One of these days I ought to just make a bow tutorial for people >.< You didn't say if you were using blender or not so here is how I go about putting a new bow mesh in-game through 3ds max (this is super general and I'm assuming you can find everything yourself). If you are using blender you will have to figure out what commands will have similar effects. 1. Model bow 2. Using nifskope plugin, import a vanilla bow (make sure to include skeleton) 3. Apply a skinwrap modifier to my bow using the vanilla bow. (This takes the weights from the vanilla bow and applies them to mine) (Make sure you select "weight all vertices") 4. Export bow using nifskope plugin 5. Open up my new .nif file and a vanilla bow .nif file side by side. 6. Click on skeleton root in my nif file and erase the number. 7. Copy my bow over to vanilla .nif file 8. Remove vanilla bow, make sure to set my bow to use their shader 9. Set parents, children, textures, etc 10. Save, make sure it works as a replacer. Bows are considered complicated because they have skin data. If you can't use a skin wrap modifier (aka your using blender) then you need to look at the vanilla bow and set the weights on your bow as similar to theirs as you can. The other really important step is exporting it through the plugin as a .nif file. Exporting as an .obj will not save the skin data so it'll freak out in game.