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About Matth80

  1. Which consists of a lot of tedious work. Most models would need an overhaul, most code would need an overhaul, most animations would need one too. Changing engine is NOT done in a second. You underestimate a lot of modders. I know modders who got the skillset of a proffesional. Heck, I know MANY. It is still a LOT of work for Bethesda, and it would cost a lot. How do you know a remake is worth it? If it is not, they've lost money and TIME. Time is the key here, by the way. Spend 1 year remaking a game, and another game is pushed 1 year. And you do know they got the next 6 years planned with games? They are probably allready making a new game besides Skyrim. How can they take out 20 code monkies to finish the new engine and import it all? Would be lovely with a 150Gig game that needed 24 discs to install, no? You are right, people will. This is agaist the rules, however. Unless the models are custom made, which means Bethesda got no claim what you do. I understand your piint, but you see this very one-sided. Bethesda is not in a super good financial position. If you didn't know, no game company exept blizzard is. There is talk that if another financial crisis happens to the world, lots of studios will be wiped out. Pirating game have certainly not made it easy to be a game artist!
  2. No worries. I need the practice! Another quicky: Do you want me to keep it exactly as the reference? Since both the mooncrest and star is quite low poly, but does got a specific shape. I could round it up, or make it more plain. Though I believe a "round" looks looks more elegant. Give me a hour, and I will have something to show you! Got some other stuff to take care of first. EDIT: Just a quick showoff. There is something I do not like about it. It's.. too simple looking? mm... Well, you decide where to go from here. http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/305/ring1cl.jpg Cheers, Matth
  3. And I am about done. Tell me what you think about it, before I go on. http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/6346/finishednu.jpg Cheers, Matth
  4. Quick question: What kind of material is the ring? Silver? Metal? Is the star crest of gold? Or brass?
  5. A'ight. Let me finish what I first got, and I'll jump righ to it.
  6. If I could get a picture of it, then I would be happy to. There is a million ways to add a moon and star crescent on top of a ring, and I'd rather know exactly what you want. Cheers, Matth
  7. Partly true. A good normal map is needed, but so is specularity map. For some reason, almost everybody modding seem to forget to make a good specularity map. So many metal textures look like plastic or concrete. An example of a "cloth" texture I made in a few minutes. A base texture. This means the color is just there for "lolz", and it lacks any practical purpose. I would overlay a real cloth picture above it, and start adding creases. I just made it to show how easy making a base texture is, but its also only a small part of the whole texture. The overlaying, normal mapping and specularity plays a good part. I'd also say gloss map, but I am not sure if Nifskope supports it? http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/6193/rclothblue.jpg I still would need more information, to help you further :) Cheers, Matth
  8. @David Brasher They can't remake games, because it takes time. They also risk not gaining a big enough profit, since only nostalgic players will really play it. If you knew how much work it woul be to remake Oblivion into something better ... Have you seen how some of the models are? How the texture are? Not next-gen standard. Of course, this is understandable. It's a huge game, and this was when Normal Maps wasn't fully used in the industry. Only a few games ever get remake, and that is because of really big demand. Oblivion/Morrowind is not THAT popular, even if WE want it to be so. Half the people I know never heard of it and thoose who do, dismiss it and even nicknamed the Elder Scroll series "Flying hammer game". This happened because I played it when they watched, and all they saw was the hammer I held. Take OOT, for instance. It got a huge demand, everybody and their pets who is over 14 have played it, and most of thoose did enjoy it. It was also such an old game it wasn't too hard to work off of. These games are not the same. Bigger and messier. No. Let the past be the past. Forward is the only way to go. Cheers, Matth
  9. I havn't modelled a sword in a while. I might just make you this model, to practice it. Though you will need somebody else to do the nif/cs work, since I do not got Oblivion installed on my new laptopt! EDIT: Sorry to leave you hanging! Real life does take my time :) Though, the mesh is done, just the texturing left. Here is a picture: http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/2732/swordo.jpg Cheers, Matth
  10. It's not too hard. If you want to know how to make it haindpainted, I need to know wether to use Photoshop or something else. In Photoshop, it is rather simple. However, it is simlpler to get a picture of some fabric, royalty free pictures like cgtextures.com, and go from that. One thing to make cloth look good: The creases. Cloth creases easily and logically. It is hard to give you some concrete advices, without knowing what you are texturing. Clothes for a person? Do some studies and get the creases where the cloth is being pulled by force and by gravity. Cloth hanging down? Same thing applies. Which factors pulls the cloth, and where is it logical to crease due to the gravity? I could help a little more, if I knew more. Cheers, Matth
  11. 1) Converting something from 2 games is against the rules. 2) The texture size of the allready good "high ress texture" mods there is, is good enough. Your eyes really can't see the different between 1024x1024 and 4096x4096. Besides, the texture size is the LEAST of worries if you want to give Oblivion a facelift. Might aswell start with retexturing the whole game, optimizing 90% of the models and get a new shader. If there is one thing that you could do for Oblivion, it would be to fix the engine, optimize the models and make the models more high poly. Of course, nobody in their right mind would do this, because nobody cares anymore, and we talk about a few years of work.
  12. Looks good. I see a few things, however, that could be improved. If, of course, you don't find it rude I say so. 1) The difuse looks good, but the specularity is lacking. Currently it looks like it is made out of concrete. This is either set up wrong in nifskope, or the speulrity alpha is set up slightly weak.The same goes for any normal. If there is any. 2) Some scratches would be nice. It currently doesn't look too interesting. Some scratches at the edge would make it look somewhat better. 3) Is it just the angle you set it up, or is the handle really that light? I mean, it looks like a toy handle - no offense! I do not mean any disrespect with this. The model is fine for Oblivion as it stands, but a few changes could make it better :P Take this as you wish! Cheers, Matth
  13. Hello Damixinho! Your topic seem vague. I can't really get out the point of it? Do you mean just working inside the construction set, or do you talk about learning to model/texture and/or script? If it's the first, then it's simple: you ask a lot. The Construction set is slightly tricky, but is straight forward. You don't need any specific skills or loads of practice to make what you want, you just need time. The wiki is quite usefull for this kind of things. It got the information you need. If you mean the latter, then it's tricky. Modelling and texturing takes a lot of practice, and it will take years before you get any good at it. Learning to model/texture only to mod Oblivion/Skyrim is not reccomended, as it will swallow a lot of time. Scripting, on the other hand, is not as time consuming and goes with the Construction set. It does, however, take some patient and a few long nights. If by "cant make my own scenario and story", you struggle to use your fantasy, I suggest watching some movies, reading a few books and generally think of anything fanatasy-related that interest you. Watching some fantasy series and reading some lore does help. After watching the serie "Supernatural", I got my mind around at least 12 possible mod-ideas. After googling some, I got a few more, build up on what I got from the serie. I am sorry if nothing of this answer your question. I simply don't understand what you are asking, while I see you are struggling. Cheers, Matth
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