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About AlphaWoIF

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Sorry to revive this old thread but im intrested in creating some custom stuff for this game , Anybody ever manage to get models back in to game as an extra & not a re-placer. Im really disappointed in FIRAXIS because they did mention modding tools, but here we are and still NOTHING:(( Feel like it was just a PR stunt. Just imagine an being able to add lots of custom maps using the game assets to the randomized map list (kinda sick of seeing the same over and over again
Yes this is somewhat shameless advertising but its also a valid point to anybody who like to fight new lore fitting Monsters & enemies. I have just released the latest build of my long running, but painfully underrated & overlooked Skyrim Witcher mod which now Adds a host of new monsters, some that were present in the Monster mod in a slightly different format. All models are personally rigged by myself and fully voiced with original sounds to be as authentic to there origins in the witcher games. The only downside would be the amount currently placed in game. but im also setting a challenge to all potential mod makers to create Monster contracts mods using the mod as a base to create esp addon modsjust like you do for the skyrim BSA, as i also placed a witchers contract board out side all taverns in skyrim for quest makers to place contracts in to hunt and slay monsters. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9198
Actually i may need have need of your skills as 2 years modding this game with plenty of side projects of the go including A GTA IV mod, trying to learn the cryEngine 3, and creating stuff in zbrush all in my spare time . I totally know where your coming from when you talk about getting burned out and going loko. You often know when your in that place when you sit down trying to do stuff spending hours and achieving nothing @ all byt jumping from one thing to the other ,well thats me experience anyway. Well i have a pretty big and complicated mod that im currently uploading the next version of and there is a lot of stuff ive not been able to do myself yet, the mod was getting way to big so i have had to break sections in to smaller standalone stuff that will act like DLC for the main file, In the next upload there is a load of monsters being added like there was in the monster mod BUT my versions are authentic to the witcher lore and i have made all as close as i can possibly get them i also added a witchers noticeboard outside most taverns where i placed a template contract .in with the goal of other modders like yourself adding contracts to the boards to hunt/slay monsters for rewards and you will get the credits for doing so as you will be able to create your own esp mods they will use the assets in the main file of my witcher mod. Plus i have a load of storylines including the main plot line i would love to add, that i just dont seem to have time to do. i also have loads of other stuiff that needs doing that may require scripting skills .like triggered events , adding bleeding perks to weapons , and bleeding resistance to certain armors , witcher toxicity, quests from the NPC packs i intend to add.crafting, the list seems endless. let me know if your interested. my file will take a while to upload and ive hidden the link while its in progress as im editing the page. so you wont find it just yet.
Unfortunately i tried this with some of the witcher animations and while some of the text is readable, most of the text was indecipherable symbols so no luck there. but they are in a propitiatory format .W2ANIMS I wonder if its an xml thing? I noticed a lot of lines i found interesting which suggests they used the havok engine,i will have to look in to converting this file to kf but i cant fins a skeleton.hkx ref in the txt. I do have a ragdoll file witcher_ragdoll.w2ragdoll but dont know what i need to do atm. W2_Assets\characters\templates\witcher\witcher_mimics.HKX Havok-6.5.0-r1 \W2_Assets\characters\templates\witcher\animation\Witcher_steel\witcher\steel_high_dagger_throw.hkx O ÿÿ R>”¹\=ý§ò½ÇSx? 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WOW can all animation data file be extracted in that way as i have some animations from the witcher 2 and da2 i want to load in max.
if you ever want to animate faces with tri files you may eventually find this thread helpful as its full of great information from two of the best guys in the business on that topic, helped me no end :) http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/832728-skyrim-facial-animation-from-custom-skeletal-rig/
ight be overkill, also it is a massive mod with over 200 mb as a regular mod might be 2-20 mb, but lots of meshes and retextures, Lol there is not such thing as a regular mod my friend , My own mods update is borderline 400mb+ so doesn't sweat the size buddy, put i what you think the mood needs or will benefit. Past that put up a poll if you must. :) just forget about a steam release with there pathetic filesize and no rar format limitations
Thank once again , seems my max may not be exporting obj files correctly as i can remember the uvw's have also been knows too get messed up. But i did the work around a exporting them as nilfs and exported the obj's from there and after writing notes on what works and what dont by trial and error i managed to get a couple of expressions working. Happy and sad. now for the eyes and mouth meshes to. i do now understand why so few modders have done skyrim face morphs on custom heads now to date i can only think of one so i guess im in the minority Atm. http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/3231/facewgm.png
kind of reminds me of age of Conan. great work on the sharks and jellys looking forwards to fearing the water :)
Arrgh its not going well still:( Basically i scrapped all the face morphs and created better ones using the original head bones from the original model and 3dsmax morpher modifier. so now i have a slightly different head model and new face morphs to use also, which is great, but i am unable add those face morphs to the original MaleHead.tri or the last custom one i created , without an issue saying the tri file has 1588 verts and the obj file has 1480 verts , so i decided its because the original meshes are slightly different. so tried to create a brand new tri file from the new basis head. well long story short i still get the same problem and ive run out of ideas because there is no other way i know , how to actually create a new tri file based on the custom head mesh that i can add morph targets to. and the guy who upped the blender import export script is being quiet , Man Blender suck big time everything is such a hassle with that program. i also tried to add the morph targets in to blender and add them as shape keys to the basis head , but nothing i do works , and im stuck with blender 2.4a because of the script i use for extracting witcher meshes only works on that version. Im getting Render Rage. i have no idea where these extra verts are coming from as its a direct obj import, tri export
Removed comment on issue as i solved it >:)
...will...you...QUIT DANCING!!!!!1111!!
AlphaWoIF replied to SargonV's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
extract the bsa file with a bsa extractor and look at the content , then go through and manually remove all the bits that the dancing mod added, if unchecking it it did not help. -
...will...you...QUIT DANCING!!!!!1111!!
AlphaWoIF replied to SargonV's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Kill them!, Kill them ALL!!!!!!. The dead dont dance Unless you count thriller. sorry but this made me lol -
i cant help with morphs as im only just starting to mess with them for face animations but as for copying and pasting in nilfskope yes you can you have to right click on the part you want and copy branch, then right click in the new nilf on any bit and paste branch. but unless your other meshes have been shaped to worrk perfectly with it its gonna look crappy , because the underlying mesh will clip through the bits around in when its animating.
face and body/skin textures need to be assigned via the the CK and linked to the body meshes via new separate skin-texture files( i suggest you look up how they have done it with the original bodys. i had the same problems with my geralt of rivia in the beginning. the problem you have is that the bshaderlighting on the bodys and head are still using what they are linked to no matter what you do out side the ck.