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About TheSuey

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    Skyrim OFC GAWD

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  1. Not mine, linked, if it bothers you i can put the profiles of each artist.
  2. As of yet, I have no prior experience modding TES but am starting on 3ds max etc, irrelevant however. Here are two threads that may give you ideas for weapons and armor, one is mine, the other is full of requests but the OP has abandoned all hope and fled to Falkreath. Suey's Mod Wishlist If you can draw it I can model it Again, these are not requests of your team, merely resources that may provide inspiration :)
  3. Im not sure how much action you will get out of this until the CK is released but once it is Im sure you will receive some strong support :happy: +teh bump for op
  4. Perhaps instead of using brick pillars, use a smooth surface such as collumns, this would avoid many of your issues altogether
  5. Also i thought you should know that Ive referenced your thread in Suey's Mod Wishlish :biggrin:
  6. Im hittin you up with a +1 for the hard work and proof youre showing up :thumbsup:
  7. Im no professional on texturing by any means but with a little tweaking, im sure the tesselation effect could be 'blended' out by using an overlay of sorts such as this Cracked wall texture. Also, by creating a broken patter in the wall texture, it would appear much less rigid and realistic i suppose Sandstone Wall This also, A pillar model could work interestingly. And lastly, to add some more realism to the walls, this Worn effect could be added to break it up and create depth instead of just having a matte texture the whole way round. Btw, this is the sort of 'ambient' lighting Id imagine Ambience Edit, it is looking very promising already and by no means do i mean to force any ideas on you, Im just chuckign them out there because i dont have the whole picture of what youre aiming for :laugh:
  8. Im just throwing ideas around man, Im really enthusiastic about thsi project for some reason and I dont mean that music exactly, Its all bout ambience, the mood and feel :rolleyes:
  9. Pics or it didnt happen :armscrossed:
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