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Everything posted by GoldenBlossom

  1. Aye, Happy New Year!
  2. Heh... yeah, as soon as I'm able. ^^'
  3. Assuming that, by cheats, you mean codes (console commands) or mods designed to give you an immediate advantage by raising your stats and/or providing free equipment/giving you unlimited money etc... no, I don't use cheats. There is something about getting something for nothing that I find repulsive, and playing while knowing that I haven't earned my superiority would make it extremely hard for me to enjoy the game. On the other hand, I have no qualms about using exploits in order to raise my character's skills. For example, summoning an Atronach or Dremora Lord to spar with can easily be justified as a personal quirk of your character, and sneaking against a wall near an NPC can be seen as practice to erase your presence in order to make yourself harder to detect. Because it requires some amount of time and effort on my part, I don't see it as cheating.
  4. You'll want this mod. Works wonders on not just Destruction, but all schools of magic. ^^
  5. As far as I know there are no mods released that does what you want (I've been looking myself), so the only way to get some amount of expression on your character is to be close to and detected by a hostile NPC. This will make your character frown - kinda lame, but better than nothing. For freezing your character (and pretty much everything else) you could type TFC 1 in the console. Other than that, the only thing to do is to await the Creation Kit so we can tap into the game's resources without h4x0rz.
  6. Well, I'll be a spotted snowbear... dunno how I missed that. Thanks for the swift replies and the link, kudos and never-ending gratitude to ya. I guess that's a case closed. ^^
  7. I haven't seen this issue brought up anywhere, so either I've somehow missed it when searching or nobody has bothered to mention it, but it's annoying me to no end. The Ebony Armor is probably one of the coolest-looking outfits in Skyrim, but whenever a female character equips it the left shoulder will "dislocate", making the upper arm curve outwards from the chest and the shoulder clip through the shoulder pad. However, it doesn't appear to affect females who utilize the masculine movement pattern, so I don't think the model itself is the problem. I cannot imagine that I'm the only one bothered by it, and surely there must be someone knowledgeable about nifs who's tried to look into the matter, so I'd like to ask - is there any way to fix it? If anyone knows of a method and is willing to share it, I'd be most grateful indeed. Please help a fellow gamer out. :sweat:
  8. That's certainly true, assuming you carry a shield with you at all times. But doing so would kinda kill the purpose of clearing the left hand - why choose to block with your one-handed weapon if you have a shield?
  9. Best solution I can think of is to right-click and then left-click the weapon in the item menu (or favorites menu). Ergo, you'll equip the weapon in your left hand first so that it will be cleared when you switch to the right hand. Ought to be a little faster than going through the magic sub-menus every time. Alternatively, equip the weapon in your right hand and then open the favorites menu, right-clicking a one-handed weapon or spell twice once to equip it in the left hand and then again to clear it.
  10. Thanks, and to you as well. ^^
  11. Nevermind, found a way to circumvent the issue. Apparently writing a description for the image prevented it from being uploaded, so I simply added the description after uploading. >.<
  12. I experimented a bit with this, and I don't think it's random. Getting a successful stealth kill seems to depend on whether your attack can do enough damage to instantly kill the intended victim. That said, I've never managed to get a stealth kill by doing a power attack, so it's likely that this is based off of the damage of your basic attacks. If that is not enough to instantly kill the target, you won't get a stealth kill. These are merely my observations though, so if anyone knows better, feel free to correct me.
  13. I hope I'm in the right section, otherwise please point me to the correct one. :sweat: My problem is, as stated in the topic, that I cannot upload images in the Image Share section of Skyrim Nexus. I could do it just fine before, but when I tried again several days ago it wouldn't work. When I clicked the 'Submit' button the page would load for a long time, then proceed to a blank white page where it stopped loading. The image would not get uploaded, and trying again on a number of occasions over the past week yielded the same result. At first I thought it might have been due to the heavy traffic on the site, but I don't think the issue would persist like this if that was the only reason. Any insight on this problem? In case it's relevant, I use Mozilla Firefox. Please help me out here. Creating and sharing images is half of my fun with Bethesda's games, and Skyrim is ripe with excellent subjects. :geek:
  14. You don't actually need to talk to that prisoner at all. There should be a chest by the table next to the interrogation cell, in which you will find notes on what the Thalmor have learned from him.
