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Everything posted by Kaisahn

  1. Yea you can smelt them for 5 bar a of the dwemer metal you need
  2. im guessing he did not, and as for your problem is it a named dragon or just a regular dragon?
  3. NPC's will tell you, you look sick if you have any disease or ailment affecting you it has nothing to do with how you made your character. :rolleyes:
  4. midnight release starts at 9:30, gonna be there by 5 :dance:
  5. With Skyrim 2days 2hours 31minutes and 43seconds away, my attention span to things like games, homework, tv have diminished to roughly 15seconds... anyone else having this problem?
  6. But there is a lot of nice pics if your looking for a new screensaver/background
  7. I would like to see it thrown away, TES is a single player game and I don't want my experience screwed up by some other kid doing his own thing
  8. I plan on breaking down and crying as soon as i get it, knowing that i no longer have to wait for the damn game to come out=)
  9. Finding the super hidden chests filled wi cheese and thread...
  10. drink a lot of nyquil so i sleep until the 11th
  11. anyone else get excited to see the dwemer guardian at 57seconds?
  12. Just made my iPad background. Great job :thumbsup:
  13. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=men+with+hats+safety+dance&aq=f anybody? :tongue:
  14. oh god, my pants, its all in my pants :ohmy:
  15. If only pendinq inf only :confused:
  16. i still like the morrowind theme the most
  17. The worst part is I think I was aware that the was the symbol of the empire.... I just as playing, saw it and a was like zomg skyrim, and without any other thought posted it here. *humiliation* :ohdear:
  18. I just noticed in my last playthroughs of oblivion that on the doors to different sections in imperial city and in the lower left hand of the world map, the skyrim symbol appears. Any one else notice this and I wonder if there will be similiar Easter eggs in skyrim
  19. Try doing a witch hunter class using bows and brute strength and I stalk and kill anyone that uses magic in the open.
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