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About M04B

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  1. I've been waiting for this since it was annouced. Then I lost intrest in Skyrim, then I remember about this mod. Now I am downloading this mod. I am, excited.
  2. WOWSERS. I AIN'T LOOKED HERE FOR A LONG TIME. It is amazing to see you working on this still, really it is, I was just talking to my girlfriend about the original Medievil game it reminded me of this mod, whoops haha. So, once this project is done, will the... I suppose assets be available as individual mods? I know the short sword and copper shield will be but, if you do get the Silver Shield done right, will that also be released as well as the broad sword?
  3. I know you say you're only going to be doing the first four levels of the game but, once this is done and if any other modders did come to you in the future to finish it off, would you work with them or allow them to continue? I know that seems like an odd question probably but I'm purely curious in case some guy(s) did want to, for whatever their reasons may be, or would you ever consider updating it even if the updates were really separated apart?
  4. Well, I understand. I hope things don't get too stressful at any point for you then, and you take it at your own pace. As for ME ever coming back, I can't see it sadly. I played the remake of the first on PSP and honestly, it felt completely different to the point of being a completely separate game, (obviously this will be a different case since it is a different game so it's to be expected.) I am interested in seeing future updates for this though and I do wish you the best of luck.
  5. I just found out about this (I don't use this, or many forums to be honest, saw it because VG247 posted it on twitter, so you're getting some publicity.) I just wanted to say, I'll be keeping an eye on this for sure. I've been playing MediEvil since I was 2 and a half years old (I was awful and I played it with my parents a lot, I'm 19 now) and this is the game that set the way for my love of games to be honest, I still have this and the 2nd game for PS1. I honestly hope you manage to finish this mod. Sadly I can not help (I couldn't even make a retexture if I wanted to) however I'd willing to donate some money (well very little at the moment since I'm saving for a holiday to Australia for reasons.) I only work an apprenticeship at the moment and earn less than minimum wage, I'll be earning min in a couple months which will be nice but, if there is any way of helping this project even on a PR side I would love to help purely as a fan. Thank you for starting this. Also, I understand that you said you're going to make it "close" to the original which I understand, it must an extremely difficult task. I was wondering though, what things will be kept? Will you be using the music from the original or asking people to create an original score, or will you being that yourself too? Plus, the puzzles, will you be completely redoing puzzles so they work better with the Skyrim engine? Sorry but, I don't really understand much anything about the workings of it all and I'm just really curious.
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