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Posts posted by nonoodles

  1. If commercial mods are back, good. I have kept a list of good authors that I would never never never ever mind shelling out bucks for. The issue is whether Bethesda profits substantially more than the creators of these mods. In any case, good luck to all on any side of the fence and bon voyage.

  2. unistalling Open Cities


    Well there you go. I doubt OCS' author recommends uninstalling the mod once your game is underway because stuff like this is what you can expect. If you've ever tried transferring things from the vanilla closed worldspace into the open worldspace, you'll know what to expect after uninstallation.


    More to the point, the other cities are less sensitive regarding scripted events when you visit them for the first time. Except Markarth, which triggers a scene that's meant to tie into a longer quest.


    Windhelm - scene with two Nords and a Dunmer to establish some level of racial hostility. Doesn't affect any major quests.


    Whiterun - scene between Adrianne and another NPC. Again, not crucial to a main quest.


    Riften - scene with Mjoll and whatshisname, not cruical except to establish Riften's corruption.


    Solitude's execution scene is the only one I know that can cripple a lot of ordinary NPCs if it doesn't fire off correctly.

  3. I don't see how the Witcher and FO4 can't be compared when it's evident Beth's trying for a 'story-driven and movement restrictive game' too, for whatever reasons they think warrants such a shift, or more precisely, the losses the game has suffered due to this (executive?) decision. You can go almost anywhere in FO4 but is the journey ever truly worth it? I would rather a 'movement restricted' game that provides something amounting to a reason to be in any one place, rather than shooting the usual ho hum spawns/looting generic loot. If you are unenthusiastic about settlement building, the game quickly unravels and gives little reason to keep playing beyond sheer masochism. My pennyworth of advice to BGS would be - get new writers who are savvy with current trends of seen it-done it-read it all, get someone who likes to build a living breathing world rather than this childish incoherence shoved upon us. Not interested in doing so? Okay buh-bye.


    It doesn't matter anyway. Comparisons aside, it's obvious that other devs are putting more TLC into their games. Maybe, ultimately, success will turn their heads too and everything they do is to milk the last dregs of cash out of whatever franchise they happen to own./shrug


    edit: I wouldn't mind seeing a settlement building feature in ES6, haha! xD

  4. Don't get me wrong, I really like Goodneighbour and its sleazy, speakeasy noir undertones and I'm not questioning the plausibility of a place run by gangsters. I'm just wondering why it has this mafia-ish vibe other than 'hey, 1950s!' For e.g., FNV explained how the KIngs came to be and even if it's a bit far fetched, I found the explanation acceptable on multiple levels, chiefly as homage to a great pop icon.


    Agreed, have you seen the concept art for DC? I suppose they had to cut back on its density because of performance. Let's cross our fingers and hope someone brings the concept back to life.


    Nick meeting informants while feeding ducks in Boston Commons.


    Ooh that's so le Carré :ninja:. I'd love to read something interstitial that explores and really fleshes out a lot of the characters you meet, like your concept of Piper as someone who runs a newspaper office comprising more than two people. Or a chapter written from Danse's or Maxson's pov, or any of the minor npcs you meet on the Prydwen. Or why any of the RR members are in the RR. Even a bit of Barney Rook, who kind of fits the role of FO3's crazed survivalist, Arkansas. So many questions and potentially interesting people, the game is simply begging for fanfic expanding on all its nooks and crannies. :D Can I ask where you'll be posting your stories?

  5. to fully enjoy this game, you MUST read 7 books and play Withcer 1&2. If you don't - you'll miss a LOT of fun. But it was expected, TW 1&2 had the same issue - you'll NEVER fully enjoy them, if you don't read the books they're based on. It never was a problem for me, I wasa huge fan of the Witcher books long before the first game came out.


    Hm that's a lot to expect. I understand the Witcher is adapted from a series of novels but I do hate having to scour tie-in material to get the full picture.


    Modding is a big draw for these two mighty Bethesda franchises, ES and Fallout. FO4 has somehow managed to underwhelm me so much I'm not even looking forward to mods to improve the game.


    Hopefully CDPR gives us a choice of character customisation, inc. gender, for their next big project.

