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Posts posted by THEbloodymary777

  1. Just to clarify this is for a PS4 mod as such generating new face textures is not possible so the normal solution that is on the creation kit site is not the solution for this particular problem, however with the mod Increased Population on ps4 it added over 1000 npc's w/o the gray face bug using other npc faces. Anyone know the process in how to do this?

  2. So I'm trying to make a Normal Weapons Resistance perk like Daggerfall and Morrowind where the type of weapon you wield cannot hurt supernatural creatures, such as ghosts or Daedra Atronachs. The way I'm going about this is script free and should theoretically work, but it doesn't for some reason. So, in Perk Entry Point I select Modify Incoming Damage and multiply the damage to 0.00, then under conditions I want the condition check to affect weapons so I select "Attacker Weapon" Under this tab I create a new Condition that is (run on Subject) HasKeyword WeapMaterialIron = 1

    I'm starting to believe this tab "Attacker Weapon" doesn't work. Hopefully someone else knows if this does work or if I have something wrong on my Perk conditions.

  3. I have a question about how I can get my custom Frost Armor effect to activate. In the Perk setting for my mod I have the Mod incoming damage option with the value set to 0.00 with a random percent condition of 50%, but I also want to make it to where it only happens when the player is hit from a frost damaging spell. I have tested the "Attacker", and "attacker weapons" options next to the perk entries section. Keep in mind I have not tested the conditions setting above the perk entries list. I have used the specific conditions of using "SpellHasKeyword" - "MagicDamageFrost" >= 1.0000 "AND" Any ideas how I can get this to work? I am in no ways experienced enough in the Creation Kit.


  4. What web browser are you using? Also list any plugins/extension you're using with your browser.

    I've tried using all of my browsers IE, firefox, chrome. All do the same thing. I've disabled all of my pop-up blockers etc. even checked to see if my javascript was on nothing at all works.

  5. I have been installing mods for a while but, for some reason some don't seem to work.. When I try and download something it takes me to the servers page then to the download pending thing...But then all of a sudden redirects me either to a browser time out or a random web search for Oblivion nexu.s It's been happening too often to be a coincidence. Because some mod downloads work and others don't have no idea as to why this happens help anyone?
  6. I didn't like the armor degradation over a percentage like oblivion or morrowind...not hate, but didnt care for it. But, it doesnt mean it should be removed completely. you can upgrade armor and weapons at a workbench and grindstone. So the weapons and armor will go back to the previous condition. EX: your hide helmet you upgraded to (fine) over the course of time it will eventually downgrade to (normal or default) . After which it can be downgraded further (new ones like poor, dull, rusty, ragged rough and unusable etc). It gives more worth to that piece of equipment and gives a more realistic sense of weapon degrading is some1 working on this and has this been discussed..?
  7. I didn't like the armor degradation over a percentage like oblivion or morrowind...not hate, but didnt care for it. But, it doesnt mean it should be removed completely. For those modders out there. I was wondering if you could make armor and weapon downgrades...you can upgrade armor and weapons at a workbench and grindstone. So the weapons and armor will go back to the previous condition. EX: your hide helmet you upgraded to (fine) over the course of time it will eventually downgrade to (normal or default) . After which it can be downgraded further (new ones like poor, dull, rusty, ragged rough and unusable etc). It gives more worth to that piece of equipment and gives a more realistic sense of weapon degrading :teehee:
  8. I think mage is the most OP archtype i played through as a mage and i can 1 hit eneimies on master difficulty i have 400% mana regen + my altmer regen power extra 200 magicka of course im a fire mage and maxed out only the fire spell mechanics ihn the perk tree + concerning trolls harder than dragons the trolls are vulnerable to fire drangons resist :P
  9. Hmm traps seem to be a problem

    *How would npcs recognise traps?

    *How would they avoid them?

    i was thinking like (x) amount of light placed upon the trap would be visable or a chance at being seen and also if bandits are the ones who placed those traps they should be directly coded to KNOW they are there also there should be lever mechanisms that allow the npc to disbale it if this should happen...

