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Everything posted by drewsbrew

  1. Firstly, this is the link to the forum for mod requests just for future reference, and I only point it out because you said yourself you probably won't make this mod yourself. Having said that though, I am in the middle of working on a crime and punishment overhaul mod that would have some of the features you've talked about; I plan to add custom thane weapons that really would act as your 'badge of office' like the Jarl says-- it gives you a permanent 'get out of jail free pass' (if you want to be a corrupt thane), would allow you to recruit town guards as followers, and arrest people (the mod will also make it so some NPCs will commit crimes). All said and done what I'm planning probably wont end up being quite as extensive as everything you talked about, nor will being a 'sheriff' of a sort be the focus of the mod. I created a thread talking about an overview of the features the mod will have, I created a very simple skooma mod (which I have temporarily stopped working on to work on the core features of the mod) and I created another thread about the reputation system I plan to implement which will be the foundation of the mod. I can't say for sure when the mod will be done, I can only say for certain that I will continue to work on it until it is.
  2. I have had soooooo many problems getting all this stuff to work right, I have been told one of the issues might be that I have Skyrim installed in the default 'C' drive, and apparently that causes all kinds of errors like this because of user permissions and what not. Anyway, the solution for me was to end up using a tool called the Papyrus Compiler Plus. You may want to consider using it yourself. I'm no expert in scripting, I'm just getting started, but so far so good. The tool is really easy to use, and I'm planning on making a video on my YouTube channel soon showing how to install PCP and use it. Hope this helps you, and let me know if you have any questions.
  3. If you have all the DLC, then use the Legendary patch, it is the future of the project. The individual ones are no longer updated, but are kept so people who do not own the DLC still have some unofficial patches to use. If I remember correctly, that is, I think it was like that... Thanks!
  4. My quick (and possibly stupid) question is; Are there pros and cons to having all of the unofficial patches for Skyrim and DLCs vs having the legendary unofficial patch. I recently had to do a system restore so I have to reinstall all my mods anyway and I thought maybe it would be a good idea to just start using the legendary patch.
  5. Brace for impact, and whatever you do don't complain about the sexy nature of the follower characters... we're not due for another of one of those threads for about a week and a half to two weeks.
  6. I'm just barely getting started in terms of scripting, so I'm not sure about the specifics of how I would implement this, I'm basically just trying to get a solid plan in place, then work on execution. I guess one concern I have as far as the plan goes is this might be a little too complex and maybe I should simplify it. That concern goes back to script bloat.
  7. I like that idea, however one of my main concerns with this is the mod being too script heavy. I wouldn't want people to have to choose between this mod and others on the basis of scripts and script bloat. What are your thoughts on how heavy weight this would have to be?
  8. That's something I'm still trying to hash out the details of... basically at this point my thinking is there should be some aspects of your reputation that are hold specific, and some that are global. Renown for example I think will be a global thing, as will the affiliations. The other parts though, like disposition will be local I think. Of course, I am very open to suggestions.
