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About ConfusedApache

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion, Skyrim (prediction)
  1. For some reason I don't like khajits and argonians. I think its the fact that they were well... ruined in oblivion. I hope they made them more "beast" like in skyrim. Human with lions head wasn't so good. Same for argonians. Is there any pictures/videos about khajits yet? http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/422514-1313172671.jpg hope this helps
  2. ill be a khajiit named Jo'Rak who will have a wolf like appearance some blood red face paint, a assassin class, and be a werewolf if there in the game :)
  3. Great for me cuz yesterday was my birthday so ill be racking up money from friends to buy skyim and not have to waste any of my work/rent money
  4. PS3 FTW!!!!!! yeah so im gonna buy it the ps3 and like many hoping for a bug free game :D
  5. My Character Name: Jo'Rak Age: 19 Class: Assassin or something stealthy Race: Khajiit Hometown: Cheydinhal Faction: The Dark Brotherhood Reason for arrest: Exiled from Cyrodiil for Dealing Skooma Backstory: Jo'Rak is a desendent from my character in oblivion. After becoming the listener for the Dark brotherhood my character married and settled down in cheydinhal and started a tradition that would last a lifetime. So Jo'Rak was born and immediately entered in to the brotherhood . but he was rubbish so he was thrown out . he was then living on the street but soon got his hand on a big shipment of skooma. he was caught by some random imperial PIG and exiled so he fled Cyrodiil and entered Skyrim he was captured in skyrim and awaits execution........ 11/11/11
  6. I will probably walk around and admire the beauty of the game then go around silently slashing innocent peoples necks and get into the dark brotherhood
  7. I still think Khajiits are better http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/funny-pictures-just15minutes-geico.jpg
  8. SickFak I like Your Style I might try that My Self :devil:
  9. Ok so after reading Sickfak's topic about his plan to sacrifice young maidens i thought to my self Would it be possible to create a mod for it So for you Dark brother hood fans remember the first drop dead mission where u had to kill the guy who was trying to transform him self into a lich so in this mod i thought maybe some lich transformations, sacrifices to make weapons stronger and other satanic stuff :devil: Im not a modder so i dont know if this would be possible. so would you guys like this mod or if it is even possible please reply
  10. See only in argonian culture can such a PIMP tree exist
  11. ill probably make LOVE , then go eat some breakfast then Get PISSED and high on Skooma ( drunk) then start random fights . it will be around 12 am then go around town Getting up to random Shananagins then go sleep
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