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About williaal2

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Enthusiast (6/14)




Community Answers

  1. you need to provide mod list. also if this is your first time modding fallout 4, might i suggest googling a guide, and looking at how they set up fallout 4, and bash and patch it.
  2. id also suggest trying it without the fps fix mod.
  3. yes. id probably clean install, and cross fingers.
  4. I suspect it will be the animerace causing issues. Though startmeup I've also found to be buggy. I suggest you remove 17,18 and 103 along with any associated mods and see whether you ctd.
  5. ive had something similar that i hopefully knock on wood have solved. it seemed to be linked to the frame rate, and the fact that id just upgraded to a laptop with a 120hz monitor. I had to change the ipresentinterval to 2.
  6. Thanks for the help. I think I've identified the issue, my new laptop has a 120hz screen so I had to change the ipresentintrval
  7. Nothing on the event viewer, and I had already disabled the antivirus. It's frustrating as it is probably being caused by something really simple.
  8. On my most recent build it has consistently ctdd entering diamond city. After I thought I'd solved the issues. I'm left wondering whether my laptop is faulty as it is the only difference.
  9. Just upgraded my laptop from an i5 with gtx1060 to MSI gf65 with i7 and rtx2060. Sadly using the same mods that were stable on the old rig I keep getting random ctds. None of the mods have updated since my last stable run so wtf.
  10. I'd look at several guides look at how they prepare the game for modding, watch guides on how the utilities such as wyrebash etc are used etc. Personally rather than slavishly following one particular guide, only to be disappointed as it ctds because a mod has updated since the guide was made, or installation error etc. I would decide on what you want out of Skyrim sse, and initially pick 30--40 mods to make this happen, reading guides and individual mod pages will give you an idea of which mods are going to be compatible.
  11. Install skyrim se, mod for next 3 hours, play for an hour everything going great. Arrive in riverwood after reporting the dragon to the jarl. Greeted by the sight of a squad of mostly naked white run guards running through the village. Facepalm!
  12. Please post a mod list. Have you used loot?
  13. You probably need to post your mod list.
  14. Oh wow, just looked up the laptop. A Pentium n3700, congrats for getting skyrim to run, but an I series processor is the minimum for sse. For a few hundred quid you can get an i5 laptop with 8g ram that should be a lot better at running the original skyrim. But for sse a gaming laptop is a must, if your going portable.
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