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About dlcatalin1

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  1. Seems like that isn't something that would be done easily. May be hardcoded or something - ammo does by default have weight so there has to be something that removes it in non-hardcore, though so far no one appears to have found out what does that. You could go the other way, maybe - play in hardcore and use a mod to remove the Hunger/Thirst/Sleep stats? Not sure if that's possible either though. Thank you, the "untag..." mod looks nice, because i can make them quest again after i dumped the things i don't need. :blush: Now to install "RWO" to see if the ammo weight turns down to something more manageable. I like to hoard ammo :pirate:
  2. I'm thinking about going with RWO (http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37095/?), but i will have a big problem using it, i have like 300 rocket suvenirs in my inventory and i can't drop or sell them cause they are quest items. There is a link on the RWO page to a mod that allows you to drop quest items but the file does not exist any more. If i use RWO i won't be able to move FOREVER because of the weight of the quest rockets.
  3. There is no way i will play the "pussy version" :sleep: . I have mods that make every battle a fight for your life, 2-3 bullets kill you, or 1 to the head, same for the enemies. I just want the ammo weight a little bit lower, i don't like to see that my ammo takes up 200+ WG, i can't loot armors and guns in this manner :mad: . Thx for your suggestions, that's what i was looking at, i was looking at some weight overhaul mods in the hope that they will help with the ammo weight.
  4. After a while i noticed i keep hitting the weight limit too freaking often and i knew i didn't pick many weapons/armors, so i decided to look at my ammo and i was star struck ... i mean ...WTF !!! 150 bullets weight 8 KG ???????????????????????? WHAT THE F !!!!!!!!! Can someone please tell me a mod that makes the ammo weight realistic ? http://s1.postimg.org/hqu93j4gr/Screen_Shot2.jpg
  5. Hello guys, I have a problem, i need two mods. I need a mod that lets me set homes for EACH of my followers INDIVIDUALLY ! I have NCCS and other mods and i only have one option to set a home marker FOR ALL. (the reason behind this is because i need to put followers inside my home and outside as guards, i can't use the WAIT function for this because then i can't go in the expansion areas because it sais i have followers) I need another mod that lets me to switch companions trough dialogue to ESSENTIAL and NON-Essential, because when i take them out questing i want them to die, and be immortal only when i leave them home or somewhere just in case the legion assassins spawn to get me or something. Do any of these mods exist ? :( I also have a problem with a retard follower not wanting to get fired, i fire her but she still continues to follow me, and i can't kill here because she is essential.
  6. THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES MY GOOD STRANGER !!!! THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU ! I already had FNVEDIT but never crossed my mind to do a search there, i found the culprit mod. It's a mod that adds clothes ONLY usable by the player, i don't know why it adds that retarded NPC following me. This is the mod with the problem : http://www.nexusmods...&preview=&pUp=1 I am uninstalling the mod now and wil try to see if the problem persists after that.
  7. I tried killing her, but if i kill her then each time i switch regions/fast travel/ enter or exit homes the giant holes appear in the ground like the earth itself is missing. It's breaking the game.
  8. I did what you told me and it shows "6800455b", i looked for the mod with the 68 number in my load list and it's a mod that does nothing else except increase the follower wait time to 1000000 days. So it has nothing to do with her :( Now what do i do ?
  9. I'm playing FNV for a while, i have attached my load order with my mods. Out of the blue when i fast traveled a girl with a funny name, Iannoa, appeared out of nowhere following me. It's just a floating head with floating hands and instead of a body it has the GIANT red exclamation mark in the triangle. I have attached a picture. Can someone tell me from what mod is she from so i can uninstall it ? It's obvious the mod responsable for her is either broken, conflicts, or is bad installed. Pls help !
  10. For me this fixed my crashing problems, i played for 3 hours with no problems ! http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53635/?
  11. I used a merge patch with FNVedit and saw no improvement, why leave Willow out ? Is that the reason for the crashes ?
  12. I already fixed the exe to use 4gb, crashes are not that frequent anymore, but i still get em. So i guess it's something to do with the mods.
  13. I haven't played this game in years and i see that there is no BOSS option in NMM anymore :( I installed a bunch of mods, arranged them after my own thinking and the game runs, but it crashes too freaking often. Between 30 to 60 minutes, mostly when switching trough areas. I have attached my mod list so maybe some expert can sort it out so i can load it and see if it works better.
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