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About Copey101

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  1. Hi I love this idea also hopefully someone picks it up soon :)
  2. Hi I think this is a cool idea and most things it needs are already in the game carts exist as do priests for the local halls of the dead for things killed within the walls though that arent human such as vampires all the way down to wolfs or dragons i think a different faction should deal with the remains such as hunters for animals vigilants of stendarr for vamps and greybeards for dragons
  3. Hi I really like the idea of this I too love the Vampire Hunter D movies and the following comic series
  4. Hi I would very much appreciate if someone could create the Mythril Blade from FF12 along with its scabbard can be improved to deadric quality for use through a complete playthrough if you choose to create this mod i would appreciate if you could put my name in the description for the idea :smile: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Mythril_Blade_(Final_Fantasy_XII)
  5. Hi not sure if this is the place to ask this or not but i have the files of a .bsa and a .esl i have put them in my data folder but the mod is not in my game? is there something else i need to do?
  6. I think this is a cool idea and would be rather beneficial to certain character builds that being said i am not a Modder and would have no idea as how to help you to create this
  7. I am looking for someone to create this specific armour mod for skyrim original edition not legendary as when checking mods in the nexus nobody has done this one yet and i think its the best of them all https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a6/dc/50/a6dc50f7feb88c59eb6e9119b2f4035e.jpg
  8. Hello Everyone I am Copey101 I am no modder but i love mods i have an extensive background of pc games and for the most part RPG i have played all the elder scrolls games to do date including ESO and have upgraded them by adding in mods that i enjoy most of which just improve upon immersion I would like to open a discussion about an idea for a mod it would be about gathering the right people for the job My idea is to recreate assets into skyrim from the cancelled game Project Offset to firstly just develop items or abilities or spells from the game and then move onto enemies and environments until something akin to a full sized DLC MOD can be made and then trying to piece together a quest based on any information found about the cancelled games story The FPS mode seems very akin to skyrim anyways alongside games such as If anyone is interested please inform me Regards
  9. From some research iv gathered her name is Nayru and its being said that the armour is her own version of the Morag tong and not the actual armour that will be in game from concept art http://i.imgur.com/u1O88ch.png this is from a gameplay vid of how shes currently looking and the armour is different pretty shoddy compared to the trailers https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zI98030Jhdc/maxresdefault.jpg
  10. I too am also looking for someone to mod this armour into skyrim both standard and special editions Been wanting it since i first saw the awesome trailer
  11. Been waiting for this for what seems like forever is there any update on a time frame for release yet?
  12. this mod seems to be what your wanting http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60854/? but when using the Ly Player Only Voice Replacer - ly_player_voice_v0dot1dot3 it does not detect the folder as a mod and will not run does anyone have any ideas to fix this?
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