  9. Hello all, A while back I set out to make a crime and punishment overhaul mod. I created a post explaining some of the main features the mod would have, and there definitely seemed to be some interest in the mod, but unfortunately I hit a snag fairly early on. I was having some trouble with my scriptcompile.bat file and had to get that sorted out before I could continue learning how to script. I think I've resolved the issue now and would like to get back to work on my crime and punishment overhaul mod. For those of you who are interested in the wildlife loot mod I'm working on don't worry, I'll continue working on it as well. When I get tired of scripting I'll work on meshes and textures for the wild life mod, when I get tired of that I'll go back to scripting for the CPO mod... I'm ADD like that. Anyway, at the core of the CPO mod there will be a reputation system that will have an affect on all other aspects of the mod. I typed out a 'blueprint' (if you will) that explains how I want the reputation system to work, but I've never designed anything like this before and I don't know anything about scripting so I'm hoping to get some input (preferably from experienced scripters). Will this plan work well, or will it be too script heavy? In the case of the latter, what suggestions do you have for simplifying it? Is there any other advice you have for me? Thanks :) Here is what I have planned; Character; Your character rating is an overall reputation in Skyrim, it is meant to be a representation of what is at the very core of who you are and what makes you 'you'. Disposition/Temperament Basically, in short, the more you try to threaten or intimidate people, the more you get into fist fights, the more violent and aggressive you are considered to be by the people of Skyrim. The more you try and persuade people, the more you're considered nonviolent (or at least minimally violent). Donating money or going out of your way to help people with small things makes you ‘good natured’ in the eyes of the people of Skyrim. Good natured characters will find that the people of Skyrim are more forgiving of their crimes when they make mistakes. In other words, you are less likely to have someone hire thugs to ‘teach you a lesson’, even if you’ve been caught red handed stealing from someone. Good natured characters will also have an easier time persuading people, and you can expect to pay lower prices in shops and receive more money for goods you wish to sell. Trouble makers will find that trouble may come find them more often, in other words people are more likely to hire thugs to ‘teach you a lesson’, even if you haven’t committed any crimes. You’ll also have a much harder time persuading people, however you will have an easier time intimidating people. You can also expect to pay higher prices in shops and receive less money for goods you wish to sell. Heroism/Villainy Heroism is increased by completing major quests for the most part, as well as completing bounty hunting contracts, and basically anything ‘heroic’. Having a reputation for being a hero will make people like you more, they may begin to give you gifts, or even applaud when they see you. Villainy is increased by committing terrible acts such as murdering people (or taking slaves, or being a bandit if you decide to use those mods when I make them). Having a reputation for being a villain will make people run away from you in fear. Renown Are you a nobody or one of the most recognizable people in Skyrim? Did you only just narrowly escape your execution in Helgan and come stumping out of the caverns beneath the city, a stranger in Skyrim, or are you a Thane in every hold... Harbenger of the Companions... Archmage of the College of Winterhold... Dragonborn? Word of your exploits will get around, the more you do, the more likely people will have heard of you. Having a high renown adds multipliers on to the amount of points you accrue for all other reputation elements, i.e.; disposition, heroism, etc., and it also makes you much less likely to be the victim of a corrupt guard, or a false accusation. Criminal Reputation Criminal rating [temp name] is a point system, you accrue 'criminal points' for crimes committed that you are caught committing, or crimes you're accused of an unable to prove your innocence. Serious crimes have a high point value while minor crimes have a low point value. Serving a sentence for crimes committed (or accused and found guilty of) cuts the number of points accrued down, while breaking out of prison multiplies them, and simply paying a fine or bribing the guards does nothing. Affiliations College of Winterhold- Reduces all positive reputation elements by 50% Companions- Increases all positive reputation elements by 50% *Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild have no effect because they are secret organizations.
  10. OK, sorry about the late reply but I had a bit of an issue with my computer lately and I ended up having to bite the bullet and do a system restore, and am still in the process of reinstalling everything and so on. Anyway, after reading through some of your descriptions the main advice I'd give you is to be more specific and give more detailed information about your mods. Most of your descriptions don't seem to be more than a couple of sentences, and there is undoubtedly more info you could give. One thing that I think all different kinds of creators have a tenancy to do is to assume that their audience understands the basics of whatever it is they've created. When you work on any sort of project for a long enough period of time, there are going to be all kinds of changes and developments along the way that are easy to forget about when you try to explain your ideas to someone else. This happens in movies, books, games, and virtually all other media. Here is a video that talks briefly about this at about the three minute mark or so. There are also lots of other useful videos on that channel too, so I highly recommend checking them out. By the way, I ran across a post here on the Nexus of someone who is offering to help write descriptions. You may want to talk to them and see if they'd be willing to work with you on your mods. I hope this helps, and let me know if you need anything else or have more questions.
