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Nexus Mods Profile

About iwantdlc

  1. Hello modders, I was hoping to find a mod that made it so that I could get a 100% chance to proc the perk "Idiot Savant" when I complete a quest while still retaining its normal chance on everything else. I usually save scum until I get it to work with a quest but a mod would make it so much nicer.. Thanks for checking :)
  2. I make the most use out of the Idiot Savant perk by quicksaving before a quest turn in, and quick loading untill x5 exp procs for the quest turn in.. It would save me.. Well.. Probably only a couple hours, but still! If someone was able to make a mod to make the Idiot Savant perk 100% proc chance for QUEST TURN IN (everything else stays the same) that would be AMAZING. Thank you for taking the time to read my request, have a great day!
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