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About dabigone

  1. Sorry I've been away for a bit, I've been having some computer issues. I fully plan to pick up the pace on my end of things as much as I can lol. I agree with martin though that the most powerful moments in gaming for me have been the ones where I really empathized with the character or felt like I really was them. Unfortunately it's really difficult to find a good game that does that, so most instances have been in pen and paper games for me.
  2. Relax in the wonderful community bath
  3. A second pic of our artist friend
  4. Sorry it took so long lol, but here are the pics you've been so patiently waiting for. Like before it's in multiple posts :thumbsup:.
  5. Don't worry lol, my laptop won't even come close to running skyrim either, I really want to get a new one. And as awesome as I've found skyrim to be (what little I've played it lol), I actually like oblivion better, especially after we get this mod up and running :).
  6. I'm happy to be on the team and thank WarRats again for letting me help :biggrin:. Hopefully I'll be able to live up to the great work that he and Urko have already done lol.
  7. Here's hoping ;) I am truly sorry it's taken so long. If I wasn't such a perfectionist then you would have seen the first release months ago. For example, I just spent an hour on about 5 chunks of dialogue, getting each bit to sound just right and make the listener ask themselves the right moral questions. I don't think I'm good at it, but here is a little sample... "I hate your elitism, your arrogance... your self deception. You take pride in your superiority over humans, yet you hold on to your greed, your vanity... It's not your fault. You're only human." Wow, that's some serious dialogue lol, hope I can live up :sweat:. As far as using an overhaul, I've only used this one since the first version came out lol, and this is proving to be exponentially better than the original. The only thing I used for vampires before getting Terran Vampires is appearance changers to make them look better lol.
  8. I think something with demonic hellfire would be cool for an inhuman vampire, maybe at the cost of health and blood as a result of your relationship with the demons of the other side. As for a human one... I'll get back to you lol.
  9. So I just wanted to make a post and thank WarRatsG for allowing me to become a part of this amazing mod. I'll be working on characters and whatever I can help out with :). Oh, and Martin, a good way to get a feel for things is to play the original beta, that's how I got interested in this project. This one's fixing to be exponentially better, but it's a start. Other than that, it's up to WarRatsG if he wants to put out an official trailer. I'd be more than happy to put one together, or help with one, but it'll add to the suspense if you're kept guessing a little ;). And suspense makes it more fun when it comes out after all.
  10. Weed and beer inebriation is a good mod for distortion effects, I'm not sure who made it though. I'd love to help you make characters, as I'd like to think anyway that I'm a fairly good writer at least, but I haven't really had any experience with translating that into the CS to make characters. If I can figure it out I'll let you know, but if I can't I'd still be thrilled to help you at least write the characters if you need it.
  11. Sounds like vampires worthy of the Shivering Isles lol ;). Maybe you could add a distortion effect to vision like in some of the intoxication mods. Not sure what disorder that my be though lol, maybe "faux intoxication" or something.
  12. For purely role-playing reasons I would say that was a cool idea, but it would be difficult I would think to implement into the game without it being game-breaking. Having that many followers would make most fights, including the main quest, just too easy. If you were limited to having one or at most two follow you at a time though, with the rest being in your "standing army," then maybe it could work.
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