  11. Thanks for the feedback YukiNoOkami You have a lot of great ideas I really like (some of which were/are already in the works as far as planning). I get what you mean when you pointed out that there may be too much complexity, too many misc items to collect, etc. I've thought about dialing it back a little, but it's something I go back and forth on. The main reason why I started to work on this mod was because I eventually plan to make a mod (or a series of mods) called 'Weapons and Armor of Tamriel' which at its core would be weapon and armor sets from all the regions of Tamriel outside of Skyrim. All of the down-to-earth stuff; iron, steel, leather armor, fur armor (where it makes sense) etc. As far as Valleneood, they really don't use a lot of metal in their weapons and armor, and they certainly don't use wood. According to this info, most of their weapons are made from stone and bone. Now here is the catch as far as making the mod; I don't want weapons from Vallenwood (or anywhere else for that matter) showing up in Skyrim which leaves me two options; 1) make them craftable or 2) make players use console commands to get them. I don't like option 2 at all, so they have to be craftable, which means animals in Skyrim need to drop bones. Which is exactly what got me started on this mod. Originally I was just going to make animal bone meshes and textures to use in the Vallenwood weapons and armor mod, but then I started thinking some people may want to role play as a Wood Elf who still follows the Green Pact, which would mean they couldn't waste any source of meat-- including organs. But then it started to seem like you'd get more meat from animal organs than the rest of it, which is when I decided to add more cuts of meat for each animal... that and it seems strange to me that if you kill a rabbit, you take the time to skin it, throw the pelt away for some reason, cut one hind leg off, then carry on? OK... Don't get me wrong, I know why Bethesda didn't waste time and resources making a super in-dept hunting/gathering system; it's not a main focus of the game and they have a timeline and budget. But I'm a mod author, I don't have to worry about a deadline or budget.... that said though, unless I can find a use for all the stuff I want to create, it's kinda pointless... it's jut junk that can't be used for anything which kind shoots the whole role playing thing in the foot. Anyway, I digress. Your Ideas I Like; As far as hunting knives go, I like your idea about having one knife for each race hidden at various locations around Skyrim. I was already thinking about having multiple variants of hunting knives for each of the races, what I think I'll do is I'll have an 'ultimate/master hunting knife' for each of the races that will be hidden at various locations, and several that are craftable. I also like the idea of having unique race specific enchantments on each of the knives, and I would probably base those on different hunting philosophies/strategies/methods for each of the races. I also really like the idea of using blood in potions or as part of magic rituals to get buffs. I also want to make it so vampires will be able to drink animal blood in place of human blood if they choose, but animal blood wouldn't be as satisfying so they'd have to drink a lot more of it. I really like the idea of having more Hircine quests! I'll probably do that, though I'm not sure when that will be done. Already in the Works; Animal pelt headdresses/fur armor and tooth and claw necklaces were things I was already planning on adding to this mod, however bone armor is a great idea I hadn't thought of. That would be a good way for me to use up all those bones I want to make. Having a hunter skill/perk tree is something I would eventually like to have, and maybe even a cooking skill too, but as far as whether it will be added to campfires or not, I don't know. I'd love to do that, but I guess I'd probably have to talk to Chesko about it. Requests/Suggestions/Questions and Everything Else; As far as making the animal fat compatible with other mods like wearable lanterns and such, I suppose I can do that too, although I'd have to use that mod first to get a feel for it. I'm a big fan of Chesko's work but wearable lanterns isn't a mod I've used before. As far as collecting meat and other things from dragons... I don't know yet, I'm still thinking about that one. I plan on making this mod compatible with Last Seed for sure, and just for the sake of being accommodating I'd like to make patches for iNeed and RND as well, but I don't know how to do that yet. If you're interested, I have actually done a little work on this mod besides just planning and concept art... Here is the mesh and textures for the animal fat in 3DS Max; http://orig03.deviantart.net/fb6e/f/2016/126/9/9/animalfat_by_drewsbrew-da1krzu.jpg And here is a chicken egg retexture; http://orig13.deviantart.net/ede8/f/2016/105/1/3/chicken_egg_by_drewsbrew-d9z1ltc.jpg
