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About Matthehusky

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    United Kingdom

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  1. any one still intrested in making this please lemme know xD im geting back into skyrim and would love this in my game c:
  2. That is beautifuly made :D massive fan of your weapon packs honnestly and i plan to see if i can make the axe irl as a prop XD (along with a excalibur sword from Fate prototype which i wish i could geti n skyrim xP
  3. hay i was woundering if someone could create Proto saber's armor from Fate Prototype and His Sword? its my fav verson of said armor and sword and wanted to request it ^^ here is also a vid of the sword in use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNRPV0L9BGM
  4. Hay is there any chance fate prototype Saber's armor and Excalibur could be made? been after both for a while massive fan of fate prototype and would love to see it in Skyrim X3 Imgur link was the best i could do as the pictures where to big to upload lol http://imgur.com/a/eOiPE (threw in saber prototype alter just for lols) the swords power is optional personally but if it could be made with the Restraints of the round as a spell that would be boss http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Restraints_of_the_Round_Table but yeah if this could be made armor and sword i would be happy <3
  5. i just hope the normal armor is made XP and power armor to go with it as it would be awesome :D
  6. IF any one is making this let me know XD i would love to see the progress . u .
  7. This link http://imgur.com/a/mBNMT has all the pics i took of the suit and some of the weapons i had unlocked via collecting items in game hope it helps (i also made a post with the same link Xp
  8. Hay i would like to request the doom guy's armor from Doom 4 .o. im a massive fan of the series and i Would love to see this beautiful peace of gear in fallout ; u ; i have a bunch of pics of the doom 4 armor but it wont let me upload them here D: i dont know why its being stupid > ^ < but ether way i would love to see it in fallout . u . (here is a link to where you can view all the armor and some weapons if anyone feels like they can make them to go right a head!) http://imgur.com/a/mBNMT
  9. i just collected a nice selection of pics for any modders to use to Create this armor as i also would love to see it made in Fallout 4 (Thank you for extras menu) but i couldent upload them here D:
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