Here's hoping ;) I am truly sorry it's taken so long. If I wasn't such a perfectionist then you would have seen the first release months ago. For example, I just spent an hour on about 5 chunks of dialogue, getting each bit to sound just right and make the listener ask themselves the right moral questions. I don't think I'm good at it, but here is a little sample... "I hate your elitism, your arrogance... your self deception. You take pride in your superiority over humans, yet you hold on to your greed, your vanity... It's not your fault. You're only human." Wow, that's some serious dialogue lol, hope I can live up :sweat:. As far as using an overhaul, I've only used this one since the first version came out lol, and this is proving to be exponentially better than the original. The only thing I used for vampires before getting Terran Vampires is appearance changers to make them look better lol.