  12. I may be able to give you some advice on writing the description. Personally, I think the first thing you should focus on in the description is a no-nonsense, no-fluff, straight-to-the-point description. Focus on what is at the core of your mod and try to explain it as quickly as possible. A lot of times you see descriptions start with things like "this is my first mod", "I got the idea from [x,y,z]", etc. Personally, I feel like that is a mistake to front load that kind of stuff. People are impatient and have short attention spans and don't want to sift through paragraphs of text just to find out what the mod does. So start information that is relevant to what your mod actually does, and try to keep that information to just a sentence or two if you can. Next elaborate on some of the most important features, for example; if you made a custom sword give information about whether the sword is craftable and upgradeable first, and if not explain how to get the sword. Mention any perk requirements the player will need to craft it, and maybe what materials they'll need. I've seen a lot of mod authors completely neglect to mention those kinds of things. After that, if you really feel the need to explain the "this is my first mod", "I got the idea from [x,y,z]", etc. kinds of things, you can put in an abstract section to explain all of that stuff. After that, move to the final need to know technical nuts and bolts, i.e.; compatibility, requirements, installation, uninstallation, etc. Then optionally you could also have a future plans section The main key is to keep everything organized. I haven't made many mods but I have been told I'm good at writing descriptions. Here is an example of one mod I made The mod itself isn't impressive 'cause I'm a n00b, but I'm a n00b with decent writing skills. I haven't looked at any of your mods, if you would like though I could read through some of your descriptions and give you some pointers.
  13. "I guess stop replying and no one else reply" "And I said "I guess stop commenting", this time, the faults on you for misinterpretin[sic]" In the second quote, you only acknowledged half of what you initially said... you forgot the "and no one else reply". If that's not what you meant, fine, but is that my fault for misinterpreting what you said or is it your fault for explaining yourself poorly? All hail Nerevall, hands down "the most open minded person we will ever come across", who would impart great wisdom on us all if only this were the time and place for him to shine and if only we were willing to "exercise intelligence". But to our great detriment we are simply too obsessed with beautiful women which has blinded us to the wisdom of his words... Yes, yes of course that is the reason we disagree with him, or so he told lofgren anyway. Of course it can't possibly be the case that we simply think hobbyists working for free should be allowed to create whatever they want and people should be allowed to download, endorse, and like whatever kinds of mods they want and there is nothing wrong with that. No, no, such valid points are well beyond us lesser people, and in my case I'm "being prejudice" and thus we all end up "continuing to look like fools". I lament these tragedies. Seriously, I have met some pompous people in my day but you rank up there among the worst.
  14. Well, I don't know of any mods like that that currently exist, I have plans to make a huge weapons and armor mod that I'll call 'Weapons and Armor of Tamriel' the main idea is to add iron and steel weapon and armor sets, leather armor, fur armor in some cases, basically anything down-to-earth, for almost all the provinces of Tamriel. However that mod is a long ways off, especially the Khajiit part of it. I am currently working on a hunting/survival mod though, and as part of it, I want to have hunting knives for all the different races. Here is a link to a thread I started for that mod. Basically, right now I'm looking for design input on what the hunting knives should look like, especially from Khajiit and Argonian players as I don't generally play as those races and don't know much about them. Anyway, if you have any ideas I'd like to hear them. Also, I don't know if you've herd about the Beyond Skyrim project, but it's a mod that will eventually add all the provinces of Tamriel into Skyrim. Formore info, head over to Dark Creations and check it out. You also might like the YouTube channel too.
