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Everything posted by Project579

  1. Yes is a "censor like" effect. Glad you could fix the problem :laugh:
  2. Update the modwhatch so that i can see the changes.
  3. Installing the DirectX package fixes the problem have you actually tried it?
  4. But consider having Win7 anyway just make a dual boot so that u can have both Win7 and Win10.
  5. Be careful marring some NPCs may or will break the game. I think there is a mod that adds a marriable wood elf follower if u don't like the outfit of a follower you can always change it even the body if u really want you just need to replace some files of the mod. If I find the wood elf follower i would post it.
  6. The new Frostfall might be compatible out of the box with Requiem have u tried playing with the 2 mods installed?
  7. I intend to use a lot of texture mods as you do as well and all the other type mods I've mentioned before( have like 400+ of mods and textures bookmarked lol) If i only stick to 2k textures, do you think i should still stick to win 10?Don't want to spend a week(or more) modding to only get major stuttering in skyrim lol. As for populated areas,did you get any CTDs or stuttering when you played at 1080p with only one 980ti?(Was it a lot or just minor?) Now getting back into modding skyrim so...one more tiny question.....textures don't count towards the mod limit right?Seeing as you have 400 textures or so. Thanks for all the replies so far guys! Don't worry there are no stutters the game just slows down but is caused by NPC mods (i use Interesting NPCs, Populated Town and Villages Reborn, Inconsequential NPCs). The only stutter i get is when the game is loading new cells sticking with 2k texture is perfect u should be fine without lag or stutter. The limit is in the Plugins (255 or FF) not the actual amount of mod's.
  8. Try reinstalling the Creation Kit Enderal probably removed some of the folders that the CK needs on the Data folder.
  9. You need CBBE to use ALSL Body: first Download CBBE then overwrite with ALSL Body. Try downloading real CBBE compatible outfits: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12273/? and using BodySlide to make them compatible with your body (instruction on mod page).
  10. Have you tried the mod in a new save game?
  11. It's a LOD issue i just had it using TES5LODgen on Enderal the LOD doesn't disappear when you load the location, using DynDOLOD fixed it for me; restoring vanilla LODs may work as well.
  12. Have u checked with TES5Edit if some edits of hunter reborn are modified by other mods? And does the MCM menu work?
  13. I just remembered about TES5LODgen you can use it to fix your LOD is more performance friendly and easier to use than DynDOLOD but it doesn't look as good it's still an improvement compared to the Vanilla LODs and will probably fix your tree problems.
  14. Grass on Steroids or Verdant u need to decide between the two u cannot have them both Sorry for the spam of posts.
  15. SMIM installation order is wrong follow the guide on the mod page: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8655/?
  16. 160.+Belt-Fastened Quivers not needed if using XPMSE, is already included
  17. if you use Purity u cannot have realistic water two
  18. aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp, Differently Ebony.esp and AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp are replaced by aMidianborn Content Addon DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field can be replaced by enb depth of field
  19. UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp outdated and can cause problems with custom followers. Is still a great mod if u didn't find any problems keep it.
  20. 54.WeaponsArmorFixes_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.esp not needed if using Perma
  21. U have XP32 maximum skeleton extended but u are missing realistic Ragdolls and force: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/601/?
  22. You installed perma with the older method use this instead:
  23. Well your load order is a disaster especially because you have PerkusMaximus and the related mods in the complete wrong spot; Load Order with PerkusMaximus: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59257/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D59257%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D2213034&pUp=1 Guide on how to set up load Order with lots of mods: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires
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