  15. Ooh, can I post mine as well? That is what this thread is for, right? :3 I actually have two characters planned, depending on how character customization works, but I'll go with the most likely one: Name: Adalgar d'Lerian Gender: Male Age: Approximately 320 years old Race: Altmer (?) Appearance: Tall and muscular, weathered tan skin with a grayish tinge. White, shoulder-length hair and sharp silver-colored eyes, an old scar running across the left one. Occupation: Warlock Origin: "Where I come from is not important. As for my destination... well, we will all kiss the earth at some point." Faction: "My only true allegiance is to myself." Reason for arrest: Murdering the father of his childhood friend. The latter accused him in front of the City Guard, and he admitted, though the actual crime was committed over 200 years ago. Background Story: Adalgar was born with a natural talent for magic in a land where magic was outlawed for all but a select few. His childhood was spent in the slums and sewers of a great city, hiding among thieves, beggars and others like him, every day a struggle for survival with prosperity and fortune always within sight, forever out of reach. His two closest friends were Timothy, the son of the local thieves' guild's head, and Aikha, an elven beggar's daughter who was later adopted by a jewelry merchant and given the name Elena. Timothy was killed during a heist along with two other guild members, and Adalgar, mad with grief and fury, unintentionally unleashed his powers upon the contingent of city guards responsible. He would have been caught and executed if it was not for Marthein Lerian, a Magician who had escaped notice and bore witness to the event. He took Adalgar far away from the city, to his home in the mountains, and taught him how to control the flow of magic energy. Out of gratitude and respect for his master, Adalgar took the name d'Lerian ("of Lerian"). Marthein was betrayed, however, by one of his contacts in the city - a jewelry merchant named Theron Ferrelin. Soldiers and inquisitors found his hidden refuge and executed him on the spot, but Adalgar somehow managed to get away and immediately started planning his revenge. In the process he delved deep into the dark secrets of Black Magic, and nearly lost his life when contracting with a demon - he avoided being possessed and gained exceptional understanding of destructive fire magic, but was cursed instead with a body that did not age or heal. When Ferrelin learned that Adalgar had escaped he sold his home and business and fled overseas. Adalgar hunted him for nigh on a century before finally managing to track him down in Tamriel, in the province of Cyrodiil. Just as he had exacted his revenge, Ferrelin's adoptive daughter Elena (ooh... the plot thickens) arrived at the scene. At first she was overjoyed to reunite with Adalgar, whom she had not seen for several decades, but as soon as she realized what he had done she was heartbroken and told him she never wanted to see him again. After this he traveled across Cyrodiil, seeking the powerful, secret magic and and ancient relics hidden away in the many old ruins in the region, until he met a girl who was trying to enter the Arcane University in the Imperial City. Her name was Aikha Millicent, and while her having the same name as Elena before she got adopted made Adalgar pause, what really interested him about her was the fact that she, too, had been cursed by a demon. She looked like a child, but was actually several hundred years older than he himself was. He convinced her to let him join her in the quest to obtain recommendations from all the Mages Guild Halls in the province, and eventually they fought together against a Maleficus Animus that had arisen in the wake of the Oblivion Crisis (however, this is another story that would fill hundreds of pages, and so I will not elaborate further). They walked separate ways afterwards - Aikha went south, seeking her past, while Adalgar turned north towards the province of Skyrim, having heard tales of ancient magics of great power yet to be uncovered in the mountainous home of the Nords. He spent two centuries researching old civilizations, as well as local custom and culture, to gain clues on where to look, but just as he thought he had found a solid lead he met Elena again. She claimed to have been looking for him ever since he'd murdered her father, wanting to know why, but when he did not defend himself or make excuses she reported him to the guards. When he was sentenced to death he accepted it as his fate... but it appears fate would not accept his death. I shortened the story down a lot, so I apologize if there are inconsistencies in the progression. I could, quite literally, write a book about this guy. :whistling:
  16. I had not really thought about it, though now that you mention it, that is a cause for a measure of concern. But if I may be perfectly honest, I found the whole conceptual implementation of magic in Oblivion rather mediocre, and the improvements we've seen in the trailers so far gives me high hopes for Skyrim. From what I understand about the game, this is exactly what Bethesda has been looking to improve since Oblivion - engaging roleplay, intricate storylines and impressive visuals. The simple fact that it's called the College of Winterhold, rather than just the "Mages Guild", promises a lot more character than could be found in the previous game.