  15. I'm sorry, you don't get to call me prejudice then tell me not to respond to this thread anymore. Me not liking anime is a preference, not prejudice. That was a ridiculous thing for you to say. And by me pointing out mods I don't like (because of lore friendliness or any other reason) doesn't necessarily mean I'm saying any other kinds of mods are better just because I didn't mention them specifically. The list of mods I don't like that I talked about was by no means an exhaustive list, so don't put words in my mouth. By the way, as far as whether skimpy armor is lore friendly or not I think has to be judged on a case by case basis. The Immersive Armors mod does have a Conan the Barbarian style armor called the Barbarian Hero Armor which I think is just fine in terms of lore friendliness. I would bet that there are characters like that in the Elder Scrolls universe.
  16. I know right... It must be two whole weeks since the last one. Listen everyone, believe me, I understand why you feel the way you do about this, but that's life. There are all kinds of mods I'm sick of seeing; I'm tired of what I call the 'animeifacation' of Skyrim which includes traditional Japanese style player homes, clothes, katana or samuri styled swords (which as far as I'm concerned have no damn place in Skyrim at all-- other than the one remaining blades agent perhaps, or the blades ruin). In fact I'll even extend that and say any curved sword (other than the scimitars carried by the Red Guards) has no place in Skyrim. The animeification of Skyrim also includes the stupidly huge Final Fantasy types of swords. It also includes the cutesy teenage girl/anime/vaguely elf or faerie-ish types of follower characters with no custom dialogue, no back story, and even less depth than vanilla follower characters (as low of a bar as that is). I'm also tired of seeing mods with some sort of modern (or futuristic) tech (tanks, cars, guns, and all kinds of other things) being passed off as 'Dwemer'. "Oh my jet pack mod is totally lore friendly 'cause the Dwemer made it! See, it's bronze and shiny!" I'm also tired of seeing mods that feature things from other games like The Witcher, Assassin's Creed, etc. But guess what... Thus far no one has ever come to my house, put a gun to my head, and made me put any of those kinds of mods in my load order, nor is that likely to happen. And there are plenty of great mods out there that I do like. I said I don't like the teenage girl 'anime' follower characters, well there are a lot of great followers; Arissa, Inigo, and Sofia to name a few. I talked about weapons and armor I don't like, well there are planty that I do like, too many to mention in fact. I am always and forever going to side with creative freedom. If you like anime, and you want to create anime style mods for Skyrim go nuts, I don't have anything to say about it. And I'm going to make the kinds of mods I want to make, and if anyone has something to say a bout it, or tells me I shouldn't because they don't like my mods, I won't listen or pay any attention at all. Having both kinds of mods makes this a better mod hosting website because it's more accommodating. If there are mods you want to see more of, then it falls to you to make them. If there are mods being made you don't want to see at all for whatever reason, the Nexus does in fact have built in filters for you to use as you see fit. Those are the answers to your concerns, not telling hobbyists what is or is not acceptable for them to create, or asking an for a website and community to change to suit your preferences.
  17. Well, Chesko (the guy who made Frostfall) is working on a primary needs and wellness mod called Last Seed that I'm really looking forward to. Also (and I have to admit I'm biased) but I'm working on a crime and punishment overhaul. Progress was delayed for a while due in part to me having some issues learning how to script, now it's still slow because I work a regular job, go to school full time (finals are coming up soon) and I have two major assignments due soon too. In addition I'm doing some freelance graphic design work too and I'm trying to build that business up enough to where I can actually support myself that way as opposed to working dead end jobs where I am very under appreciated :) Anyway, I think I got the scripting thing sorted out, school is done in 3 weeks and I probably won't be taking summer classes or working so that should free up some time. The CPO mod won't just be all scripts though, I'm adding custom 'thief armors' (and maybe some daggers and short blades), custom poisons with unique meshes and textures, a custom crafting station for the new poisons and potions, a custom crafting station for skooma. I'm also adding 'executioner' NPCs (with unique armor and weapons) to each of the holds. I'll also probably be making changes to some of the dungeons-- in some cases building whole new ones, and a lot more. I don't have any idea when it's all going to be done though. I'm about to start work on the reputation system which will be at the core of the mod.
