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About yngve91

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    Fallout 4, Team Fortress 2, Morrowind, Tiberium Wars, Mass Effect, Dead Space,
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  1. Reading the comments in this section as well as other places this has been discussed, it seems to me clear enough that the issue stems partly from the competitive nature of the 'Mod of the Month' system. The idea of highlighting particular achievements is great, but of course some people will go way overboard and treat it as a competition, as we´ve seen with the situation between Vtaw and WarfightersWorkshop. I think here NexusMods might be able to help, maybe to reevaluate the program.
  2. Thank you for that clarification, as usual it´s hard to find reliable sources. My confusion was partly due to my understanding that mod authors could no longer delete their mods willy nilly, but I suppose hiding them would have the same effect. So NexusMods are clearly not at fault, mods should be tagged accordingly. Still, the issue remains that drama like this infect and rots the community.
  3. As you may have noticed, one of our most talented mod authors Vtaw have left the site, along with all the mods. Vtaw was known mostly for the excellently crafted armor and clothing mod packs called Vtaw Wardrobe. I was wondering myself, as one of the latest mod packs was a featured mod just a few days ago. I found this reddit thread that shed light on the issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/1alz4pi/fo4_anyone_know_what_happened_to_vtaws_mods/ Long story short; presumably a scuffle broke out between Vtaw and the self-proclaimed master of asset flipping WarfightersWorkshop, this over something so stupid as Mod of Month . More info: https://imgur.com/a/jpXGALW https://imgur.com/a/oDFPpDB Stupidest goddamn thing in the world to get pissy about, but enough reports relating Vtaw's NSFW tagging seems to have gotten the account banned made the author hide the mods. It´s all bullshit, and we don´t need drama like this in our community, a community which is all about working together and building on each others hard work. If you have any more information, feel free to share. edit: Vtaw has not been banned by NexusMods, but have hidden the mods instead.
  4. When I export mesh to .nif in OutfitStudio it distorts the mesh. This happens when I move the mesh from World Origin in blender. If I move it back to World Origin the mesh exports just fine. I've tried: - Triangulate the face - Weighting\not weighting the mesh - Reduce\decrease the size of the mesh Some input would be helpful.
  5. Yeah I saw that. Good job and thanks. I also added a guide on how to handle the process via console commands in the meantime, for those who feel more comfortable with that.
  6. Yeah I know of the update-problems of the armour you get with equipping/unequipping the Pip Boy but I see that as a minor problem and as you said it can probably be fixed using scripting. But there is actually a way to equip/unequip your Pip Boy via console commands. Its a bit primitive but it works. All you do is typing "player.unequipitem 15038 1" to unequip your Pip Boy and "player.equipitem 15038 1" to equip it again. The equipping process only works once and after that the Pip Boy will get stuck. To overcome that problem reload from your last save game and equip it again. To equip/unequip your Pip Boy glove type "player.unequipitem 25b83 1" to unequip and "player.equipitem 25b83 1" yo equip again.
  7. Hi. I just got an idea of making a mod that enables you to equip or unequip the Pip Boy 3000 for easy use. There is many mods out there that disables the Pip Boy 3000, but this has a lot of problems, realism for one. So if someone could make an esp that enables equip and unequip via a hotkey or script I think the mod would be very popular as there have been many complaints on how the Pip Boy ruins the look of your character and his/her armour. But since im not much of a modder and certainly not a "scripter" I cant make this mod myself so I suggest someone else interested in this project would care to make it. :thumbsup:
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