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Nexus Mods Profile

About toothlessgrinn

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. screen shot of what i did. i just went to previous version of the exe and pasted it in my fo4 folder and now everything works again. look at dates for reference.
  2. i use win7. just go to your fo4 folder right click on the main exe and go to previous version and replace it with one of the restore point exe icon. it worked for me. if they truely only updated the exe then just replace it with the old on and f4se should work again!
  3. you know ive been on here for a while and wanted to contribute. no i aint rich but ya know i WAS going to cuz i get it adblockers take away from yall. but you declined my card that works just fine and aint fake or overdrawn . its MY CARD AND ITS REAL SO IT AINT MY FAULT THAT YOUR SITE DECLINED IT! amazon and other sites use it just fine and i sure the fk aint doing no paypal! why do i need to make a new thing on the internet so that another institution has my info?? and for 2$.... sorry not sorry but i tried and it failed on your side not mine so dont be hatin cuz i use an adblocker! if i want commercials ill turn on nbc. abc or fox. yall make plenty of money off the ads. just putting it out their.. no griping or whining or hating! thanks for the wonderful mods have a great day!
  4. but i do know nexus has been having issues with there advertisers and said they were trying to fix the problems... well they havent fixed them on my end cuz i know thats what locks up my browser when it trys to refresh the page..... but looking for malware is not a bad idea in itself....
  5. HEY NEXUS YOU SITE IS WACKED MAN!!!!!!!! whats going on on this site?? its constantly crashing my browser (chrome,IE,opera, firefox,ect.) and now i have strange sites trying to download stuff on my pc????? wtf is going on here??? you want people to be premium users yet you site is glitched all to hell!!!
  6. first off id like to thank the modders and nexus for all of this stuff on here , and i get the fact that yall need money to operate.... but im sure yall can lighten up on the ads on your site cuz its screwin up my pc and all of my browsers from firefox to chrome to internet explorer.... if yall ever want donations or me to go premium then I NEED TO BE ABLE TO GET TO THE PAGE... cant get to them if my computer or browser keeps locking up... AND IT AINT CUZ I HAVE A WEAK PC... just sayin man! again i say thanks for all the cool stuff and i understand yall need to make money but this is getting freakin rediculace!!!
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