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About DaniWes

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    Fallout 3

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  1. My relevant specs are i5 4670k, 780GTX SLI and 8GB DDR3. I have Skyrim SE installed on a Samsung EVO 500GB SSD. Load times for cities is around 2 or 3 seconds and load times for buildings and caves is 1 or less than 1 second. Clicking continue from the menu and loading into the game takes no more than 5 seconds as well. (Fallout 4 would take much longer, sometimes 20 - 30 seconds.) I use a lot of mods, the meshes and textures folder combined are 2.7 GB.
  2. Could you tell us how you found the timescale entry? Cause with the latest patch tge lockedcontentcheck.lua is not there anymore in patch.dat. Neither does it exist in the common.dat In other words nowhere in the common or patch files can I find an xml file that dictates the timescale other than the default setting of 1. (And changing that doesn't affect the game, tested it) I've been trying for several hours now but can't seem to find a way to change the timescale anymore. Which unfortunately forces me to play with very short nights. Edit: Wow after a few more searches and tries I think I found it: - I unpacked patch.dat - Opened fc3_master.chapter01.lua (the only .lua file with a timescale entry in it) - Changed line 117 10.timeScale = 1 to 10.timescale = 0.25 (so the time in the game goes with 25% of the speed of vanilla) - Tested it by checking the movement of the shadows while moving yourself (either physical movement or looking makes the time go forward) and noticed a significant reduction in shadow movement So I'd say it works.
  3. Could someone make an ESP, that changes the time the Nightvision mode of for instance the Varmint Rifle scope, is activated? Currently it activates at 6 PM, which is way too early, since it's still light. I searched the Nexus for quite a while but didn't find any mod that addresses this, didn't find anything via Google either. Also tried browsing through the Fallout ESM in FNV Edit, to find the script or variable responsible for this, but search results lead to nothing.
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