" category or all of the leveled categories. As for manually merging leveled lists, I was not going to combine the lists in xEdit. I just thought that I needed to only include mods with leveled lists and containers in the Bashed patch.
  11. It adds more than cacti, but "Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul" by vurt seems to have saguaro cacti.
  12. So, I want to make a Bashed patch, but it is somewhat difficult to go through all of the mods looking for leveled lists and containers (I have 246 files to go through), and the EditorID search feature in xEdit does not seem to be able to find what I am looking for. Is there any way to search for "Leveled Item", "Leveled NPC", "Leveled Creature" and "Container" in plugins? If not in xEdit, is there any other way to look for those? Also, when making a Bashed patch, do I need to include the Fallout and DLC files or the unofficial patch files since they have containers and leveled lists?
  13. I am not sure if it is what you were looking for, but if you edit the "hudextension.ini" file that comes with the Nameplates mod (the .ini file is at "F4SE\Plugins\"), I think that you can set it to show character levels by changing "uFlags=0" to "uFlags=32".
  14. I am trying to install Morrowind mods for OpenMW, but normal mapping has to be removed from meshes in OpenMW, and some mods have 50+ meshes. There is a Python script to automate the editing here: https://forum.openmw.org/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=3922&start=100 However, I have no idea how to use it. I installed Python and set the path for it. I installed PyFFI. Then I used the command prompt to go to where the mod folder is and used this command: python fix_nif.py '.*_nm\.dds' However, it did nothing. Then I added to that with: "C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\ModFolder" However, that just caused the command prompt to show: "usage: fix_nif.py [-h] [--dryrun] dir" "fix_nif.py: error: unrecognized arguments: C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\ModFolder" I also used the script from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/833v0d/amazing_how_good_openmw_can_look_with_the_right/ Using it like this: python tweak_to_script_to_strip_normal_detail_maps_from_nif_files.py --regex '.*_nm\.dds' ModFolder Causes it to run, but then it gives the error: "struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 2 bytes" "Error reading file unpack requires a buffer of 2 bytes" Could someone help me with this please?
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