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Everything posted by Skittlz10

  1. Hey nexus peeps ive finally made a discord for my vault simulation project! https://discord.gg/xCWHhku3 if you dont already know about my project take a peek at my vault 34 proof of concept release! https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/89225 ive started working on vault 19 but my vault 34 mod is a good 60% completed and has some cool stuff in it!
  2. Hey! im def not green when it comes to the geck and i am more than capable for interior level design including mild and creative scripting. im fairly well versed in the geck overall so theres not much i have a real hard time with( except ai packages for some reason, whats the deal with ai packages am i right?
  3. i made a modification to xre vertibird for my personal playthrough, it adds a vertibird and helipad to the ncr airport in the frontier. currently waiting on permission from Ermeso to upload. if i do end up uploading how many ppl are interested in a substantial integration? id also like to modify for use with the frontier style vertis but idk if ill be able to
  4. IsPlayedTagSkill should be IsPlayerTagSkill ;ensure we have exactly three tag skills in the array if (Ar_Size aTagSkills == 3) ;randomly select one of the tag skills to set to 100 set iRand to Rand 0, 2 (unknown function "irand") set iTagSkill to aTagSkills[iRand] endif ;cleanup arrays Ar_Erase aSkills Ar_Erase aTagSkills end (error: end statement illegal outside of begin/end block) based on validator errors this section has no begin function the end is invalid and wont compile im pretty sure. see if you can implement to a prior section of the script perhaps that section needs to be its own separate script? fix these and it might compile be careful using the script validator it doesnt understand nvse so use it to check vanilla script portions also another error im just seeing ;set non-tag skills to ForceAV aSkill, 0 the error is calling for a stat name instead of "askill" because "askill" isnt a skill
  5. Do ai packages require 2 conditions? i have two packages, both pack refs are in the same cell henrylab (guard package in his office) henrytransformer (guard package in another office(ive also tried setting the package as travel) during quest leaks i have henrylab pack working with the condition get quest completed v34leaks == 0 henrytransformer pack has the condition get quest running v34backbreakin == 1 the final dialog line in v34leaks has the actors ref.evp but his package doesnt actually change and he wont walk ive confirmed that v34leaks does complete properly and my actor just ends up standing in one spot due to no active package like 90% of the trouble i have had making my mod has pretty much just been getting ai packages to run properly, surely theres something i dont know?
  6. Update!!! thanks fellas i got it to work now i can nif bash a few vac tubes on the water chip and stage the texures so itll work for others! interesting that such an old version of blender has to be used
  7. thanks for the heads up where i can find 2.49b, end of the day yesterday i had read that other versions hate nifs so ill give that version a crack and see what i can do thanks!
  8. Hey fellas, personally not a fan of 3d modeling or texturing but i needed a water chip for the mod im working on and theres not 1 on nexus, so i made one. slight problem, it just shows up as a marker error in the geck and ive about exhausted the forums and such google shows me when i search for solutions. surely one of you can tell me whats going on, and if you can make it work ill name my first child after you heres a link for its nexus page https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/89804 pls ignore sloppy texture if you chose to view it
  9. Have you ever thought "Gee Vault Tec is really messed up! I wonder if the Vault 112 simulation pods were used somewhere else by Vault Tec Besides combat and flight simulators" Then this mod is for you! https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/89225 I am currently working on a large scale mod titled "Overloaded" where Vault tec was able to monitor the Mojave region Vaults and use the observation data to simulate the vault experiments in this mod you will find yourself entering a Vault Tec simulator, coincidentally the only simulation available is Vault 34. This mod is still in its infancy but ive made substantial progress in short time, plus the current build includes a few proof of concepts. if you are familiar with the geck and are interested in helping, shoot me a message
  10. Hey nexus peeps! Im looking to bring one maybe 2 more people into my mod project you can find here https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/89225 This is a rather ambitious mod however nothing close to major scale. I could use some help with npc package scripting at the moment as its the only thing in the mod i just cant get down. If you think the mod is cool wanna help develop an awesome mod that I hope is suceesful enough i decide to turn it into a series shoot me a message, reply to this post, or comment on the mod page!
  11. Hey nexus peeps! Im looking to bring one maybe 2 more people into my mod project you can find here https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/89225 This is a rather ambitious mod however nothing close to major scale. I could use some help with npc package scripting at the moment as its the only thing in the mod i just cant get down. If you think the mod is cool wanna help develop an awesome mod that I hope is suceesful enough i decide to turn it into a series shoot me a message, reply to this post, or comment on the mod page!
