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About NeroAkira

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  1. So, upon posting this and checking the links to make sure they were right...................................... Nightfury is mispelled every but the mod install list in Vortex. Everywhere else, it's spelled Nighfury (no "T").... Not sure how to close this topic. lol Remember to double check spelling, people!
  2. Hiya, I've been playing with animations lately, getting a feel for the top layer before I try diving in. I was playing around with Eskyrim's "Experimental" feature regarding Scythe/Spear animations being applied to different mods automatically and I decided to try to give spear animations from Eskyrim to all of the Combisticks from the "Predators - The Lost Tribes" mod, as well as the addon from Nightfury... (Lost Tribes) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7073 (Addon) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24910 Now, to the meat: The Dar Custom Conditions file looks like IsEquippedRight("NewArmoury.esp"|0x16801F) OR IsEquippedRight("NewArmoury.esp"|0x168011) OR IsEquippedRight("NewArmoury.esp"|0x168019) OR IsEquippedRight("NewArmoury.esp"|0x168020) OR IsEquippedRight("NewArmoury.esp"|0x168010) OR IsEquippedRight("PredatorArmoury-Nightfury.esp"|0x001846) There's way more in the file, but that's what all of it looks like. The last addition was made by me, attempting to give one of the Combisticks spear animations. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to do anything. I've tried deploying. I've tried running nemesis. I've looked for any other possible file that might dictate what animations go where, but this was the only file I could find with any relevance. I am a total noob and I should absolutely go watch more tutorials than I have(Probably). So I understand if there's a simple solution I'm not seeing and you tell me to go watch a tutorial. I probably won't. But I understand lol.
  3. Thanks for the response I'll see about removing Mihails harpy. It's a creature mod, so there shouldn't be too many scripts involved.
  4. I've tried all the different common troubleshooting methods (Because I couldn't understand the problems recorded in the logs) to no avail. I'm genuinely stumped because, despite having the logs to reference, I have no idea what the problems they describe are actually describing. I mean, if they're even describing problems? lol I've been playing for days now, rushing through old content (vanilla) to get to mod content. The CTD has only ever happened near Dragontooth Crater. Any help would be seriously appreciated. I couldn't upload both crash logs independently, so I copied the "NetFrameWork" log to the "Crash Logs SE" log and divided them with double underscore lines. Edit(11:46 PM): Still searching for solutions on my own, stumbled across "Modmapper", which seems pretty damn useful. https://modmapper.com/ I'm only guessing that it's the red highlighted areas that are potential problems, but the cell containing Dragontooth Crater is only affected by USSEP, if Modmapper is accurate. The implication is obvious, but any help would still be appreciated. Maybe I'm missing something?
  5. I found this, tested it, didn't work. Just gonna put this here because eventually someone will do this, this could accelerate that lol
  6. That's a LOT of mods for a game with so many performance issues like Fallout 4. I've, personally, experienced tons of performance issues using Scrap everything mods. And I haven't run a bunch of the mods you're using, but just based on the names, some of them probably don't run well together. Are you using the latest patch of Fallout 4? I've got both the latest patch for FO 4 and the latest F4SE and every now and then I get the MCM notification, I solve this problem by uninstalling MCM, deleting it from my mod launcher and redownloading it. I have no idea what PRKF is, but it might be solved the same way as MCM. Try disabling "game changing" mods, like massive overhauls, and launching the game. When I say "disabling", I mean uninstalling. Cause those left over loose files when I mod is only disabled can still cause problems.
  7. So, I've spent the last 3 hours looking for a shrub/bush nuking mod so RTS actually feels right with roads/stone squares/etc, I have tried clicking them and disabling them, but their reference IDs do not appear. Is there a mod out there or a console command or anything that I can use to quite literally get rid of EVERY shrub? Because at this point, I hate the little f***ers. Just a quick edit, I have no intention of using G.E.C.K. or anything else that could mess up my game as I have no skill with them what so ever and have no intention on learning due to school work, job and relationships.
  8. i could do some of the work but the animations are not a good one for me.
  9. im not talking about the teleport, to hell with that. im talking about the say lightning storm uses two hands, but with this, if you had the master level destruction perk, it would only take 1 hand.
  10. So my thought was if for example you started skyrim with a minor teleport spell, you'd have to use 2 hands for more concentration. However, as you get stronger you'd become more skilled and that 2 hand teleport would become nary a wave of your hand. My request is that someone better than me create this, I've tried but I'm just not that into the kit. To clearify, I'm talking about all two handed master spells being available as novice spells and leveling to master at which point its at its lowest cast time and cost aswell as different animations like the fore mentioned wave. This is why i gave up.
  11. dragon born beats alduin, dagon=alduin(in nirn at least) therefore on nirn he wins, in oblivion its all about dagon though
  12. Lol, ok, it WAS an animal extermination. I got it from you know who, and it WAS in a cave or w/e underneath the house and it didnt even fit/wasnt able to move. like i said, true giants a dragons hunt in packs. i have no explanation other then a bug/glitch/mod interference. sorry, but i dont think this is going to have much more clarity.
  13. I just finished getting my first character to lvl 89(i jump around on my characters) pretty much all the smithing and enchantment perks, anyway, my smithing was at 500 and i had just found a mod for a cool sword, i upgraded the sword and KABLAM, it was at 1379 dmg, LOL, i didnt even know you could break 999.
  14. so my friend wants to get Skyrim for the pc but he doesnt want to buy it and install it just to uninstall it if it doesnt work this is the problem, I've read the minumum and recomended requirements for systems to play it but idk what im talking about half the time so heres his system info OS Microsoft windows 7 home premium x64 Intel Pentium CPU P6200 @ 2.13GHz 2133 Mhz 2 core Ram 3.00gb I believe thats all the info i need to know wether or not his comp can run skyrim but as I said im not a genius. anyone knowledgable about this, could you pls tell me if he can run it?
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