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Posts posted by niepahoda

  1. I use Unique Player and Followers REDUX, due to the ability to customize the texture itself. Textures of the body and hands work, but adding a face texture does not have any effect. It seems that Cait, Piper and Curie use a common face texture, which does not quite fit with the unique body textures. The same problem concerns the player's body, which is very annoying.

    Is there anyone who managed to customize the unique face textures? Is it possible? Are there any instructions that will help me?


    Would it be possible to have the Veteran NCR armours along with the Patrolman and Trooper armours in the colours and styles of Minutemen? Perhaps the General's outfit could be modified Vet armour. (Colour optional)


    NCR Armours in question;



    MNO - Minutemen NCR Overhaul

    This mod makes the Minutemen spawn with NCR armor.

    Minutemen NCR Retextures

    The name speaks for itself.
    Have a nice game.
  3. Btw @nepogoda I have started working on the mod :smile:


    It's amazing!


    Would you like anything to be pre-built there within CK, or just the basics so YOU can build yourself?


    When I tried to make this mod, I deleted all the furniture, quest markers (which added the conditions "Finish all related quests"), lights (including fake ones), darn navmeshes (a lot).

    Now, if I had brought this up to the release, I would have made three versions:
    1. As it is;
    2. Minimum of vanilla furniture and light (to free more space, but leave atmosphere);

    3. Clean sheet: only the walls, ceiling, floor, no light and so on.

    I think this way the mod attracts more attention and will reach a wide audience.


    The place is associated with several quests. So you need to sharpen the users' attention to the fact that these quests need to be completed:
    Dangerous Minds
    The Silver Shroud
    Emergent Behavior

    And Kurt. I wanted to move him to the Hotel Rexford, but I did not get to that point.


    All these are recommendations. You make this mod and you accept decisions.

    As for me personally, it is important for me that the place work as a home/settlement (the ability to send companions/settlers, a marker for fast travel, no limit for large objects). The rest, if necessary, I can adjust for personal needs.

  4. So you want to turn the Memory Den into a player home, correct? And be able to use Workshop mode and build whatever you want?


    Correct. I'm interested in building inside the Memory Den. So I like the Aloot's Home Plate, there is no restriction on objects, as in other player home mods. But at the same time, there is no Minutemens sticking on the threshold, who decided that this is the ideal place for a spawn.


    Maybe AmazingFollowerTweaks mod Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26976/

    Read description 9) Camp Support.


    This is not what I need. Too low functionality, but thanks for the suggestion.
    Then it's much easier to use C.A.M.P.. But I still can not rely on this mod, so you can consider me a retrograde.
  5. So, I destroyed the Railroad. Then I decided to eliminate the remaining allies. When I finished the "Memory Den", I realized that this place can become an excellent player home. Companions and settlers friendly.
    I struggled for a long time over the necessary parameters for a workbench. Ideally, I needed to reach the parameters of the Aloot's Home Plate. However, I do not speak english well and even the video tutorials did not really help me.
    Now I have a collapsing laptop and I can not continue trying any more. If the program does not hang, then the laptop hangs.
    Maybe there is a person who can realize this idea better than me (which will be quite simple)?
    - Wait, did you kill Kent as well?
    - No, but he wet his pants. I think it's better to move him to the "Hotel Rexford".
  6. I found an annoying bug in my mod The Castle - City on the Lake. And I do not know how to fix it.

    When I activate the building menu in the extended territory, some objects or entire tabs in the menu disappear. For example, a tab with caravans from the Thematic and Practical. At the same time, the remaining tabs of this mod are in their places.

    If I activate the building menu in the vanilla area, then all the tabs and objects are in their places.

    This is not a critical bug, but because of it you need to enter the Castle every time before opening the building menu.

  7. Hey.

    I'm doing a set of tattoos for my character. Edit files using Photoshop and plugin for .dds files. Faced an annoying trifle, folks. These squares/noise/glitches. (English is not my native language, so I do not know what to call them correctly.)

    Please tell me which settings will give the best quality when saving a .dds file?