  12. Just an update because i left some stuff out and made progress. i have alot of lore written for this mod, it wont so much be a run of the mill save the vault mod 2 towns planned. vault city, and a cave town named Anders Chasm Full lore for the new bos chapter and its orgins bunch of vault lore ill give a sneak peak in form of a Vault-Tec observation log at the end faction locations will integrate into vanilla locations such as a new faction hiding in freeside There will be 2 new companions with quests associated lots of weapons, armor, and other fancy stuff everything is still pretty rough and has lots of room for improvement. im hoping other creative minds will be able to assist heres that little vault lore sneak peek Day 20 All Dwellers Assigned work in Project development Are sorted Into 3 Project groups. 1. Project cleanse, all dwellers assigned Are tasked with creating a device that Increases Terrain fertility and encourages plant growth.for this project communications with vault 22s r&d team are temporarily allowed 2. Project secure, All dwellers assigned are tasked with creating a weapon intended to be used in securing wasteland points of interest.Dwellers are given 5 plasma rifles in aid to the research 3. Project defend, All dwellers assigned are tasked with creating a tool used to defend allys and locations.For inspiration this group recieved several Tesla coil models/schematics
  13. Hey all, long time lurker and long time Modder here. As of the past 5 weeks now I've made considerable progress on a mod I call Project Reclamation, ill put the mod details as well as a progress list at the bottom of the post. I am looking for help from a few experienced modders so this can happen cleaner and faster, right now i specifically need help fixing nif texture paths/ texture creation, Npc improvements, and interior cell creation. i have 2 large locations currently about halfway finished and some world space changes. years back i wanted to make a mod based in Hawaii but couldn't ever get any real progress done, Project Reclamation however i intend to see to fruition. If you are savy with Nifscope the geck and gimp please shoot me a message on here or via email if you are interested in the mod. Email: [email protected] *this mod takes place post hoover dam battle with an independent Vegas, it doesnt really matter but it helps some things make sense* Lore stuffs Project reclamation is about a Vault just next to Searchlight airport, Vault 166 (i started as v4 forgetting that was already a vault so i have 1 vault suit texture to redo and the vault door) Vault 166 was not a standard social experiment vault, rather its intended goal was to create various technology to use in attempt of securing the mojave wasteland and bringing life back to the soil. This Vault was equipped with 1 G.E.C.K, the dwellers used it immediately upon exiting the vault cleansing the surrounding area. after 1 year a sleeping brotherhood of steel chapter south of the Mojave hears word of this vault and sends Scouts to asses the situation. Realizing the potential of working with these dwellers the Brotherhood made a deal with the Vault overseer. The vault population was Integrated with the Brotherhood of Steel forming the new Brotherhood of Steel Rising chapter. The Overseer remained in control of purifying the wastes, The Brotherhood with Vast new tech is finally able to take control of the Mojave kinda spoilers here? really just mod info for how it will play out Most of the Original Vault Staff And dwellers Dislike the Brotherhood trying to take control of the wastes instead of just making it safe prosperous land play will be able to side with the Vault and remove the Brotherhood Of steel. End mod result: dwellers dont advance far into the wastes only the southern portion of the map The Brotherhood begins to think that the vaults goals are misplaced and that they should be taking hold of the Mojave Player can side with the Brotherhood removing the Vault overseer and taking full control of Vault operations. End mod result: Brotherhood of Steel Rising chapter absorbs the Hidden valley chapter, and secures all of Vegas. The wastes remain barren Player helps keep them together and ensures the Mojave is cleansed and safe end mod results: The brotherhood allows the overseer to keep control realizing if they don't they turn into exactly what they wanted to keep technology away from. the Mojave ends up green cottonwood cove to Jacobstown. and violent mutant life becomes less and less common. I have not decided if im going to have an enemy faction for an evil ending like the enclave but idk enclave seems a bit much. Progress: Geck City, this is where the vault is, its pretty much vault city without the adobe buildings Barracks 100% Main exterior 15% guards 2% navmeshing 0% buildings 4% interiors 10% other stuff for dec 3% Vault 166 interior 40% school room 60% Dorms 4% diner 1% overall vault structure 80% overseers office 90% armory 30% vault decor 3% i have a decent amount of other progress I didn't list like notes, npc stuff, quest data etc. i do have screen shots but they were too large to post
  14. HELP!!! im looking for people to help me make a new mod. a long while back i was making a mod that changes the game completely, it took place in a vault in Hawaii, instead of all of the nukes hitting the ground most went in the water. the result was that plant life grew, animals changed, the whole kapow. the story was that you grew up in a vault but the generators exploded and you had to flee the vault. i was working on the mod ( I decided to call it The Aloha love Land T.A.L.L for short) for roughly 3 years, i was like 80% done with the mod and my laptop that i had at the time crashed and the mod and every backup for the mod i had was corrupt, boom all down the drain. so i decided now (2 years later) i wanted to start the mod again but i wanted to try to get help so here i am, reaching out for help. i need someone to help with: Worldspace creation (only the big island for now) Weapons (maybe) Voice acting (once the mod gets to the point where npcs are placed) Interiors (like basements of labs, vaults, facility, enclave base, etc) Small towns And possible FX (dunno yet i havent explored the geck fx to decide if i need anything else) Anyone that can and will help will get to know what the mod story is (open to suggestions) and a huge thanks in mod details/credits. your schedule does not need to be flexible or anything, anyone that can help can do it on their free time, all i ask is that if you say you will help, you will help and not change your mind and go move on. (if you can help and you request anything like help finding programs or literally anything i will provide because you are helping)
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