Yea tried that even removed it to allow it to download it again it still saying dirty and what newer Smash ive only seen main on an auto installer asking smash to update does little too it just tels me im up to date. the error read as this after check for UDR's...... Detected 1 dirty mods: • Update.esm: • UDR: 1 • Skyrim.esm: 109CD2 - REFR attached to Interior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 02FD85 'ForsakenCave02') other than all suggestions and no ive tried useing the skyedit too wont allow me to touch the esm at all, quite a dellema if ya ask me so if someone would be so kind as to tell me why i do all you say or id think of considering ive been in this community longer than ill admit like say when we started the nexus, ive sifted and poured over all we have yet i came up dud bullets, any help would be apretiated ladybeattles and gentleworms. hazza!!! Sorry, I'm new to modding, what does "tick" mean in this situation?