  8. Hello there.

    When I made my first version of "Radio October" I had similar problems. Maybe I made the same mistakes as you. Perhaps in new versions of Fallout something is hindering this script. Perhaps this script is not so good.

    The second version I made by Elite Khajiit tutorials. Its way is longer, but it is simpler in its essence and the radio works as it should. I hope his videos will help you.

    You can download my "Radio October" and copy my version of the script, it is designed for 65 tracks and you can just delete unnecessary lines.

  9. Hey. I downloaded the mod, which adds another secret shelter to the Commonwealth. However, it works as a settlement, I can send a companion or a settler there. And this is good.

    The bad side is the Minutemen. I have "We Are The Minutemen" so they patrolling the settlements and now regularly appear in my shelter.

    I've already done a lot in this mod for my needs by using Creation Kit. And the last thing I did not understand: how to exclude patrolling my shelter by Minutemens?

    Are there any ideas?

  10. Hi people. I'm Russian-speaking, so the whole next text you'll hear a strong Russian accent. Do not resist.
    Near the Castle there are ruins of a snack bar (we met there with the Minutemen before the storming of the Castle), and several cars with puddles of fuel.
    I tried to remove these cars and puddles with the help of CK, but they still appear in the game. I'm just starting to learn CK, so correct if I'm wrong. I think this is somehow connected with the quest "Old Guns", during which we need to test the Minutemen's artillery on these area.
    So, my question is: how to remove these cars and puddles forever?
    Remove them in the game with the help of "Scrap Everything" is not an option
  11. Cleaning garbage is doable, moving markers is doable, and so is increasing build area box.


    2 Questions:


    1) What do you mean by draw new boundaries? Do you mean make more land? Like raising land from the sea to be level with the raise? The Creation Kit has a tool to raise and lower land for something like that but I've never used it, just seen videos of it.


    2) What would you consider is an unnecessary element other than garbage?

    1) I mean a red-green wall signifying the boundaries of the settlement.

    In some Creatoin Kit lessons, moders simply insert borders used in other settlements, but this rarely looks natural.

    In other cases, they increase the vanilla boundaries, but the new territory of the Castle will certainly be of a different form than the pentagon.

    2) I consider cars and puddles of fuel near "... IVANS". I tried to remove them using the Creation Kit, but they still stayed in the game. I think it should be connected with the quest "Old Guns".

  12. Well there is this repaired version that affects the building:



    Ethreon's Castle Pieces to add castle pieces: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25362/?


    But what I think you are really getting at is to increase the building area on the x, y, z axis right? Ie more space to build left to right, front to back, up and down? That's really easy, you just increase the build box in the Creation Kit.


    I had thought about something similar after watching a Final Render youtube video. The little diner gets a makeover for the Minutemen troops to go to at lunch. Maybe fishing at the lake or swimming. Soldiers running laps around the lake getting physical training in. I had other thoughts but I forgot them as I was in another tab browsing YouTube.

    Modifications are good, but I still use "Castle Rebuilt" from "Stemathome".

    You've got the gist. And yes, it's easy to do, but the result will not be the best. It is necessary not only to expand along the axes, but also draw new boundaries of construction and clean up unnecessary elements, such as spawn points and garbage. It is also very important not to remove the markers needed for the quests, and ideally: to transfer them to other points. For example, in the quest "Defend the Castle".
  13. I'm Russian-speaking, in advance I'm sorry if the text is strange in places.

    The Castle has many good mods, affecting its ruined walls, and transfer blueprints. However, there are practically no mods that affect the construction area.

    I propose to make a mod that will expand the territory almost in two times, at the expense of land and lake near the castle walls. Move the border to multi-storey buildings in front of the Castle.

    This way you can arrange two posts away from each entrance. And at the lake you can arrange a whole settlement on stilts.

    It will not be superfluous to tidy up the "...IVANS" building , remove the spawn points of opponents and that clumsy house near the ship.

    Because, seriously, it's very wasteful - do not master the territory at our own walls.

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