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About cancan912

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  1. Just checked in game and yes it does unlock it. Completely forgot it existed. Only downside is that it's not customizable and you can't silence it. But yea it's damage is the highest in the game. Would be great for what you mentioned above, Quiet and Skulls.
  2. Pretty sure you are thinking of one of those 2. The Serval is semi auto so you can pop them twice quickly in the head, the first shot almost kills them outright. I think the Brennan does more damage when maxed out but it's Bolt Action. May be worth trying to see if it can 1 shot. I personally use the Serval. There is another sniper but it's only usable in FOB's
  3. Check this one out: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/1281?tab=description Gives basically everything that's online-only able to be developed, and for free with no development time depending on which version you get. Needs to be played offline though because going online will take everything that's online-only away from you again. Has everything except for online base colors, emblems, and weapon colors. Also Water Pistol doesn't work with it for some reason. If you're looking to just play through the story with all the online stuff this is a good choice. I believe if you change your mind later and want to earn everything legit you can just uninstall and you'll only have the offline stuff.
  4. I'd like to request a mod that allows the Intel Team to mark enemies automatically, or just any form of Auto-Marking like what D-Dog does. This functionality already exists via "The Ultimate Phantom Pain Mod" but that mod is no longer upkept and isn't compatible with Infinite Heaven. Essentially rather than them showing the possible location of enemies, the Intel Team just marks them directly for you. Link to Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/188 - game_ENABLE_autoMarking: Enables auto marking if Intel Unit Scouting Function is S rank - game_ENABLE_autoMarkWithoutSRank: Enables auto marking even if Intel Unit Scouting Function is not S rank It'd be great to get this as a standalone version that's compatible with current mods. It would allow you to use whichever buddy you wanted without feeling the need to use one of the scouting ones since the process would be automated. I've searched for this but couldn't find anything so I'm sorry if it has already been made or requested. I'm not sure how easy it would be to just pull the effect from TUPPM and make it a standalone but hopefully someone who's smarter than me could figure this out, or if someone would just be able to make their own version of this from scratch obviously that'd be fine too. It doesn't need to be tied to the intel team or anything, just auto marking of any kind. Although the intel team has very nice range and would probably be a good way to do it. Thanks!
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