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  1. Are the objects you're trying to create collision hulls for particularly flat and thin, such as panes of glass? Nifskope has trouble creating hulls for shapes like those because they weren't the intended target of the function. Normally you would be expected to use a box primitive for collision for something like that rather than a hull.
  2. I use the unofficial patch as well, and it definitely isn't causing the bug you showed. However, disabling it in an existing save will 100% break things, which can lead to "fixing" bugs in the process while also causing significant issues that may not be immediately obvious. It may also be the case that the mod that actually caused the problem requires the unofficial patch as a master file, and was disabled alongside the patch because the game doesn't allow you to load mods with missing master files.
  3. Yeah, this is definitely a bug introduced by a mod, which is why I shared that big pile of information about how this dialogue gets prompted by the game. It's likely that a mod, possibly a dialogue or settings overhaul, touched something it shouldn't and has caused the attraction object events that prompt this dialogue to run much more frequently than they should.
  4. Codsworth's line "Ah, the Commonwealth. One big mess after the next." is controlled by the utility quest COMCodsworth, which controls all of his follower dialogue. It can be found under the "Player Dialogue" tab, categorized under the keyword "AOT_Gen_Messy", which means it is prompted by an AO (attraction object) comment utility object. These objects are used by a utility quest named AO_Comment in order to prompt follower dialogue. AO_Comment is, in turn, used by multiple sources such as AO_Comment_Dialogue (contains location-specific follower comments such as Cait saying "When I was nine, I stole a comic book from a caravan dealer. Must have read the damn thing a hundred times before me parents took it away."). AO_Comment appears to be started up via the Story Manager Quest Node named AO_Companion_QuestNode, which is triggered by an AttractionObjectEvent. There does not appear to be a cooldown on the quest node to prevent it from being spammed, which indicates that whatever actually initiates attraction object events is intended to bottleneck the process but is not doing so in your game. I haven't been able to determine what, specifically, triggers these events. I assume that is controlled engine-side, since most story manager event nodes are triggered directly by the game engine under specific conditions. Sorry that this isn't much direct help, it's more of an infodump for someone else who might want to poke this and figure out what is happening for you.
  5. Bethesda used the global variable "PlayerHasActiveCompanion" (00145867) for this. That's what the Lone Wanderer perk relies on, as well as multiple quest and follower-related checks. There is also a second global for Dogmeat, which is "PlayerHasActiveDogmeatCompanion" (00145868), though that one appears to see less use. For a bit of context, this is the perk entry condition for Lone Wanderer:
  6. The game doesn't have any prioritization for formids. Forms (and their corresponding ids) are used to build a complete database before you even manage to hit the title screen, so it's better to think of them as being more like page numbers in a dictionary than instructions that need to be in a specific order. As for armor, Squirrel97 covered an important detail. Aside from that, most armor data isn't actually cached in saves because there's not really much point to it. Items in inventory (even equipped ones) are typically destroyed and just stored as a list of formids for the relevant base objects. Armor will also store extra data, such as a list of the attached OMODs, so if you mess around and remove an OMOD that you're currently using you may wind up with undefined behavior for that armor.
  7. Yeah, at this point we're effectively discussing alternative methods to the same end goal of having floor pieces that players can build on: The "WorkshopStackableItem" actor value set to 1 Any object that is part of precombines, while precombines are enabled NEW: Ground and Terrain physics types in the havok data for static objects, apparently.
  8. It depends on what you mean. Are you trying to place the object as a physical item in the world without using the creation kit's cell view to place them? Or are you trying to avoid making edits in cells to avoid adding cell records to your mod? The first is much more difficult because the game doesn't really have any established systems for that sort of thing. The closest I can think of offhand is that certain random encounter types (camp encounters and assault encounters, specifically) have markers intended for placing notes and other small objects. If you mean the latter and want to avoid having cell records in your mod, it's doable but it's also a hassle. You have to start by actually placing the items where you want them to be, so that you can get their coordinates and angle. I recommend doing this in a second mod that uses your main mod as a master, so you don't need to clean up afterward. Once you have that, you need to find a persistent reference from the same cell (for interiors) or the same worldspace (for exteriors) and then use a specific combination of papyrus functions to spawn the item, move it, and then angle it as desired: ObjectReference.PlaceAtMe(Form akFormToPlace, int aiCount, bool abForcePersist, bool abInitiallyDisabled, bool abDeleteWhenAble) ObjectReference.SetPosition(float afX, float afY, float afZ) ObjectReference.SetAngle(float afXAngle, float afYAngle, float afZAngle)
  9. If you frequent the area too much, that can prevent it from happening. If I recall correctly, Thicket Excavations changes as part of the cell reset process, and cell resets can be delayed indefinitely by visiting the area since they're a function of time passed since the last time the location was loaded.
  10. It's almost certainly something obscure in the havok physics data for that piece, then. I exported it from hkx format to xml to take a look, but nothing really struck me as notworthy.
  11. It's a combination of the two. The workshop treats all precombined meshes as though they are terrain. Similarly, any object with the "WorkshopStackableItem" actor value is treated as terrain by appropriate workshop items, allowing them to be placed on the object like they can be placed on the ground. As a related note, workshop items that needs to be placed in dirt, such as crops, are actually looking for the dirt physics material. This means that it's entirely possible to make additional workshop items such as the planters added in one of the DLCs.
  12. The deathclaws do have some idle breathing sounds, but that's not the best way to do it. It's better to give them actual idle dialogue, similarly to how you can occasionally hear raiders complain about how they hate it when their victims beg. That said, you're right that making the audio files is a challenge in and of itself. It's actually outside my skillset, so I've enlisted a friend's help for that.
  13. TIL. This wouldn't even be that difficult to implement.
  14. So I just re-read most of this thread and I think that there's a decent way to resolve most complaints regarding the game page here. Unfortunately this would be a lot of work on Nexus's end: Give users settings to control which sections (game stats, trending mods, popular collections, more mods, media, and news) are shown to them on this page. Allow users to control the contents of these sections. In other words, let us pick whether media shows all media, just normal image, just supporter images, videos and supporter images, etc. While not strictly necessary, allowing users to determine the order of sections on the page could be helpful as well, since different people have different priorities. Some people might like to see latest images before mods, while other people might prefer to check out mod updates as a higher priority. While I noted it before, the context others have mentioned regarding the default collections often being outdated and unusable is important to take note of. There's only so much popularity-based sorting algorithm can resolve, so it might be worth looking into other sorting algorithms to determine which collections should be highlighted.
  15. I hadn't even considered checking that page because I rarely use it, but if I were to recommend a change it would be create tabs for the image sections and video section, and default to general images. As it stands it doesn't make much sense to click "View All" and then get taken to an overview page where you have to click "See All" to view the images you already clicked a button to view. Edit: I just checked the main game page again and saw that it is mixing supporter images, general images, and videos together into the same section. I'm not really sure how I would change it, but mixing multiple explicitly separate sections together strikes me as an odd decision.
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