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    United Kingdom

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  1. edited Nevermind This post can be deleted
  2. In fallout 4 every time I crouch, when dogmeat crouches down he gets the stealth boy effect for a second. Anyone know what could cause this?
  3. I fixed by running the game in windowed borderless
  4. Hey I recently started getting a weird thing in fallout 4. When I look down towards the ground and move the character/camera my game feels stuttery/jittery but when I look horizontal again the game feels smooth. It also happens sometimes even when looking horizontal if I am near walls. My FPS counter says I am running at a solid 60 FPS and if I do a reload animation for example it appears smooth, it's only the camera movement that seems slowed down. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  5. Ok i've done some experimenting and workbenches built in the past don't have the issue but ones I build now do.
  6. Ok something has really screwed up robot building for me, I build a robot with mr handy thruster and its using the assaultron legs sound/animation. In the automatron robot building menu when I select a category I get the choices from the category below, and when I attempt to use the top or bottom category nothing happens. On my other saved games I don't have this issue.
  7. To be fair a lot of people are probably waiting for all DLC to be released so if there;s any useful resources in them, they can use them.
  8. In the town of Far Harbor you can see NPCs preparing and farming fish, I remember seeing a mod that allowed you to add these to player settlements but I can't remember what it's called or find it. Can anyone help me?
  9. I'd like to see a mod that allows far harbor creatures to spawn in the commonwealth for the sake of variety.
  10. they claimed potatos and tomatos went extinct even though they've been seen in 3 and NV, and vertibirds and the X-01 are in no way pre war. Well the enclave vertibirds in fallout 3 had gatling lasers and mininuke bombs, the ones in fallout 4 just have machineguns and side mounted miniguns. Perhaps the fallout 3 vertibirds are more advanced, enclave improvements on the pre-war vertibirds. A new model.
  11. Eh the fusion core lore really wasn't important. Like yes they changed it in fallout 4 but it's not like it actually affects the history/story of fallout. It doesn't affect anything in any way. It's not like they said the Master never existed or something.
  12. Where would I add this keyword? I'm new to modding. You can't at least that I have seen. It's not something you can simply add like various other keywords. Heck, just looking at those voice chains you can't even see how it's linked to the power armor. I am beginning to believe its hard-coded. I wonder though, if you could use a script to attach those objects to whatever helmet. Well what's the scripting for the bandanas to make them muffle the voice? Maybe that could be used instead?
  13. Where would I add this keyword? I'm new to modding.
  14. I believe that is outdated from fallout 3 and new vegas. Probably because different outfits have different effects on voice. For example power armour gives the digitised effect but a bandana muffles your voice.
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