  17. Now that is an excellent argument. I could say I play female characters for role-playing purposes - that I have this great background story in mind which requires that my character is a woman - and while it would be true to some extent, in the end it all comes down to making the game more pleasant to look at. ^^ To be honest, this is a question I've pondered for quite some time. For several years I've made my characters female whenever the choice was there - somehow, the prospect of a girl performing acts of heroism... I suppose you could say it intrigues me. However, lately I've been playing more and more male characters. I'm not really sure why, but I did notice that I'm able to make them actually look good. Not "good" as in "handsome" really, but more of a rugged survivor badass kind of look, one my female characters could never hope to attain without losing their visual appeal. Well, that, and they can't grow beards. :rolleyes: As matters stand I have two solid background stories, one for a male character and one for a female character. Chances are I'll play both eventually, but the one I play first will be determined by which is easier to realize during the character creation. I'm kinda hoping it will be male, though - it would be the first time in, what, eight years? Well, the first time in a long time that I chose male over female in a new game.
  18. I replied on the mod page, UAC is present in Windows 7 as well. My mistake.
  19. The mod does add two NPCs, though they are dead when you find them. By enabled, do you mean the plugin itself? Because I made sure they had checked the plugin in FOMM. I'll check to see if they have UAC though - stranger things have happened when running Vista.
  20. First off, I should mention that it's not me who has this issue. A user has trouble with one of my mods, and since I don't have much modding experience I can't resolve it. The mod in question is the Wasteland Seeker Armor mod. The user has reported that the armor doesn't appear where it's supposed to, and the game doesn't recognize the Base IDs in the console. I'll quote one of the comments: Does anyone recognize this issue? And if so, is there some way to circumvent it? The mod shouldn't need anything other than vanilla FNV to run, so I don't know where the problem is. Thanks in advance.
  21. Hey, thanks! Tried it out, and it works like a charm. ^^
  22. Hey guys, I'm in a bit of a pickle and was hoping someone might know how to fix it. See, I've recently made an outfit called the Wasteland Seeker Armor and uploaded it on the nexus. The reception was pretty good, but someone reported that parts of the armor "clips through in first-person view" when having a pistol equipped and drawn. This is what the issue looks like in-game: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/images/43760-1-1315650746.jpg Somehow I must have missed this when I tested the mod before release, but needless to say, it is a rather major issue. So I wanted to ask if someone knows a way to fix this? The way it looks, something appears in first-person that is not supposed to appear. But I'm a complete novice when it comes to NifSkope and not much better with Blender, so I'm not sure what I did wrong. Oh, and here is the mod if you need to take a closer look: Wasteland Seeker Armor Thanks in advance! ^^
  23. Hey, thanks for the enthusiasm. And sorry for the wait, life's been getting in the way for my writing. I'll try to get to it as soon as I can, but I can't set an exact date right now, so please remain patient. ^^

    Also, thanks for the praise! I personally prefer English over Swedish as a writing language, so almost everything I write is in English. Practice makes perfect, I guess. :3

  24. Hiya. Not right now I'm afraid. I've been terribly busy with University work for quite a while, so I haven't really had the time to make anything. It usually takes several hours for me to set up a good story image, more so when I'm not sure what kind of scene I want to illustrate when I begin. But more will come eventually.
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