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About PandaOptics

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  1. As the title suggests, instead of Falmer having a special "Falmer Poison" perk that lets them poison you when they hit you, make it so the weapons have an intrinsic perk that applies the same poison that the Falmer usually would. Also make it so that like Stalhrim and modded Ash Spawn Weapons get better Ice/Fire Enchantments, the Falmer Weapons get better Poison Enchantments. This would make it so it does Falmer Poison, Enchantment Poison, and potentially Alchemical Poison all at once to help bring them up into more endgame gear space.
  2. Simply put, when a Spore Druid gets to around level 6/7 I would like if Halo of Spores would gain enhanced functionality, and that when it kills something while you have your Symbiotic Entity passive active, that it releases a cloud of necrotic spores in a 15m range for 1 turn that will, on Failed Con Save (of like 10), place said Necrotic Spores on any enemy creatures/humanoids in the area who failed it, resulting in them taking 1d6+ Wisdom Modifier of Necrotic damage per turn for 5 turns. Yes, this is meant to possibly be op.
  3. I know Magic Utility is a thing, but it does not add enchantments along the lines of Summermyst or Lost Enchantments. I alone do not want them, I wan them added so npcs will also have them. I currently use Magic Utility and that why I had the idea of their being features similar to be used by Ncps.
  4. If someone could make it so when you finish the College quest line and Quarinir reappears with friends to take Magnus Eye away, that he gifts you a full set of Psijic Robes. BethNet upload for Xbox would be appreciated
  5. That Requires SKSE, Shouldâve Mentioned That I Was On Xbox, I apologize.
  6. As the title infers, I would like a range of shield enchantments added that would trigger a spell effect whilst blocking, much like spellbreaker. These Are Not Intended To Be Super Balanced, and I would appreciate Leveled List Integration. XboxOne Compatible Please The spell effects I would like to see are: -All Flesh Spells, minus Dragonhide -All Cloak Spells, but slightly downgraded damage -Healing, %Based, so like 5% heal/s base, or 10% heal/s with max enchant -All Wards -AOE Fear Chance -Become Ethereal Additional Features (Not Required/Needed) -Possible Ordinator Perk Overhaul Compatible Enchant/Spells -On ÃâTimed BlockÃâ Release AOE Damage Of Whatever Type Enchanted With (Fire,Shock,Frost,Poison,Disease,Magic,PhysicalBleed) -ÃâBlock RunnerÃâ Increase Sprint Speed/Movement Whilst Blocking. -Bash Damage Enchants/Spells Of Each Element
  7. As the title suggests, I would like to know if someone could make it so tempered/upgraded weapons and armor could spawn in leveled lists so the game is more challenging and more rewarding at the same time. I donât know if a script could be applied to randomly apply a temper value to an npcâs gear or if youâd have to hand place pre tempered gear into the lists, but if it is the script then it would work for modded armor and weapons as well. This request is for PC as well as Xbox so if SKSE is avoidable that would be great.
  8. As the title suggests, increase the 24hr limit of the wait/sleep menus to be able to wait or sleep for more than one day. Xbox availability would be great as well.
  9. As the title suggests, when you fire a Bloodcursed Elven Arrow at the sun, it stays in the eternal darkness Effect either for a long time or until you shoot it again. Xbox availability would be great as well.
  10. Hello to anyone taking a look into my request! If anyone hasnât played Dragonâs Dogma, there is a feature called Dragonforging, which when you kill a dragon whilst wearing any equipment you have a chance to upgrade that gear to a near max level temper/upgrade. What I would like here is, when you kill a dragon/ absorb a soul and have gear equipped of Legendary/Flawless quality, it will then apply a script to upgrade that gear to Dragonforged, giving it a 33.3% boost to its damage or defense. In Dragonâs Dogma, there are two additional tiers of tempering after Dragonforging that require VERY rare materials to achieve..... I donât need this, but if it could be implemented as well that would be fantastic. If this could be made available for Xbox one as well that would be cool, but if it would require SKSE then itâs fine. Xbox release itâs not needed for me. I appreciate anyone who attempts to create this or has any criticism, constructive or not.
  11. Hello, I was wondering if anyone can make a compatibility patch for a custom race and Better Vampires. The Race is the Playable Falmer: Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29797/? BethNet: https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4130344 From what Iâve found there is a guide to doing it made by the author of BV. https://sites.google.com/site/bettervampires/faq/using-a-custom-race Iâd love for it to be made available to Xbox One please and thank you.
  12. Hey, Iâm having a little trouble with a few vampire lord mods conflicting even though I have a compatibility patch that supposedly works for them, any help would be appreciated. I have: -XP32 + Realistic Ragdolls And Force (Listed as required) -Sam04956âs Vampire Lord Dragon Priest Armor -Grimoas Vampire Lord -Bigger Vamp Wings 100% -Patch For Grimoas Vampire Lord and Dragon Priest Armor The Problem Iâm having is that when Iâm a Lord, the wings arenât scaled up to match âBigger Vamp Wings 100%â Iâve tried different LOâs to see if that was the fix like moving bigger wings below the compatibility patch and also moving them all up or down in the LO. I canât really post my full LO due to being on Xbox and not wanting to list all 150 mods I have. But things i have changing Skeleton.nif are above it (body changers like CBBE) since bigger wings changes it. Also bigger wings and Grimoas require XP32 so itâs more like Body changers first, then XP32, then these mods so that it works out smoothly, all my animations mods that require XP32 still work itâs just bigger wings isnât getting applied. Any help would be appreciated Any other information needed from me, ask away
  13. Iâd simply like yellow/golden colored lightning spells that does magic/sun damage, and extra to undead enemies. Scaling and Leveling restoration when used. Also if it could be made available for Xbox One that would be great. Thanks to anyone who takes a look or makes this, itâs really appreciated.
  14. Just a quick question; how are people making ini mods for Xbox One users, do they add an ini to an archive for upload or what?
  15. Change the Ward Cast to the Shield Block Animation
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