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  1. I'm sorry to say I think I'm going to have to throw in the towel. None of the methods I know seem to work for this. Sorry... :( Hopefully someone more experienced can help more.
  2. I'm using states because the activator in question doesn't have two states (Like a switch, and I want the event to fire every other time), so I made an on and off state. And thanks! I'll give that a try.
  3. Thanks. Let me know if it works. :smile: EDIT: For that last bit I'm not sure if you mean a real hour or an in-game hour, but I'm guessing you mean a real hour. If that's the case, an event using "RegisterForSingleUpdate" and "OnUpdate" may be what you're looking for on the end if you're planning on such a long delay as it's better than using Timer. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=RegisterForSingleUpdate_-_Form
  4. On a random side note, I'd just like to say how glad I am this forum exists. So many people have been able to provide information that I haven't been able to find on my own. Not only that, but I've also been able to help others with their questions too while waiting for answers on my own! So thanks to all of you out there that take the time to share your knowledge with us just starting out with Papyrus. It REALLY makes a difference. :smile:
  5. I made a script that contains the following state, but I'm having trouble getting it to work. State SCRIPTSTATE Event OnBeginState(string asOldState) ObjectReference[] NPCs = ActiRef.FindAllReferencesOfType(MY_FORM_LIST, 2000.0) NPCs.Kill() EndEvent My goal is to have the activator that this script is attached to run Kill() on all the NPCs listed in MY_FORM_LIST within 2000(Measurement type?) of the activator. I have not however been able to get this to work as of yet and I'm not Papyrus smart enough to figure out why. I've done a lot of searching for information on "FindAllReferencesOfType" but have found only the wiki page and 1 example of actual use on another website. I'm completely new to using form lists too, so together they've put me in a bind. Thanks in advance. :)
  6. Maybe something like this would work? Scriptname ASmallAdditionSpawnPoints001 extends ObjectReference ActorBase property asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc auto ObjectReference property SpawnPlace auto ObjectReference property SpawnPlace1 auto ObjectReference property SpawnPlace2 auto ObjectReference property SpawnPlace3 auto ObjectReference property SpawnPlace4 auto Event OnInit() GoToState("TriggerIdle") EndEvent State TriggerIdle Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) GoToState("TriggerActive") EndEvent State TriggerActive Event OnBeginState(string asOldState) self.BlockActivation() SpawnPlace.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) SpawnPlace1.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) SpawnPlace2.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) SpawnPlace3.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) SpawnPlace4.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) StartTimer(600) SpawnPlace.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) SpawnPlace1.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) SpawnPlace2.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) SpawnPlace3.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) SpawnPlace4.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) StartTimer(600) SpawnPlace.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) SpawnPlace1.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) SpawnPlace2.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) SpawnPlace3.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) SpawnPlace4.PlaceActorAtMe(asmalladditiongreenarmyworkshopnpc, 0) self.BlockActivation(false) GoToState("TriggerIdle") EndEvent Once the player enters the trigger it spawns your 5 actors then waits 10 minutes (600 seconds) before doing it again, then repeating it a total of 3 times (Although you could copy it as many times as you wanted or create some kind of loop). After the third time, the trigger is switched back to idle at which point it has to be triggered again. This *should* also prevent the player from triggering it multiple times while it's still running.
  7. Glad to help! Just be sure to delete/move it if you want to do a play through the normal way. I didn't want to do anything complicated with dialog options without being able to test it. EDIT: Just a notice that I am no longer watching this thread. If you need me, send me a message. :)
  8. Okay, so this is the state of things. I've altered the Home Sweet Home quest in a way that starts the following quest (Power Play) at its end, rather than the beginning. I'm not going to release this as an actual mod because I haven't been able to test it after some issues I've had with your game save. It seems you are using some mod that the save now requires to run and without it, I crash every time I get near one of your settlements. This *should* work but if it doesn't, let me know. Be sure to virus scan it after download as this isn't an official Nexus download. Also, be sure to back up your saves before use! If it works, you will get a message box saying "Skipping raider conflict..." on your screen at the end of Home Sweet Home. http://expirebox.com/download/27464a5ef7161bdd5ed590d133ff0ac5.html I'm waiting on a mod to be finished currently, after which time I will start another play through of Fallout 4. At that time I will re-visit this and properly test it.
  9. Perfect, thanks. I'm headed to bed right now , but I'll run some tests on the quest mod tomorrow with it to make sure it works. (It's finished, just not tested yet)
  10. So I'm trying to target ALL actors within a given radius around an activator or static object by script. I know how to target the actor that is closest or a random one, but not target all in the area at once. The idea is to get all actors in the area then perform an action on them such as kill(), for example. Suggestions? Thanks!
  11. It's working, but there's a few more touches I want to add before releasing it.
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