  18. For anyone interested and/or having the same problem I couldn't resolve this... also when I used console commands to advance the quest, I found that the guy at the inn in Whiterun had the exact same problem, I couldn't talk to him/activate him, or even see his name when I hovered the cursor over him. So, I decided to uninstall all my mods, completely uninstall Skyrim delete all my saves and start all over again.
  19. Hello, I'm going through the Thieves Guild questline and I don't seem to be able to talk to Maven.... I know there is a bug but this seems different... I can't activate her at all, in fact when I haver the cursor over her it doesn't even say her name. Even stranger, there are two other NPCs in the Bee and Barb Inn that I'm getting that same thing with... one is the guy (I can't remember his name) that you talk to to do the quest for Frost. I don't have any mods installed that make any changes to the Inn, Riften, or any of the towns. Anyone have any ideas about what this could be?
  20. I have a few mods in progress right now, and I think they're all great ideas if I do say so myself ;) I'm working on a crime and punishment overhaul but progress on that one is slow, however of all the mods I'm working on that would be the only one that would have anything to do with vampires, and even then vampires aren't a main part of the mod. I also have a animal loot expansion mod that I'm working on but I'm just getting started on that one so I can't say when it will be done. One thing I do want to include in that one though is animal blood, which eventually will be used to lure predatory animals but can also be drank by vampires. I'm working on some concept art for a huge weapons and armor mod that I'll call 'Weapons and Armor of Tamriel' and the main idea is to add iron and steel weapons from almost every region of Tamriel; Cyrodiil, Hammerfel, Black Marsh, and so on. The weapons and armor will be craftable but won't be added to leveled lists. Lastly, I really want to do a Hearthfires overhaul and make that DLC what it says in the description 'Make anything from a small cottage to a large sprawling complex or anything in between...' and there would be a quest involved in making the largest houses. I really want to make that mod but honestly the first three have top priority. Also keep in mind that I'm learning as I go so progress is slow right now. BTW Frank, you do make awesome mods!
  21. Cool, thanks for your interest! Here is a link to the thread I started explaining the main concepts of the mod, and I'll probably be posting progress updates there too.
  22. Thanks again, that was the right one to use. Here is a screenshot if you're interested; http://pre05.deviantart.net/907d/th/pre/f/2016/105/1/3/chicken_egg_by_drewsbrew-d9z1ltc.jpg
  23. Hello all, I'm working on a wildlife loot expansion mod and one thing I want to do is to re-texture the chicken eggs, I think I've found the right files, but I want to be sure; The chicken's nest (located in data\meshes\plants and called 'chickennest01.nif') is a no-brainer, but as far as the individual eggs, I see 'birdegg01, 02, and 03'. It seems like it is probably birdegg03.nif, but since I'm no NifSkope pro I wanted to ask if there is a simple way to check and be sure I've got the right one. I've dug all through the .nif file looking for a name of the object, but it just says 'Bird Egg 03', and one thing that is throwing me off a little is that the texture files seem to have textures for a nest too... but the chicken's nest already has other textures... I went to the oh-so-omniscient google for answers, but it didn't work out so I'm hoping there is someone here in the community who can shed some light on this or at least point me in the right direction. Thanks everyone! :)
  24. Thanks for the feedback csbx! I'm planning on making this mod complement Campfires, Frostfall, and probably Last Seed when it comes out. In fact, I'm thinking about making a flint and striker set for starting fires because I don't like that you have to either use a torch or magic to light fires in Campfies. I'm not very familiar with Hunterborn or Hunting in Skyrim so I'll check those out. At a glance though, one thing I can say that will be different about my mod is that everything added will use high quality custom meshes and textures, it look like Hunterborn reuses vanilla models of some things in a lot of cases. I've seen other mods that add some of the things I want to add, but to me the meshes and textures don't always look right, and that is part of what motivated me to do my own. I know that won't be a big deal for everyone though. As far as what other gaps I'll fill, I don't know yet I'l have to take a closer look at the mods first, but since you use those what are some of the gaps you think they have?
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