  6. I find trying to plan out a Fallout 4 fic actually causes less reworking


    Well possibly because FO4 did take a few cues from New Vegas regarding factions and companions and not having goofy tidal basin purification schemes as the pivot of the story*. Ironically, the only faction that struck me as well-defined was the legacy one, the Brotherhood of Steel. Railroad and MM are too one-note and the Institute's motivations, short term or long term, remain vague till the end. I'm all for someone fleshing them out/changing the entire plot/removing Shaun/giving a better, lengthier prelude before the bombs dropped.


    remove Diamond City and expand it to be Boston between Bunker Hill to the north, Jamaica Plains to the south, east to an active Boston Harbor to west to Vault 81. Then you turn it into city noir (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CityNoir) besieged to the south by Supermutants and to the north from Raiders from the hinterlands of New England looking to pillage the outlying communities of the only functioning, modern city in the northeast.

    They made objectively terrible design decisions by having the city abandoned to the wolves.



    Well, DC at first glance is a natural choice for establishing a settlement since the stadium walls provide a natural defence. All the same, a well aimed mini nuke would theoretically flatten it in seconds. Having a sprawling city inhabited by relatively normal people would be a refreshing change. Gotta say the two vanilla settlements are thematically hazy - DC was like Megaton and Goodneighbour was run by ...mafia guys? Whatever. Was there ever something about GN and the Triggermen? As a matter of fact, the small factions are largely wasted in this game - Triggermen, Atom Cats, Combat Zone (not a faction really but you know).


    The school in DC was a nice acknowledgment that certain Skyrim mods made sense. Can't have childrenz running around all day doin' nuthin' : D



    character driven arc of a story where a man out of time has to struggle and decide what is right and wrong, what is responsible and ideal, in the world where all his sources of identity are compromised or gone.



    Yes, the man/woman out of time motif never took off ingame, did it. They might as well have foregone the whole pre-war intro for all the social and psychological adjustments your character had to undergo. I'd say it's a shame but one gets the feeling BGS writers are not very interested in writing, which is rather odd coming from a studio that's known to have provided the gaming world with one of its richest mythic lore. Maybe they just don't like science fiction? Post apoc?


    *admittedly, replacing it with a no less goofy scheme to mass produce humanlike androids in order to replace real people because.

  7. Maybe it would be more consistent with Fallout lore (such as it is) to have Red Chinese troops, yes? Or perhaps this isn't provocative enough, or doesn't have the sufficient number of smartly pleated trousers. In any case, I'm glad to see so many people have stayed awake through their history lessons. Forza humanity!

  8. Thanks for the input, Verz. Word of mouth is kind of important when it comes to video games and yep, heard about the W3 optimisation problem. It's something to watch out for esp. after experiencing inconsistent performance in FO4. All said and done, it's good to hear about a game developer that hasn't been swamped by rehashed 'innovations' and appear to be responsive to feedback without throwing their personal vision out the window. Granted they have a vision in the first place.


    Though if CDPR ever tries to hoodwink customers into buying a piece of plastic with only 10% of the game on it on the grounds of 'piracy', I'll....I'll go choke the garden hose :pinch: It's simply shoddy.

  9. Well I haven't played the Witcher series but have heard many good things about CDPR. Looking forward to their new cyberpunky game. As long as it isn't about settlement building, inane radiant quests and hamfisted storytelling, will be happy to throw my money at 'em. :cool:

  10. I don't think anyone's saying there can't be shooting in an RPG, only that the shooting part of it is given importance way beyond the story (role playing, quests) aspect of the game. It really can't be denied that many quests end up feeling the same because the only solution given is to blaze your way out of the situation -possibly more than FO3 and definitely much more than FNV. Consequently, the game itself takes on a decidedly FPS feel.


    It's also rather meaningless to cast such a wide net in order to argue about RPG. We have definite precedents for this game that calls itself 'Fallout' and there's no denying they all had a lot of dialogue, dialogue options which also often depended on PC skills or traits or SPECIALs, exposition, major and minor factions, lengthy quests, side quests, etc. etc. These core elements do come across as being stripped down, or stripped down even further, in some cases completely done away with, in FO4 and it isn't by accident. They are a deliberate, conscious design choice by Beth. I for one can only interpret their choice(s) as a move away from what I enjoyed in FO4's predecessors so I don't waste time lamenting it.