  10. Ok here 1 more similar scenario instead of the assassination of Umbra im having a horde of zombies she has to fend off herself i will be sitting it out watchng with the UFO cam where she has to make it to the exit...what im hoping to see it retreat retaliations where among the uncountable odds she retreats unsheathes her sword and runs for the exit i have that route all figured out so at 30% hp shell run also just tryiing to see if shes smart enough to use fortify spells to increase survivability like agililty for not being knockbacked fortify fatigue = more dmg and more speed due to my fatigue loss mod and fortift hp at beginning of battle has 1 WEAk restore hp pot but thats it OK ready set go :P
  11. so it was a success.....not really hahaha got ya what made you think a lvl1 and a stupid ai wannabe assassin could win vs. umbra well the answer is you cant roflme and my assassin had decent armor weapons boom 1 shot 1 kill =gg for umbra damn wtf made u think i could do it nono what made me think i could do it....things i learned stupid assassin NPC goes into the light toward umbra...noobFFS damn NPCs need to learn to use darkness and dynamically find a route that is closest to darkness the traps obv cannot be avoided unless i interfere which i got from the last expieriemnt and the last thing going against umbra lvl 1 is insanity FFS im so noob <_< not that it shouldnt be done it CANT be done :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  12. OK my god heres the setup im going in with the DB assassin companion where they can go invisable im toning Umbras lvl down a bit cuz yea cant survive that s*** lvl 1 but the dmg and the armor the samemaking my guy more of a disengager then reengage...so i have good sneak with marksman and illusion for chamelon and invis...added a s*** load of traps so I have to go in front and activate each one while simutaneosly killing the creatures for my assassin to just sneak by...she has a direct route to umbra i made umbras wander position faster so it will be harder for my assassin to get behind for a stealth killi myself can only watch my companion until she barvley dies then kill umbra for myself hehe also the creatures have faster positions also and the mudcrabs no longer move like snails and range it far deadlier so their lunge is almost equal to a rat not too shabby test # 1 god help this work
  13. Also the collateral dmg...i could use that indefinatly against the second group with the mage and warrior...the mage just killed his own teamate in the middle of cobat there should be a tactical system given to the A.I so they can maybe warn? or yell a warning like "hey im cating a fireball wanna move"? lol so the warrior retreats a short distance giving the mage space to engage me from afar then while im weakened the warrior comes to finish me off...also concerning traps in dungeons the people or bandits that suposedly put those traps there shoud be smart enough to disarm them not run through there traps like idiots...
  14. what i learned was that the A.I needs to learn to avoid "visable" traps lol in the middle of daylight a button in the road with random floating mauls in the air im pretty sure they need to avoid that...also my companions switch targets too often in the middle of the fight my companion was fighting and had the warrior with 1 more hit then switches to the archer WTF lol idiot and dies...ill post more l8r brb bathroom lol
  15. 2nd attempt fail the trap killed my VIP then i died shortly after to a mage when my MR ran out...but kinda glad they go after the biggest threat 1st i made it to the last group but my companion died at the 1st group kinda funny myabe he needs 1 HP potion?
  16. mod is set up and ready to go...but first let me explain the equiipment i used for myself i used the rusty iron s*** armor and weapon for my companion archer he has a steel bow will steel arrows he is lvl 5 i am playing on 75% difficult cuz 50 is too easy and 100 too hard at low lvls....the mods i used is fatigue loss when running and this affects NPCs as well as me...i have 1 health potion with the basic starter spells...the VIP has the emporers clothing and does not fight but rather has that animation where he ducks and screams in place lol....traps are set up along the path to cloud ruler temple from Bruma...the 1st group of enemies u encounter is 1 archer and 1 warrior...ez pz lol...then warrior mage....last is tyhe hardest is archer and mage 2 ranged lol...my VIP will stop if i get too far behind or in combat otherwise will not stop making him activate some of the traps along the way while in combat with me...i also have routes he will take to run away a.k.a i failed lol so if he is hit once by an enemy attack he will take that route back to bruma...the enemys are vls 3-5 vary on each group 1 = 3 2=4 3=5 harder the higher you go...the warriors have normal iron armor and weapons otherwise might be OP lol mages have frost fire and lightning spells i dont know which one they will use...the archers have leather with iron bows...well here i go wish me luck lol :biggrin:
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