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About ShockKiller

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    TES V: Skyrim
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    Elder Scrolls Series

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  1. What kind of compile error are you getting?
  2. You could make a script on the ring so that when it's on, an activator (something small, like a diamond) will move to you and cast a ranged spell. Example: Scriptname TEST extends ObjectReference Property ObjectReference TheDiamond Auto Property ObjectReference YourRing Auto If Game.GetPlayer() .IsEquipped(YourRing) == True TheDiamond.Moveto(Game.GetPlayer()) Wait(.1) TehSpell.Cast(TheDiamond, Player) Endif If Game.GetPlayer() .IsEquipped(YourRing) == False Game.GetPlayer() .Dispel(TehSpell) Endif Try that. Don't forget to define the properties, too.
  3. You could try: Scriptname TEST Extends ObjectReference ... If Game.GetPlayer().IsinLocation(ThePlace) == 1 Game.GetPlayer().SetScale(.5) Endif If Game.GetPlayer().IsinLocation(ThePlace) == 0 Game.GetPlayer().SetScale(1) Endif I guess you could put this on the Player. Also I believe you would need a Location property.
  4. I can't get any actor to play animations other than Idles... I've used the functions "PlayAnimation", "PlayGamebryoAnimation", and "PlayIdle". Right now I'm trying "Debug.SendAnimationEvent". Debug.SendAnimationEvent seems like the best bet, but has anyone gotten an actor to play an animation other than an Idle (such as .hkn files)?
  5. All you have to do is just save. Player 2 will always be with you (unless you disable him) so there is no problem-o.
  6. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with waiting, but how come all we get is a "Were working on it..." response? Makes me worry... *Anticipate the CK*
  7. In all honesty, I don't think online will ever work completely. Local is much easier, safer, and more practical...
  8. Check out my Oblivion MP mod, it's local and works quite well... I'm gonna make one for Skyrim...
  9. I made one for Oblivion, and as soon as the CK comes out, I'm making one...
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