  11. Yes! And The Long Dark because I love me some hardcore survival :dance: though I'll wait for its story mode to come out. I'd get Dying Light but hate zombies.


    Fine, let's toss in Dragon's Dogma as well, why not! Will the art book be worth the pre-order?

  12. Well, you know your game is in trouble when it's compared to Skyrim and comes off worse, heh. I enjoyed Skyrim but truthfully, it was the bits of unintended comedy that kept me so engaged and chuckling like a maniac. Anyways, good thing is FO4 has got me off my lazy butt to examine other games on offer or forthcoming in 2016, and found a fair few (even a couple of Early Access games which I'd normally avoid like the plague).

  13. Hyper-realistic top tier concept art for a super secret mission we're developing.

















    I am available to hire for concept art.



    Please caption these images with what you think is going on.


    Heh, here goes~~


    1. Sends up an emergency flare.

    2. Medic vertibird arrives in response to your SOS.

    3. ??? Groggy glimpse of a merc holding a gun so advanced and abstract it's invisible....before you pass out.???

    4. Waking up on medical bed, a doc is peering down at you.

  14. That why fo4 MQ ending is more like a character development kind of thing instead.


    Which character, the sarcastic/maybe/no/yes one? Yes, plenty to develop there. :P On the whole, I think they are sliding Fallout towards the more open-ended, lack-of-closure kind of finale you get in TES. Or whatever, really. For me, it's one more morsel of charm that's been chopped off. This is despite the two endings you get - yes, they all boil down to two endings, not four, with the common element among three being the downfall of the Institute.


    I think they absolutely need new ideas and fresher minds on their team because the lack of interesting quests + dependence on radiants (seriously thought they would try to improve their approach on this after the complaints of repetitiveness with Skyrim) - ah, there's no point so I'll stop here. I'd be looking forward to quest mods to fill the vacuum but the voiced protag makes it such an uphill task for many modders who want more than generic spliced responses.

  15. Whoever does an alt start mod is going to have their work cut out for them IF they want the player to experience the game, inc. the main quest and companions, without reference to the Shaun/murdered spouse story. This is sad but won't, I suppose, discourage someone with enough time and ingenuity.


    I would honestly give an arm and a leg to see the mq get a facelifting overhaul with a lot more indepth options involving the BOS and Institute, who are in fact the only two factions worth considering. It would be much nicer to see them having more substantial motivations that put them on an inevitable collision course (as I think they ought to have been) with weighty pros and cons for choosing one over the other, and palpable effects on the Commonwealth once you make your choice and destroy the opposing faction.


    edit: godawfully horrible typo corrected.

  16. Someone probably is thinking about it, if not already halfway through it. :) Would be nice to have it as standalone collectibles. I made a female set for FNV which would have worked for FO3 but eh thunderation and bother about uploading.

  17. What wrong in leaving notes and PCs to learn about something? How is that a problem? A raider writes in PC his dairy, you read it. How is that wrong, immersion breaking or whatever? Bad guys can write their feelings too you know! They are humans just like us!


    Well, I suppose the reality break lies in how these bad guys are so universally well-lettered. It's understood that this is part of the game world so nobody really complains, and it does bring a level of depth to an incident that's otherwise your usual shooter. As for keeping diaries or journals? Frankly, how many folks living off of robbing and murdering people actually bother to keep a well-written record of their exploits and feelings? It's something that does vaguely bother me when playing a mod where you pick up a note or log that completely belies the rough-shod nature of the npc you just slew to get on with the quest, to the extent where I'm afraid I felt compelled to de-gentrify a certain note in a certain mod.


    By and large, though, methinks FO4 suffers in having central motives/themes that were either not gone into depth ingame (the family man/woman aspect) or deals with concepts that are still too far removed from present day concerns (sentient AI, their rights or lack of it). A little too alienating if not pulled off well. Skyrim had a simple staple fantasy hero theme (kill the world-threatening villain) and a civil war scenario that handled broadly familiar concepts of peace, war. patriotism, loyalty, fealty.

  18. It's one of the reasons I stopped looking at the hot files feature. We can always take comfort in the knowledge that we have been honoured to be there at the dawn of the extremely lucrative, life-saving multibillion dollar virtual porn industry, if only by dint of association.

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