Reading the Forums seeing a lot of people having different workarounds etc, Thought a thread titled MOD FIX with a fix posted might help. Seen variances of the steps shown here but just listing it my way for simplicity's sake. New Beta/update/whatever is disabling mods so we need to stop Mister Bethesda from doing this. Open Nexus Mod Manager, and open the plugins tab on the left so you can see the full names of all plugins. On your computer, navigate to C:\Users\Username\Appdata\Local\Fallout4\ In that folder you should see a Document called plugins. Right click it, select Properties and uncheck the Read-ojnly option if it is not already unchecked. Now open the file Plugins with notepad to edit it. With Nexus Mod Manager Open, copy down the complete names of the mods you want to use into the Plugins text document. For example my Plugins text file reads as: Fallout4.esm Homemaker.esm ICPA.esm and so on Now with all the names of the mods you want to use listed in the Plugins document typed in, save and close the file. Now right click the file again, select properties, and check the box next to read only. This will keep Fallout 4 from changing the Plugins file and now force the game to load those mods. This worked for me, hope it works for other people. Sorry for long simplisitc steps, i work tech support and have learned you have to speak plainly and in informative statements to explain simple things to simple minded people(not saying you all are, just being safe). UPDATE: FO4 is still disabling mods when i open the launcher from NMM. When looking at the Plugins tab list they will all uncheck a couple seconds after i open the launcher, but after i recheck them after the game unchecks them, then hit play, the mods will load for me.